Lets make this a date

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Y/n's POV

"Over here!" I say to Dream as we're playing minecraft. We run after George trying to kill him in the smp. I attempt to get close but as soon as I do, he turns around and knocks me in a ravine. "OH GEORGEEEE!" Dream yells. I land in the ravine safely with a mlg water and sigh.
"George I don't have blocks to get up!" He laughs as I begin the tedious process of mining blocks. Slowly I make my way up and ask Dream for the coords.
"Negative twenty one, three hundred." Tapping my keyboard, I head in the direction and see George. He hadn't noticed me so I hid behind a tree and waited... one... two... THREE! I jump out and hit him, gaining crits as I go.
"Hahaha Come here Georgeeeeee!" I mimic Dreams catchphrase and he turns and looks at me in real life, laughing. We turn our attention back to the game as a familiar ringtone plays through our headphones.
"Buddy has joined your channel." It's quiet and then...
"LEAVE GOGY ALONE!" Dream and I both fall back in our chairs as our ears are blasted with Sapnap's obnoxious yelling.
"OW!" Dream yells.
"DITTO!" I hear a gasp from the three of them and Dream stares at me.
"Your voice changer-" he says in a hushed whisper.
"Oh shit-..." I sit back up and the stream is going ballistic, meaning they heard it...


westantoastie: TOASTIES A GORL!?!
dreamxtoastie: WHAT THE HELL HES A SHE?
toastiesbae: I feel lied to :(


I sigh.
"Yes everyone... I'm a girl..." The chat goes crazy, speculating whether or not I'm dating any of the Dream team. I mean, I wish I was dating one of them but that's for me to know... "Please don't look at me differently because of my gender. I'm still the same old Toastie!" I smile. Dream places a hand on my shoulder and it scares me. I gasp and turn a little too fast, pulling a muscle in my neck.
"You okay?" Dream asks, turning to look at me this time.
"Yea. You just scared me and I turned too fast." I smile.
"I'm sorry.." he sighs.
"It's okayyy!" I chuckle. He leans over and kisses my neck and I blush.
"Ahem." Sapnaps voice echos into our headsets and we turn back to our computers.
"Sorry we were just cha-"
"Kissing." George says, jokingly. The chat goes even more mental and I facepalm.
"GEORGE!" Dream yells, hitting him in game.
"What? It's true!" He yells back.
"Doesn't mean everyone has to know oh my god!" He turns and winks at me. A light blush covers my cheeks this time as I roll my eyes.

We play on the smp till it's too late and Dream and I decide to head off as instructed by officer Richards.
"Alright guys thanks for tuning in to our streams today but Toastie and I are going to head out. It's been fun!" Without hesitation, we end it. "I'm sorry about Sapnap ruining your voice reveal.." he sighs. "I swear sometimes he has no clue what he's doing." I see him getting frustrated and I attempt to calm him down by hugging him.
"Hey it's okay. It's not your fault and it's not his either. He didn't know what he was doing. We should get back in the office tho... Officer Richards is probably wondering where we are..."
"Yeah you're right." He picks me up and I wrap my arms around his neck and legs around his waist, leaning my neck on his shoulder. "Aren't I heavy?" I question.
"No you're so light!" He spins while carrying me.
"Don't drop me!" I squeal while laughing. His hoodie engulfs me and I just melt into his embrace.
"Are you asleep?" He asks.
"Noooo..." I reply sheepishly.
"You can't sleep yet we need to eat dinner!" He laughs.
"Welll... what do you want for dinner?"
"Let's go out. We can bring officer Richards with us and we haven't eaten out together yet."
"Sounds amazing!" I smile and my eyes glimmer with excitement. We ask the officer if he would like to join us and he tells us no so he can keep an eye out for the guy. I still tremor thinking about him... We get in the car and head off. Soon after leaving however, Dream clears his throat.
"Y/n.." he sounds nervous.
"Clayyy.." I mock him and he chuckles.
"Uh.. would you... I mean, do you want to make this into a date..?" I choke on my spit at the sudden question, coughing.
"A date? You, the cute famous Dream, Clay, want to go on a date with me. Barely noticed... ugly Toastie, Y/n..."
"You're not ugly! How can you even think that?!" He sighs, calming down. "You're beautiful. I don't care what you think because I think you're the most beautiful, caring, kind girl I've ever met! Now Y/n, let me try again. Would you like to go on a date with me?" I close my mouth which was gaped open by his sudden outburst and then smile.
"Of course... I'd love to." He lifts my hand up and kisses it.
"Thank you."

Dinner was amazing. We went to an Italian place I knew and the food was amazing. I ordered classic spaghetti and Clay ordered pizza. As we were heading home, we see someone run out the front door and then officer Richards after them. Clay places his hand on mine, squeezing it for comfort.
"Y/n it's okay. We'll see what's going on okay? Don't be scared. I'll protect you." I pull in and head inside immediately as instructed by the officer.
"What's going on?" I ask him.
"Come with me..." he takes me up to my room and I see pillows scattered everywhere, the stuffing from in them covering my bed and floor. There's holes all through them and my blanket. I gasp and walk back to Dream and he holds me close.
"Y/n don't look anymore..." he turns me so I'm facing him and holds me even tighter.
"Do you have anywhere else you can stay till we catch this psycho?"
"Skeppys in LA..." I speak up.
"I'll call and ask." Dream pulls his phone out and calls Skeppy. "Zak, can Y/n and I stay at yours, TapL and Spifeys apartment for a while?.." Theres muffled talking and then Dream speaks up. "Are you sure? Thank you so much..." I hear another muffled Skeppy. "How come?"
"Because if we don't stay somewhere away from Y/n's house..." he says the words that scare me to hear.

"...we could die.."

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