Blood Curdling Scream

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"One" We both say in sync and a couple seconds later we show our faces. Dream stares for a second and then I see him blush.
"Sorry I look like a toad right now haha.." I sigh.
"No no! You look.. you look beautiful..." he covers his face.
"Thank you." I smile. "Could say the same about you... you're pretty cute too.."
"Thank you.." he mumbles. "So why is it you want me to stay on the phone till you sleep?"
"Uhm..." My cheeks turn red and warm as I start feeling embarrassed. "Well... you see..." I twirl my fingers. "I'm.. scared to sleep by myself..."
"You're scared?? To like, sleep? The thing most people want to do everyday??"
"Yes okay! I'm scared to fall asleep because I keep having the same nightmare over and over and I keep waking up from it!"
"Oh..." I hear him say, sounding. Kinda bad. "Well then I'll stay on the phone till you wake up too."
"What? You don't have to do that. How did you even come up with that conclusion?"
"I want you to feel safe all night. Nothings going to happen to you and if it does, I'll be over there quickly to be there for you."
"You don't even know where I live.."
"You're talking to a coder who's friends with another coder. We can find addresses easily."
"Okay then... thank you.." I give in. "I appreciate it Dweam."
"Wow. We were having such a nice moment then you call me that." I laugh at his frustration.

Before I know it, I'm yawning like crazy.
"Go to sleep toaster.." I hear him say. My phone is propped up on my bedside table so I can talk to him while laying down.
"Noo I wanna talk a little longer.." I feel like I can trust Dream. He's so easy to talk to about things even if he is a bit of an idiot sometimes...
"Okay." He laughs. "What do you want to talk about?"
"Uhhmmm..." before I can answer, a notification pops up on my screen.


Instagram: [u/n] would like to send you a message... Read more


"Huh..." I say, out loud.
"What's up?" Dream says, sounding confused.
"A fan just sent a message to my main account on Instagram..."
"How can you tell they're a fan?"
"Their name is..." I pull down the notifications page on my phone. "Toastie's number one..."
"It could be a coincidence.." he says, trying to reassure me
"I really hope it is... but what if it's not?" I hesitate with opening the message.
"I'll make sure they stay quiet." I think for a moment and then open the message.

─────────────── OMG HI TOASTIE!!

u/n (username): Who's toastie? Dont play dumb :(

u/n: I think you have the wrong person... Nope! I know it's you.

u/n: Well, if you think I'm whoever she is then how do you know? ✨magic✨


I leave them on seen and tell Dream the messages and replies.
"Woah..." he sighs. "The only way I can think of is some sort of hacking. I don't know though..."
"I'm not sure either... I don't want to admit it's me because they could exploit me before I'm ready to tell the world who I really am..." before I can say anything more, Dream comforts me.
"Just think about the battle we're having soon. It's gonna be fun okay?" I sniff and nod, wiping away my tears of stress which I found trickling down my face.

After that incident, all I could do is worry about getting exploited. The account has messaged me since the last interaction but I've decided not to answer. Dream and I however have been hitting it off really well. He's been helping me with editing and video ideas and I've been doing the same for him. Sometimes we'll switch videos so he edits mine and I his. After ignoring the fan for a few weeks however, he says something which grabs my attention

─────────────── Hey Toastie, please reply... I need you to reply Okay if you won't reply,can you just look out your window?

u/n: What?


I stand up and look out the window, cautiously. Just a peek. As I do, I scream and fumble backwards, tripping over my desk chair and scooting my back up against the wall. What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck... I attempt to catch my breath but to no avail. Of all days for my family to go out, they choose today? I shakily reach over for my phone and dial the number for the police. A lady answers.
"Hello, Los Angeles Police Department, how can we assist you today?" I gulp down my saliva.
"H-H-Hello.. I-I'm home alone, a-and a fan told me to look out my window and.. just please come... my address is <Insert address> please hurry... I-I'm scared..." I hang up and crawl up to my window carefully. I don't see anyone so I get up and rush to lock the front door. As I get there however... it's wide open. I cover my mouth as to be as quiet as possible and head to the bathroom with my phone, locking the door behind me. I leave the lights off so they don't find me and I lead against the wall and sink down. I'm going to die... this is it... I'm dead... I'm not sure why but my first initial reaction is to message Dream. I open up our messages my hands still shaking and tears streaming down my face.



So I know this is sudden but I just wanted to tell you, I'm so happy to have had you in my life...

Same but, HAD? What's that mean?

is typing...


Before I can reply I hear the door knob jiggle. I cover my mouth, trying to be as quiet as possible but they start banging on the door as hard as they can. I'm gonna die I'm gonna die... I cover my ears quickly and I feel my phone vibrating in my lap from Dream. I close my eyes tight and hear the door burst open, wood shards and pain chips sprawled over the floor. This is it... I'm done... I look up and see a shadowy figure, holding a hammer and I turn pale, everything just stops shaking, I feel numb... there's no point in fighting something I won't win... I accept my fate and close my eyes, waiting for the blow.

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