Expect the Unexpected

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"I just wanted to do this..." My eyes widen as he leans in and... kisses me?! I close my eyes and melt into his kiss and then we pull away. "Sorry- I should have asked first.."
"It's okay! Trust me.. I'm glad you did." I chuckle.
"Ahem.. We should probably head inside.."
"Yeah. Mums probably wondering where I am..."
"Let's go see her!" He jumps out the car excitedly and jumps around. I chuckle and grab his suitcase from the trunk and he takes it inside.
"Dream!" I laugh, heading inside. As soon as I do, he's talking to my mum about how he's going to protect me and random stuff as well. Then my dad walks out as well as my brother. They're all going on the trip so it's just going to be me and Dream.
"You best protect my sister." My brother says, giving him what looks like a crappy, half assed death stare.
"I will. I will guard her with my life."
"Y/n I like him." He smiles, staring back at me.
"Good." I smile.

After a few hours, my parents and brother leave, leaving Dream and I alone in the house.
"You can set up your pc in my room." I help him carry his things and take him in. "We'll be sleeping in the same bed too because the spare room is used as a storage room for all my dads work stuff." Dream and I set up his pc and afterwards watch some TV while laying in bed. "You don't have to lay that far away.." I chuckle.
"How close do you want me to be then? Only if you're comfortable."
"Here," I scotch back till we're spooning and he shoves one of his arms under the pillow and one cuddling me. I hold his hand which is dangling from my chest and I sigh, feeling content yet happy of the situation we're in.

We watch for a few hours till I fall asleep during some boring movie we found... I think it was the Wizard of OZ?

Dreams POV

I hear Y/n's breathing get heavier and I realise she's asleep. I decide to order us some Uber Eats to surprise her since I know she hadn't eaten. I wait until my app tells me they're 1 minute away. I head to the living room carefully so I don't wake her. I hear a noise outside and assume its the food so I get up and head outside. When I do however, there's no one. I think its just a raccoon or something so I decide to ignore it and sit back on the couch. As soon as I do however, I have to get straight back up as it arrived. I thank the driver and set our food out on the table. As I'm doing so, I hear glass shatter and Y/n scream. Without hesitation, I drop everything and race in to her. She runs over to me and clutches my jumper tight.
"What's going on..?" I ask, obviously worried. She points over at the pile of shattered glass and then I see it. It's a hammer covered in... blood? My heart races and I immediately dial the emergency number for the police and take her her walk-in closet, locking the door and keeping the lights off. We sit on the floor with her in between my legs and me holding her close and keeping her safe. Y/n soon turns and faces me, burying her face in the crook of my neck. "Hey... shh you're safe now okay? He's not going to touch you I promise..." I whisper, combing my fingers through her hair.
"It's the same one..." she mumbles, choking on her words.
"What do you mean?.."
"It's the same one he used on me.." I pull her in closer and hold her tighter.
"He's never going to use it on you again ok? I promise you... I'll even move in if it means keeping you safe.."
"Really?" She looks up at me and me down at her and I wipe the tears away from her tear stained cheek.
"Of course..." We wait for the police to arrive and when they finally do, the sirens sound like music to our ears. We both get up and as we do, I take my hoodie off and pull it over her head. We head out and the officer asks a few questions and asks to see the hammer. We take him to her room and he sighs.
"We'll take this in and test it for prints. For now, we'll have an officer stationed here to keep you both safe. Try to get some rest and avoid this room at all costs. That means grab what you need any close the door. We'll make it seem as though Y/n is in bed and try to catch the suspect for you guys. Is there another room you can sleep in for the time being?" The officer asks. I look at Y/n and she nods.
"Yes.. we can stay in the study. There's only one window but we can close the blinds. I'll grab a blanket for the floor and a couple of the spare pillows. Thank you so much for your help..." she's staying strong but she's still holding my hand tight and trembling. I let her hand go and wrap my arm around her shoulder.
"Thank you officer." I smile and they take their leave. Our food is still on the table so one they leave, we decide to put it in the fridge and eat it tomorrow.

I help Y/n with setting bedding up and we lay down, facing each other.
"Dream.. you awake..?" She whispers.
"Yeah, why what's up?"
"I was just wondering..." she begins.

"...can I call you Clay..?"

Sorry this chapter took so long but it was ready but didn't save then my cat deleted half of it so it was kinda half-assed.. I'm so sorry!

Dream x Reader ~ Falling for youWhere stories live. Discover now