4 Boys, 1 Girl

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Once Dream and I walk into the apartment, we're greeted with Spifey and TapL, sitting on the couch, waiting. They stand up and say hi to Dream but look at me confusedly.
"Dream you never told us you had a girlfriend!" Spifey laughs and hugs me.
"I feel so betrayed." TapL says, wiping fake tears from his cheeks.
"Guys she's not my-"
"Yes! I am his girlfriend! How are you guys? It's good to meet you!" I chuckle. Zak looks at us surprised and Dream has the same look painted on his face. "I'm joking. It's me, Toastie!" Dream looks a little disappointed after I said that but TapL and Spifey gasp.
"YOU'RE A GIRL?!" Spifey yells. "SINCE WHEN?"
"Uhh... birth I think? Maybe a little earlier I'm not too sure.." TapL laughs and they hug me again.
"And you aren't dating Dream?" TapL says, staring at Dream and waiting for an answer.
"No I'm not." I reply.
"So you're single..?" Spifey winks.
"OOKAY Let's let them get settled in..." Skeppy cuts in. Dream nods and I follow as we walk into the spare bedroom. There's a single bed but we can make do...

The first thing we do is begin setting up our PCs. While I'm crawled under the desk however, Dream scares me and it makes me jump and smack the back of my head on the underneath of it.
"OW! CLAY!" I pout holding my head. "That hurt!" He pulls me out from under the desk and sits me on the bed, kissing the spot where I hit my head.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean for that to happen..." he furrows his brow and I sigh.
"It's fine..." I still pout and he finishes my pc to repay me. I check the time as he's doing so. 11:26 pm. I yawn and open the bag with our clothes in it and pick out one of Dream's hoodies and a pair of shorts. I shut and lock the door and Dream turns to see me about to take my shirt off.
"ACK, Y/N! Let me get out the room first!"
"Just don't look!" I reassure him.
"Then that's just not fair!"
"How isn't it?"
"I don't know... it just is!"
"Well then leave!" I laugh.
"But I don't want to.." I roll my eyes and take my shirt off to change and he covers his eyes. I turn so my back is facing him.
"My backs towards you pissbaby. Uncover your eyes." I slip into his hoodie and begin sliding my jeans off. I hear him gasp and turn around. I slide my fresh shorts on and sigh, falling onto our bed. He turns back to look at me and his face is bright red.
"Why..? Why would you do that?" He asks. Stuttering slightly.
"Aww you're blushing!" I laugh, holding my stomach and looking up at the roof. Dream catches me off guard and pounces on me, looking down at me while on his hands and knees, glaring at me. I stare for a moment and then laugh. He looks at me confusedly.
"What are you doing step-Dream." His eyes widen and jaw drops.
"WHAT?!" He yells. As soon as he does so, Spifey races in.
"Everything oka- woahhh..." He looks embarrassed.
"It's not what it looks like-!" Dream says quickly, jumping off.
"Nono... you keep going... let me know if you want an extra." He winks at me and shuts the door.
"That was weird." I shrug.
"Oh my god..." I hear Dream mumble. "Let's just go to sleep... I'm tired..." He stands up to switch the light off and then comes and lays beside me. We face each other and I can see him looking at me through the darkness. I smile at him and he smiles back. Gently, he slides his hand up my cheek and keeps his palm resting on it. He leans in and kisses my forehead. I smile and move in closer to him and he wraps his arms around me right.
"Goodnight..." I mumble, mid yawn.
"Goodnight." He replies, running his fingers through my hair and twirling the tips around his fingers. Eventually, I fall asleep.

Dream's POV

Once I know Y/n is asleep, I grab my phone and scroll through Instagram. I don't let go of how however because I want to keep her as close as I can. I eventually come across a post. It's one of those cringe, quote posts but I can relate to it so I like it.

"Her smile is worth more than anything to me..."

I keep scrolling through and hear someone knock on the door. I decide I can't be bothered talking to anyone, so, like any normal person, I pretended to fall asleep... bad idea. Next thing I knew, Zak walks in, takes a photo of us cuddling and leaves, chuckling. Once the door shuts, I pick mine back up and decide to drop it on the floor as to not wake Y/n. I still haven't slept so it would be nice to without worrying about that guy. Pulling Y/n in closer, I kiss the top of her head and pull her closer. Soon after, I nod off to sleep...

I wake up to Y/n jumping up in a cold sweat. I sit up and pull her towards me.
"Shh Shh... you're okay! You're safe.." I still feel almost asleep while I'm trying to get Y/n to lay down and sleep. Everything looks hazy and I hold her close.
"Why are you okay with being dragged in all of this?" She asks. It takes a second for my tired brain to comprehend what she's saying, but when it does, I smile at her.
"Because I love you... let's go back to sleep..." I pull her down and fall asleep instantly, placing one hand on her head and one around her waist. Soon I feel her lay down too and do the same, pulling herself as close to me as she can...


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