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T/w: Abuse

I wince at the pain of the blows, shielding my head.
They just continue coming. The pain getting worse as they come.
I count the blows which hit my back, hands and arms as I'm shielding the most vulnerable part of my body...
My eyes are held shut tight as I prepare for the next and the next and the next.
Tears of pain stream down my cheeks and land into a pool on the floor in between my legs.
My body is jolted forwards over and over again. I sit there waiting... praying for the police to hurry up.
Twenty one...
Twenty two...
Twenty three...
Twenty four... wait... twenty four..?
I hear footsteps and a loud bang as the hammer hits the floor, another not so loud thump afterwards. I look up weakly and see my dad... My mum pulls me into her safe embrace and my dad and older brother hold the figure down. She takes me by the hands and pulls me up to my feet. My knees give out but my mum catches me just in time. She holds me up as I walk into the living room. As soon as we sit down, the distant sound of sirens can be heard from both an ambulance and police. The room feels like it's spinning as I suddenly black out

Dreams POV

The message from Y/n makes me feel uneasy. I try to message and call her but I get no reply. I look up at my PC. Badboyhalo, Mr. Beast and I are currently building the arena for the battle but I stop and can't focus. The message replays in my head.
"I'm so happy to have had you in my life"
What does it mean... is she leaving our friendship? Please don't tell me she is... I'm snapped back to reality when Bad yells my name,
"Earth to Dream!!"
"Gah-!" I jump out of my seat from the sudden loud talking. "What?"
"You okay? You seem off..."
"It's just that... Toastie said something and it's really got me worried..."
"I'm sure they're fine. They're probably saying it because of the competition. They wanna scare you."
"Yeah.. I guess you're right..." I sigh. I continue on building when after a few hours I get a phone call from her. I mute myself on teamspeak and answer it quickly. "Y/n-! I was so worried about you... why haven't you been answering your messages? What's going on?!"
"Hey... I'm in hospital right now..." her voice sounds quiet and harsh on her..
"WHAT?!" I yell. "What happened?!"
"Well..." she tells me the whole story from the head hanging outside her window to her being beaten by the hammer and being taken to the hospital. I sit here dumbfounded...
"I-I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you... did they catch the sorry fucking bastard for doing this?"
"No... dad had him pinned on the floor and so did my brother. My brother came over to mum and me for like, 10 minutes and he managed to get away... Dream I'm scared..."
"Have you blocked his account on all your accounts?"
"Yeah but he will probably make a new one..."
"Well I'll see what I can do... I'm considering flying over to you and staying with you for a while as your bodyguard..." it's silent for a moment and then she finally speaks up.
"Uhm... I wouldn't mind..."
"What do you mean?" I sit there, my eyes open wide.
"I mean...! Uh- Y-You could come stay with us.. I'm sure Mum, dad and b/n (brothers name) would agree... I can pay for your flight if you'd like and you can bring your setup and set it up on the other side of my desk so that we can both record.. but... it's up to you."
"Make sure it's ok if I stay with you and don't just sell your house out too.." I sigh, grinning wide, excited to see her. "I can sleep on the couch if that's easier."
"N-NO!- sorry... no... you can sleep with me in my bed. I've got a queen so it will fit us both." Chuckling at her timid ness, I agree with her plan. I wait a few seconds and I'm put on hold. The music playing a calming song. I open a tab on my monitor of flights to Los Angeles. As I'm looking through, y/n comes back. "Hello?" She says, assuring that I'm still there.
"Hey.. so what did she say?"
"Mum said that would be great, but she has to meet you first. Mum and dad have a business trip for about 3 months so we'll be pretty much home alone. Since that guy is on the loose... she said it would put their mind at ease."

Y/ns POV

I lay in the hospital bed with gentle beeping behind me. Dream makes me feel safe so when he said he would fly over just for me... I had to take him up on it.
"Okay. I'll book a flight now and hope the have one close by."
"One second, one of the nurses are here." I put him on hold again and turn to the nurse waiting.
"Hello how are you feeling?"
"A little sore still but overall, alright."
"That's good! That means you can be discharged and you can leave whenever you want to!" She smiles.
"Oh great! Thank you so much.." I smile back and she walks away and take Dream off hold. "I'm being discharged finally!" I say, giddily.
"Well... I just booked i flight and I leave tomorrow night. I ended up calling them on my house phone and seeing if they had any other bookings sooner due to it being an emergency. They told me one just opened up. Lucky I did call because all the flights are booked and I couldn't have flown over for another month.
"It's settled then. Now go start packing."
"Okay. I'll call you back?"
"Yeah sure. See ya!"
"Byee" I hang up and sigh. Dream is going to be here, sleeping in my bed with me... I smile excited for the nights waiting to come...

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