The End... || Part 3

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Clay's POV

I wait outside the hospital room with Y/n's family as well as Richards. A doctor walks out.
"Y/n's family?" She looks at us. "And boyfriend I'm guessing..." I nod and swallow the lump in the back of my throat.
"The surgery was successful. The bullets missed any important internal organs luckily. She has stitches in her right shoulder and left hip so please be careful."
"Can we see her?" I ask eagerly.
"She should be awake soon but of course. Please follow me." We follow the doctor and he opens the door. I see Y/n... a drip in her arm, injecting fluids and bruises on her wrists from the cuffs. I sit by her side carefully and kiss her forehead, waiting for her to wake up.

-3 Hours earlier-

I wake up in the ambulance to gunshots. My heart drops as I sit up and fight with the nurses on the scene to see her... Save her... Make sure shes okay... The nurses finally let me go and I run over, into the building and see Richards, un-cuffing Y/n while Dani was lying on the floor in a pool of blood.
"Yea we have her secured. Attempted Murder, suicide. One casualty." another officer says in his radio.
"Richards..." I say, my voice raspy.
"Clay... I'm so glad you're okay..." He hugs me as two officers carry Y/n to the ambulance.
"What about Y/n... is she okay? Please tell me she's okay..."
"I can't say for sure... Shes losing a lot of blood..." They rush
Y/n out to the ambulance and I get in as shes whisked away. When we make it, she and I are rushed in. I go in for MRI's, brain scans and more as they make sure my injuries aren't severe and then after 4 hours, they let me go.

-Present time-

"Clay..." I hear weakly from the left of me.
"Y/n-? You're awake..!" I hug her while being careful of her stitches. She pulls me in for a long, awaited kiss and i grab her face, running my thumb along her cheek. "What happened with Dani?? Why didn't he kill you?" I ask, holding her hands.
"Where's Mum and dad?" She asks.
"They went to get some air while waiting. They'll be back soon but please tell me everything..."
"He pulled a gun on me... He was close to shooting me but I rolled over... Then he aimed at my head and I rolled again... he heard Richards and the other officers and tried shooting me once more before turning the gun on himself but... he missed me... and then he dropped to the ground and I passed out..." She tears up.
"i'm so sorry I couldn't get to you earlier... I'm so so sorry..." I bury my face in her neck and she plays with my hair.
"It's not your fault... Don't blame yourself.. I'm sorry you were involved..."
"If I wasn't, you wouldn't be here..." I sigh in a muffled tone.
"I'm happy you were there... but... you got hurt... I'll never be able to live with myself..." I kiss her neck softly.
"Well you're gonna have to because I'm not going anywhere." a ding from her phone brings us to our senses.

Twitter: 99+ Notifications

Koopstafar: @toastiemain
Where are you and @dreamwastaken? Update us please?

Replies: @shakart
@dreamwastaken @toastiemain Where are you both?

Helooooo? Anyone hoooome?

"We should probably update them..." She sighs.
"Yea I suppose..." I smile.

Dream: @dreamwastaken
@toastiemain and I are okay! We decided to have a break from streaming and social media for a while.

I sigh and put my phone in my pocket.

-3 Days later-

"Okay, this way..." I help Y/n into the house and up the stairs to her bedroom. I help her to lay down and I sit at the end of her bed.
"How you feeling?" she asks in a raspy tone.
"Better than you..." I chuckle and she grins.
"I mean you have that right..." She yawns and I brush my fingers through her hair gently.
"Go to sleep..." I smile and kiss her forehead and she slowly drifts off to sleep. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you..." I whisper and smile to myself. "And I can't wait till I can..."

I look over at the velvet black ring box, hiding in the shelf and smile.
"I just hope she says yes..."


AND THATS A WRAP!! Thank you all so much for the support with this story... I mean, it took forever to finish and i'm sorry but i hope you're all happy with the ending... Sorry not sorry about the wedding and stuff... just like, imagine something or something ahah

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