The End... || Part 2

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Dream's POV

I watch as Y/n passed out from exhaustion. She strained herself to talk to me... Kept herself up to see me... I need to find help and fast... I jump out one of the broken windows and run for the road. The place is in the middle of an abandoned town so i don't know who there could be around. I run around until i hear a sound.

Ring Ring

It's a phone...

Ring Ring

And it's close by-! I sprint towards the noise and find myself inside one of the houses. I find the phone and immediately decline the ringing. I dial 911 and hold the phone to my ear.

"Press 1 for Police. 2 For An ambulance or 3 For the fire department."
I press 1 and it rings.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"Oh thank god!! Please i need your help! I don't have much time but my girlfriend and I were kidnapped please i need your help!"

"What's your current location?"

"Uh i don't know... Please track the phone... Please i don't know when he'll be back and realise I'm gone..."

"Okay tracking now... Stay on the phone with me okay? You're doing fine and we will dispatch a team as soon as possible."

"Please hurry my girlfriend is still in there..."

"Okay we have your location. We have a 207 in progress... possible 214 we need all available units to the location now. Sir does he have any weapons?"

"No... Yes! Yes he does! He has knives and hammers and stuff just please hurry..."

"Be warned suspect is armed with knives and hammers."

I hang up on the dispatcher and head back to the building, sprinting as fast as i can. I peer inside the window and see Y/n still passed out. Dani is no where to be seen till i notice the door open. I duck behind the window and keep my head low. I hear a bang and see Y/n's head jolt up.
"Where's your pretty little boy toy?" He snarls, holding her down by her neck. "Stay down..." she gasps for air and pulls at her cuffs. I need to do something quick... I look around and grab a rock, throwing it into the window and smashing another. He turns and looks, letting go of her neck, allowing her to take a breath. Dani looks around and then turns to Y/n. "Stay here. I think your boy toy is back... Stay here... HAH" He laughs as he leaves the room and I poke my head in the window.
"Baby-!" I say in a hushed tone. "Help is coming just hang tight oka-" Before i finish my sentence, something yanks me and I stumble, catching myself before I fell asleep.
"Hello boy toy..." Dani smirks and I raise my fists.
"LEAVE HIM ALONE-" I hear Y/n squeal from inside, cuffs rattling.
"Y/n it's okay-!" I yell back to her.
"Shut it pipsqueak..." Dani pushes me out the way and I stumble over onto my back. He picks up a large piece of rubble from the broken down building. He walks over to the window.
"No-" I struggle to get up so I reach over and grab his ankle before he can throw it.
"Get off me you pig!" I hear screams coming from inside as well as Y/n's cries.
"You're not going to hurt her..." As I say that, I feel a blunt force hit my head and a ringing in my ears. A warm thick liquid coats my ears and I realise I'm bleeding... Heavily... Muffled sirens ring in my ear and everything turns black.


Y/n's POV

"Clay?... Clay answer me... CLAY ANSWER ME PLEASE!" I panic as I don't hear his voice. "CLAY PLEASE-!" My voice breaks and I call for him. "Dani if you killed him I swear I'll kill you..."
"Aw pumpkin... He's not dead... Just sleeping..." He smiles and we hear sirens blaring in the distance. I look out the window and see Richards and 6 other squad cars. Dani runs around the corner to which I assume he's heading in to me. The officers get out with shields up and then I see a familiar face... My mum...
"MUM- RICHARDS HE-" As I shout, Dani covers my mouth.
"Be quiet pumpkin or i'll kill you right here..." I gulp down the saliva building up in my mouth and nod, tears streaming down my face.

"Daniel you are under arrest. Please walk out with your hands in the air!" Richards voice booms over a loud speaker. Dani paces back and fourth, thinking i'd assume.
"This is all your fault! If you just loved me none of this would happen!" He shouts at me, little droplets of spit landing on my face.
"Dani I do love you! You're my brother! I'll always love you..." I plead. "Please just let them take you and get you help!"
"I will! I promise I will just go out and speak to them!" As I say that, he points a gun at me.
"If I can't have you... No one can..."


Richard's POV

We're all stationed outside the abandoned building, waiting for a chance to go in... Until...


A gunshot.


Two more...


"We need to go in now. Sammy, you and your squad get to Clay and bring him to the ambulance. Clarence, you and your squad come with me... We're going in..." We begin sprinting towards the building with our shields up. I see blood spots on the broken window above Clay. No... No no no... she can't be gone... If she is then I failed!

We race towards the door and kick it open, racing for the room
Y/n was being kept in... Red coats the walls, floor and roof. I walk in and my heart sinks to my stomach.

...I can't have failed... No...

Dream x Reader ~ Falling for youWhere stories live. Discover now