Chapter 12: So you don't have a date?

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"I heard that there are two shops in Hogsmeade for dresses" Fleur told me the next weekend at breakfast "I mean technically I already have a dress but I will look if I will find something! And you also need a dress!"

"Will you stop it!"

"I am not doing anything!"

"I see the way you look at me Fleur!" I said annoyed by her curiosity "We are just going a s friends!" I assured her for the 100th time

"This will be so exciting!" she squealed "Maybe you will find someone! I mean this is like your first date!"

"I went on a date before!" I reminded her "Because you literally made me!"

"I really liked that boy! What was he called again? Nathan?"

"Yep! And it turned out that he was a creep!"

"Well this guy might be really nice!"

"We are just going as friends! And yes he is really nice but not in that way!"

"Is there someone else?" she wiggled with her eyebrows

"No! Just because I am going with a friend doesn't mean that I have a crush on someone!"

"Isit that one boy?" she looked at me but I didn't know who she was talking about "You know that one ginger one from the house Harry is in!"

Over the past days I kinda forgot about Fred. I remembered how we never finished our conversation because Antoine wanted to talk to me.

"Are you blushing?" Fleur asked

"No I am not! But if you will keep digging in something that isn't there I might!" I complained. I looked up from my plate to look at Fleur but in those seconds I caught a pair of other eyes.

I was too frozen in the scene but Fred looked down at his plate breaking the eye contact quickly. I had a weird feeling in my stomach afterwards.

"We should hurry up" I tried to forget the weird situation "The carriages leave soon!" I actually looked at Fleur this time.

We quickly went back to our dorm and grabbed our coats and bags before leaving for the carriages.

"I am so excited for Hogsmeade," Fleur squealed. "It is the only wizard's village in the UK! You have to show me everything! I mean you were there before! By the way you never told if you stayed alone!"

"I was just getting to know Katie and her Alicia more!" I lied not wanting to talk about boys again.

"See I told you!" Fleur looked at me "Did you went to this one pub? What was it called again, the Three Broomstick?"

"I did! We can go there later! They have really good butterbeer!"

"What is Butterbeer?"

"It is a popular drink here!" I explained seeing that we were reaching the village "I find it very delicious!"

The carriage came to a stop and we both got off stepping on the fresh snow from last night.

"Come on Y/N! I already spotted the first shop!" She grabbed my wrist and led me towards a shop.

I recognised the shop immediately. Katie, Alicia and I stood in front of it the last time. Katie told me about her crush on George and she would love a ball at Hogwarts.

We entered the shop. It was a small little shop packed with dress robes, dresses and other stuff.

"I really don't like that we have to select our dress off of a certain colour scheme!" Fleur complained, starting to go through the racks of dresses.

AU PLUS- FredWeasleyXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now