Chapter 20: Ouch I think I am dying!

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I told Fleur about the date on Sunday right after I got up. She was as excited as a small girl receiving a toy she wanted.

I also told Alicia about it during breakfast on Monday. She also told me that Antoine asked her out which made me happy for Alicia and Antoine.

The rest of Monday and Tuesday were pretty boring. We still got loads of homework in every subject and I spent the remaining time after dinner in the library.

But there was one thing I was looking forward to this week.

It felt time passed really slow but as I am sitting in class I just keep thinking about later on, when Fred is gonna show me the kitchen.

I got more excited by the second and after my last class was finally over I quickly grabbed my stuff and went to the library.

I had about one hour left till dinner and even though I got more excited by the second, I really wanted to get most of my homework done.

As I checked my watch I realised that it was already time. I quickly gathered all my stuff and made my way back to my dorm.

I threw all of my things onto my bed and put my wand into the pocket of my robe.

I got to the Great Hall in time and Fred was already waiting in front of it.

"Finally" he laughed as I approached him "You ready?"

"Yeah, I am already excited!" I chuckled.

We made our way through a corridor and down to the dungeons. We walked through a corridor which seemed oddly familiar.

"Wait isn't this where we first met?" I looked at him

"I think so!" Fred chuckled "But we gotta go into the other direction"

We walked for a few more minutes and then Fred suddenly stopped in front of a fruit bowl painting.

He started to tickle the pear as I watched him.

The portrait then swung open

"Well welcome to the kitchen!" Fred said as we entered the kitchen.

The place was totally chaotic. House elves were rushing around the whole place.

"Maybe it wasn't the best idea to go here right before dinner!" Fred chuckled

"You think?" I asked him as a small house elf approached us.

"Mr. Weasley so nice to see you again!" the house elf said "But why aren't you at dinner?"

"Well  I wasn't really in the mood for all the chattering and besides I wanted to show Y/N the kitchen" Fred told the house elf, I assumed to be named Winky

"So nice to meet you! I am Y/N Y/L/N" I introduced myself

"Such a beautiful Ms. Y/L/N! So lovely to meet you!" the elf shook my hand

"Oh please just say Y/N!"

"I tried for years!" Fred told me "But she will always stay friendly!"

"What can I do for you today?" Winky asked us smiling

"I was only wondering if you could spare us some food" Fred asked

"Of course if that isn't unfortunate for you!" I added wanting to ensure that she wouldn't overwork herself. I was even surprised how easy Fred asked her for food.

"Oh no worry! You never overworks herself! I got some sandwiches" she told us before rushing away only to come back with a plate with a few sandwiches

"Me really likes Mr. Weasley's girlfriend" she handed Fred the plate.

There was an awkward moment of silence afterwards.

"Thank you !" Fred spoke up

"I will look forward to see you again Mr. Weasley and Ms. Y/L/N" she told us and we left the kitchen again

"I really like her! She is so sweet" I told Fred as we climbed up the stairs

"She really is! She was always nice to us" Fred smiled "What about we eat these outside?" Fred suggested still holding the plates with sandwiches.

"Sure!" I agreed.

We left the castle and sat down next to the lake

"What do you think about the way Winky called you?" Fred asked me while handing me a sandwich

"It felt a bit like talking to a teacher or something" I explained taking a bite from my sandwich "But as I already said she is really sweet"

"I didn't mean that!" Fred chuckled "I mean that she called you my girlfriend!"


"I mean would you like to be called my girlfriend?"

"Are you asking me if I want to be your girlfriend as in boyfriend and girlfriend?"

"Yeah I guess" he shrugged

"You have a weird way of saying things!" I laughed "But I mean I really like you Fred but I am not sure if I want to put a label on it"

"Oh no take your time" he smiled "At Least I know now that you like me"

"Shut up!" I chuckled

"Make me!" He grinned

"You git" I laughed pushing him back slightly

"Ouch I think I am dying!" Fred laughed falling onto his back exaggerated

"Wait did Madam Pomfrey not fix you up probably after you drank aging potion? Is that why you die when you fall on your back?"

"Shut up!" Fred laughed and got up again.

The sun was slowly setting over the lake and Fred and I stayed outside until it was dark outside and the stars came out.

AU PLUS- FredWeasleyXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now