Chapter 27: Hey are you okay?

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I woke up the next morning still lying on the couch. It took me a few seconds to realise where I was. The sun was shining into the room already.

I realised that Seamus must have already got up since I couldn't find him in his room. Dean was still sleeping next to me.

But then I looked at the door and saw Seamus suddenly standing in the door looking at Dean. At first I thought that he was just looking around but for me he seemed a bit too focused.

As soon as he realised that I was awake he smiled and sat down next to me.

"Want some tea?" he asked me

"Sure" I answered and he handed me one of the 3 cups he brought upstairs.

We didn't talk at all until Dean eventually woke up around 20 minutes later.

After we ate some breakfast downstairs we got ready because Seamus wanted to show us around.

We first went into town. Kenmare was a lovely town like you would see in a tourist article.

"I am gonna get my mum a postcard" Dean said as we stopped in front of a tourist shop "I'll be back in just a second okay?" he looked at us and we nodded

Seamus and I sat down on a nearby bench waiting for Dean to return.

"So what were you looking at Dean this morning?" I asked

"I....I wasn't looking at Dean! What are you saying?" he said but seemed quite nervous

"Oh come on Seamus, I saw you! I might have not seen for a few years but don't think that I can't see it" I grinned

"It's not what you think" he tried to assure me

"I don't believe you!" I smiled "But you might believe yourself soon!"

"You think that just because you have a boyfriend now, you know everything huh?"

It hurt thinking about Fred to be honest. Not hearing about him really did influence me and I never realised it until now.

Seamus seemed to notice that he hit a sensitive spot.

"Hey are you okay?" he looked at me

"Oh yeah I'm fine" I lied. I didn't really want to talk about it because I felt like I just simply overreacted.

"No,no,no I know that you are lying Y/N! What is wrong?" he looked quite worried now.

"I don't know Seamus! I feel like I am overreacting but I haven't heard from Fred since the start of summer! He hasn't answered any of my letters" I explained to him

"Oh I am sorry Y/N!" Seamus looked at his hands "I mean I don't think that you are overreacting though! I mean I forget most things but I don't think that I would forget my girlfriend you know?"

"Yeah! I mean that was what I thought! I mean I thought that maybe something happened to him"

"Or he is just a dick!" Seamus suggested

"Who's a dick?" Dean asked, suddenly standing next to us

"Oh we were just talking about Fred" Seamus told him

"Why would he be a dick?" Dean asked as he sat down on the bench

"He didn't answer any of my letters and he hasn't written to me either! But I don't want to make a big fuss out of it" I said trying to change the topic

"Oh no that's awful!" Dean said as he looked at me "You should make a big fuss out of it, I think! I am sorry! So he didn't contact you at all?"


"Maybe it's just the whole situation" Dean suggested. I was confused first, but when I realised that he was talking more quietly as Seamus wasn't paying attention, I understood.

I heard Seamus' mother talking about Harry and Dumbledore to my mother and how she thought that they were only telling lies.

I guess Dean expected Seamus to think the same as his mother.

"I hope" I sighed "Or maybe he just forgot"

"Come on Y/N, today is too beautiful to be sad" Dean got up and offered me his hand "I am sure that Seamus has lots of places he would like to show us right?" Dean asked looking at Seamus to wake him from his daydreaming

"Uhm yes!" Seamus got up "I have to show where my friends and I used to go all the time!"

"Fine!" I smiled and took Dean's hand to help me get up.

We walked down the street and it felt like we were getting closer to the sea.

"So what is France like in the summer?" Dean asked me

"I mean it is sunny and well it kinda depends where you live but if you live near the sea, either the Atlantic or the Mediterranean, you will find lots of tourists" I explained "Of course you will also find lots of tourist in Paris"

"Don't steal my show" Seamus laughed "I thought I was supposed to tell you more about where I live"

"Yeah but I just wanted to know what France is like ok?" Dean said

"I was only joking Dean" Seamus laughed again "I visited Y/N once and I loved France" he added

"Yeah but you were like how old? 5?" I smiled

"Yes true but you see I have a really good memory"

"You should try to remember the pronunciation of spells then" Dean suggested

"Very funny, Dean" Seamus said sarcastically "Besides some time has passed since I last blew something up! And the most was in 1st year anyways" Seamus told us, but you could hear that he couldn't really stay serious.

Seamus showed us the Kenmare Bridge and how he used to pretend that the magical world was on the other because they usually didn't cross it .He continued to show us around until the sun set and we started our way home.

We saw some of his favourite spots, he used to visit nearly everyday as a kid, an improvised Quidditch pitch outside of town so that the muggles wouldn't find it and we even saw a double rainbow.

A/N: Shoutout to ni_ght_ma_res_ for the new cover <3

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