Chapter 33: Surprise

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6 months have passed since Christmas and a few things have happened since then.

After the end of the Christmas holidays Fred wrote with me again. He told me that his dad was attacked before Christmas and that he returned home early. He also forgot the notebook in the drawer of his nightstands because he was in such a rush so he wasn't able to write to me at all.

For Fred's 18th birthday I sent him a few French snacks and sweets because he asked for them and he told me that he really enjoyed them.

Just a few days later he told me that he would leave Hogwarts. At first I didn't understand what he was saying but he explained everything to me afterwards. He and George realised that after they had to stop their secret DADA meetings and they were kicked off the Quidditch that nothing was holding them back. They didn't plan on taking their N.E.W.T.S anyways as they already planned their shop.

I don't know if I would have left Hogwarts this way but it was probably the most Weasley twin thing they ever did.

Fred sent me a card for my 18th birthday with the address of their shop: 93 Diagon Alley, London, England, Great Britain. He told me that I would get one of their Pygmy Puffs but he didn't want to send them to me obviously.

The last few weeks have been one of the most stressful one in my life. I finished my last final exam just 2 days ago. I studied day and night, trying to achieve the best I could give. I still wasn't really sure what I wanted to do after school so I wanted to keep my options open.

I had another week at Beauxbatons before I would leave for good. It felt weird knowing that I would never come back here.

There would be a feast at the last night of this year where the 7th years students would be called up to the front and the other students would say goodbye to them. I think you could compare it a bit to the sorting ceremony at Hogwarts but reserved, because as Fred told me the first year students would be called up to a stool and a hat would sort them and they would join their house tables afterwards.

Since the exams were over now I had more time again to hang out with Circe.

"I want to do something in Herbology later on, you know after school" she explained to me the other day when we went on a long walk on the grounds.

We also talked about the Quidditch season that my team luckily won.

"It was only luck!" Circe tried to tell me every time the topic came up

"Oh come on Circe, your house got second! You are just a bit of a sore loser!" I smiled

"Maybe a bit" she chuckled "Though I have to admit that you are quite talented! Have you ever thought of becoming a professional player later?"

"No not really! I don't know I don't see myself playing Quidditch as like my job" I told her

"So what do you wanna do after school?" she asked me afterwards

"I am not sure" I answered. I thought about my future more recently but I didn't know what would suit me.

The last week passed in seconds and on the last full day I started to pack my things together. I always pushed packing away because some part of me didn't want to leave this place.

Circe seemed to have difficulty leaving Beauxbatons too as she said things like: "I know that I have only been here for a year" and "This place became like a home to me" or "It wasn't as hard to leave Hogwarts" a few times.

I couldn't blame her at all. She found some new friends and I felt like she connected Hogwarts with bad memories.

The last feast was absolutely incredible. I didn't get a lot of sleep that night because the 7th and some 6th year students had a little party afterwards and we went to bed just about an hour before breakfast so there was just time for a little nap.

After the breakfast all the students made their way to the carriages and they took off.

"I will miss you Y/N!" Circe hugged me one last time "Promise to write me and we need to stay in touch"

"Of course I will write to you" I smiled "I can't wait to see you again"

We said our last goodbyes to some of our classmates before our paths split.

I apparated home by myself and I saw that my family was standing in front of the door.

"Welcome back" mum came running up to me and hugged me.

I said hello to my dad, Antoine, and Pierre, who came back to celebrate my graduation.

"Why are you all standing outside" I asked suspiciously

"We thought that we would wait for you" Antoine said, though he didn't sound the most convincing

"Let's get inside shall we?" dad suggested. He took my trunk out of my hand and was the first one to step inside, followed by Pierre, mum and Antoine.

I was the last one of them to step inside. And my suspicion was reasonable now. As soon as I stepped inside I was surprised by a confetti bomb.

"Surprise" everyone screamed.

At first I was confused what the surprise was but then I saw it, well him...

Fred was standing in the doorway of the living room holding some flowers.

I ran up to him, throwing him into a hug.

"I missed you so much" I whispered

As I pulled away from his chest and my eyes locked with it took only seconds for our lips to touch. It felt as if we were never apart. Once again the world stopped around us for a few seconds it was just us.

As Fred pulled away he whispered: "I missed you too" into my ear

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