Chapter 23: You git

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April flew by in seconds and I found myself sitting in the library catching up on some homework.

I kept the jumper Fred gave me. When I am cold at night I usually wear it. Everytime I wear it it feels like he is close and I take in his scent.

"Hey beautiful!" Fred kissed my forehead and woke me up from my daydreams

"Hello there!" I smiled

"So are you looking forward to tomorrow?" Fred raised an eyebrow

"I ehm did ever tell you?"

"No but Katie did a while ago" Fred laughed "she told that you will turn seventeen on the 2nd may and that is tomorrow"

"I wanted to tell you but it just never came up you know?"

"Don't worry Darling!" Fred smiled "I know about it anyways. But I have to go now!" he got up again

"Wait you just came?" I asked him confused

"Sorry see you tomorrow" he smiled before leaving.


"Y/N wake up!" I was shook awoke the next morning

After my eyes got used to the light I saw that Fleur was sitting on the edge of my bed

"Good morning"

"Don't be so rude Y/N!"

"You shook me awake, what do you expect?" I smiled

"Well it is your 17th birthday today" Fleur smiled "And of course I had to get you something" she handed me a box

I looked at the small blue box for a few seconds

"Come on, open it!" Fleur told me

I slowly opened the box and revealed a beautiful necklace with a small stone

"OH Fleur you didn't have to! Thank you" I hugged her "Wow this is so beautiful!"

"Do you know what is so special about the stone?" Fleur asked me and I shrugged "It is your birthstone!"

"Really! Oh wow I don't know how to thank you Fleur it is perfect I-" I was speechless

"I am relieved that you like it," Fleur smiled. "We should go down now to get some breakfast though!" she got up

"Wait! I should wear it shouldn't I? Mind putting it on?"

"Of course!" Fleur turned around again and took the necklace out of my box "it fits perfectly!" Fleur looked at the necklace smiling.

We went down to get some breakfast before heading to our classes for the day. I only had one class after lunch and was relieved when it was over.

I made my way to the library to quickly catch up on some homework

"You're not gonna do homework today are you?" someone said and I turned around

"Fred" I said before being wrapped into a hug "Fred- I- can't-breath!"

"Sorry" he pulled away smiling "You are not spending the day in the library!" he grabbed my wrists and dragged me outside. He only let go of me as he sat down on the gras

"You dragged me to the castle just to sit outside?" I looked at him

"Well yeah!" he chuckled "But today is your birthday so first HAPPY BIRTHDAY and you can't spend your 17th birthday in the library can you?"

"I mean not really but I have homework!" I tried to defend myself

"Wrong answer!" he said while he hit me slightly. I was caught by surprise and fell onto my side

"You, git" I sat up again but smiled

"You deserved that!" he laughed "And that" he took a box out of his bag and handed it to me smiling

"What is it?"

"I'm not gonna tell you!" Fred smirked "You have to open it!"

"I know you Fred! There is probably something in there that will jump at me!"

"Do you trust me?"

"Of course!"

"Then just open it!" Fred said

I slowly opened the box and to my surprise nothing was jumping at me. I was looking at a chocolate cake with horrible writing on it. I tried to read it and I think it said Happy 17th!

"Did you make this?"

"Well kinda!" Fred said smiling like a 4-year-old "Winky gave me the cake but I wrote on it"

"I can see that!" I laughed

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Your handwriting is horrible" I laughed

"Oh come on, you can read it right?" Fred said with a slight hint of insecurity in his voice

"Yeah I can but it is still horribly written!" I laughed

"Do you like it?"

"I love it Fred! Thank you so much" I smiled and looked into his eyes

"You know what I love?" he looked at me "I love you"

I felt myself blushing. I took my hand and cupped Fred's face looking into his eyes "I love you too Fred!" I said and I meant every word of it. I don't know what this boy did to me but I love him with my whole entire heart. I still get butterflies when I see him.

Fred quickly closed the gap between us. Butterflies appeared in my stomach again and I smiled into the kiss. Sometimes I felt like we were made for eachother as cheesy as it might sound.

"I also got you something else" Fred pulled away and took something out of his bag. It was wrapped in simple brown wrapping paper though it looked more like someone tried to wrap it but failed.

"Let me guess: You wrapped it?" I smiled while Fred gave it to me

"It's not that bad!" Fred tried to defend himself but it didn't seem very convincing

I slowly removed the wrapping paper to reveal a scarlet golden scarf

"Is that a Gryffindor scarf?"

"Yes! Maybe you decide to cheer for Hogwarts during the third task and then you would need an appropriate accessoire" Fred explained

"You know that I am not going to" I smiled

"I kinda do yeah but I asked Ginny to embroider the first letter of both of our names" Fred pointed at one of the ends of the scarf

"Aww that is so adorable!" I said "I might wear it sometimes but don't get your hopes up too high" I took the scarf and wrapped it around my neck even though it was pretty warm outside.

AU PLUS- FredWeasleyXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now