Chapter 45: eyes stared without seeing

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Jets of light flew in every direction and the man dueling Percy backed off, fast.

Then his hood slipped and they saw a high forehead and streaked hair – "Hello, Minister!" bellowed Percy, sending a neat jinx straight at Thicknesse, who dropped his wand and clawed at the front of his robes, apparently in awful discomfort. "Did I mention I'm resigning?"

"You're joking, Perce!" shouted Fred as the Death Eater he was battling collapsed under the weight of three separate Stunning Spells. Thicknesse had fallen to the ground with tiny spikes erupting all over him; he seemed to be turning into some form of sea urchin. Fred looked at Percy with glee.

"You actually are joking, Perce. . . . I don't think I've heard you joke since you were –"

The air exploded. They had been grouped together, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, and Percy, the two Death Eaters at their feet, one Stunned, the other Transfigured; and in that fragment of a moment, when danger seemed temporarily at bay, the world was rent apart.

Hermione was struggling to her feet in the wreckage, and three redheaded men were grouped on the ground where the wall had blasted apart.

Harry grabbed Hermione's hand as they staggered and stumbled over stone and wood. "No – no – no!" someone was shouting.

"No! Fred! No!" And Percy was shaking his brother, and Ron was kneeling beside them, and Fred's eyes stared without seeing, the ghost of his last laugh still etched upon his face.

I tried to scream and help but no one heard me. I felt like my life had ended, as though a big piece of my life was taken from me. I felt tears flowing down my cheeks but at that moment I didn't care about the tears. My world was collapsing as I just lost one of the most important people in my life.

I would never be able to describe this feeling but it felt as though my heart from ribbed out of my body.

I stood there lost in my mind not wanting to move. I didn't know what I was doing here at Hogwarts but I realised that it was a big mistake coming here today.

There must have been a way to stop from Fred ever even being in this situation but I couldn't remember it at all. I couldn't remember how I got here.

I wanted to pull out my wand, trying to find the source of the explosion but I realised that for some inexplicable reason I didn't have my wand with me.

"Y/N you could have stopped this!" a voice screamed from far away "Y/N you could have stopped this!" the voice continued my name, coming, closer and closer every time.

The voice entered my head. It became more uncomfortable by every second and I closed my eyes trying to get rid of it.

But when I opened my eyes I didn't find myself in the same spot anymore. I was even standing anymore but lying down.

I sat up and realised that I was at Fred and George's hiding place lying in bed.

Did I pass out? How did I get here? Was everything that happened real?

Questions were flooding into my mind and I tried to remember everything I did in the last weeks and months.

The last thing I was able to remember was that I fell asleep on the couch while the twins were talking about new products they would be bringing into their shop as soon as it would reopen when they would open the shop.

But I wasn't able to remember anything after that even though I tried to.

Maybe it was all a terrible nightmare.

I needed to know what day it was, what happened so far and where Fred was.

I stood up, opened the door and rushed into the small hallway, made my way by a few portraits until I finally stepped into the living room.

For a second I couldn't believe my eyes.

Fred was leaning onto the kitchen counter with a cup in his hand, laughing about something George had said.

"Fred?" I asked him surprised

"Good morning sleepyhead" he smiled "I hope we didn't wake you up"

"No that's not it" I said confused "I-ehm- are you alright?"

"Am I alright?" he looked at me surprised "Of course I am?! What-what are you talking about?"

"Sorry I was just-" I broke off. As I made my way over to Fred as I talked I wrapped him into a hug

"Hey what is wrong with you?" Fred looked down at me as he patted my back "Are you just joking because you make worry?"

"What?" I looked at him surprised "Why-why what are you talking about?"

"Well it's April Fool's day" Fred grinned

"Oh-I forgot" I sighed. The only thing that I was worried about for the last few minutes was Fred but by now I didn't think that anything I saw was true.

"Did you sleep alright? Did something happen?" he asked me, still looking confused and worried

"I think I just had a nightmare" I smiled weakly.

"What happened in your nightmare?" Fred asked curiously

"I-it was just confusing and I didn't know where I was anymore" I told him half of the truth, not being able to tell him everything and not wanting to repeat my dream.

"Anyways" I tried to change the topic to something happier "I made you guys a cake" I said as I took out the cake I made yesterday out of the fridge, a Muggle invention used for cooling your food.

Fred, George and I stayed in this house that once belonged to Muggles but as they moved out they rented it and we needed a place to stay so we took the opportunity.

"You didn't have to" Fred smiled

"Well we can try making the best of the day" I explained

"When did you make that?" George asked "I mean without us seeing it?"

"Yesterday" I explained "when you were in your room with Fred working on some products or something and I thought I would use the opportunity and surprise you with something and well it seemed to have worked" I smiled, proud of my work

"I-wow" Fred said astonished

"So when can we eat the cake?" George broke the silence

"Ron are you ok? What happened to George?" Fred laughed

"Ey I just don't want to stand around all day '' George defended himself, crossing his arms.


AU PLUS- FredWeasleyXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now