Chapter 15: Sorry but have you seen Y/N?

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The time passed quicker than I taught. It felt like yesterday that I was sitting at breakfast with Alicia and Katie and that Katie told me that she was going on a date with George later that day.

But it wasn't yesterday. 3 weeks have passed since then and George and Katie's date was a full success. They are dating now and it is hard to find each of them not together. The question about Angelina and Fred was still not answered, not even George knew for sure what was going on between them.

I tried not to care too much about it but it still felt weird seeing Fred and Angelina together. Especially after I realised that what I might feel for Fred wasn't just friendship.

It was a rainy afternoon and I was working on my homework in the library. I was actually waiting for Fleur. It was the day before the second task and Fleur wanted to practice the charm once again before tomorrow.

She got more nervous by the day, especially about the fact that she didn't know what she had to look for in the lake.

I checked my watch and Fleur was supposed to be here in 10 minutes. We only had one hour to try the charm since Fleur had to talk to Madame Maxime about tomorrow and the library was closing in an hour.

I tried to finish my homework so that I don't have to worry about any of that.

Just when I finished the last sentence of my essay and rolled up my parchment I checked my watch again and saw that I still have 2 minutes.

Fleur was usually late so I was surprised when I heard someone coming my direction.

But it wasn't Fleur

"Miss Y/L/N" I saw one of the Hogwarts professor standing in front of me but didn't know who it was

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked the professor confused

"McGonagall wants to see you" he told me

"Excuse me Sir but may I ask why?" I was still confused why a Hogwarts professor wanted to see me.

"Just follow me!" he instructed and since he was intimidating I just followed him out of the library. I think that it was professor Moody but I wasn't sure.

He led me through multiple corridors until we reached an office

"Good luck!" he said while opening the door.

I stepped inside and saw what I think was professor McGonagall was standing in front of her desk.

"I am sorry professor but may I ask why I am here?"

"Nothing to worry about!" she told me "You won't feel anything!"

Third person POV

"Sorry but 'ave you seen Y/N?" Fleur asked Katie and Alicia the next morning while making her way to the lake.

"No I am sorry but I haven't seen her since yesterday!" Katie told Fleur "Why?"

"I wanted to me her last night but zhen she wasn't zhere anymore but 'er zhings where!" she told Katie worried

"Maybe she was just tired and forgot about you and left her things in the library" Alicia suggested

"Y/N is not zhe person to do zhat!" Fleur said and it was true! Y/N never forgot anything that was planned

"Who are we gossiping about?" Lee asked, who was followed by the twins

"Fleur hasn't seen Y/N since yesterday!" Katie told the others

"Wasn't she in your dorm?" Fred asked with a slight worry in his voice

"We are not in zhe same dorm because she is a year younger zhan me" Fleur explained

"Maybe she just fell asleep in a corridor last night" Katie tried to suggest but she sounded concerned "we should get down to the lake now!" she told the others.

They all went down to the lake but Fleur left the group joining her school.

"What do you guys think happened t-" Fred started to ask his friends but he was interrupted by Dumbledore explaining today's tasks.

They all listened carefully and then the 4 champions all jumped into the cold water.

"Do you think Y/N is maybe down there?" Katie asked the group after 10 minutes.

"Why would you think that?" Lee asked confused

"Think about it!" Katie looked at her friends "Something valuable was taken from each champion and it is hidden inside the lake! Y/N is missing since yesterday and she is Fleur's best friend" she explained "And George told me that Ron didn't return to the common room yesterday so maybe he is Harry's Treasure"

"You think that Y/N is down there in the lake?" Fred asked shocked

"I mean I am not 100% sure but yeah!" Katie said

"And what if Fleur doesn't save her?" Fred now sounded worried and concerned

"I don't know!" Katie shrugged and George put his arm around her shoulder.

Ten minutes later it was announced that Fleur was not able to compete anymore and had to return to the stands.

The tension grew by the second and everyone kept checking their watches.

Fred was going through his hair and seemed to be the most worried of them all especially after Fleur returned to the stands.

Time seemed to pass slower than it ever did before but after 40 minutes Cedric Diggory eventually returned to the surface accompanied by Cho Chang.

"See I told you!" Katie pointed at the champion

"Yeah but Fleur wasn't able to finish remember?" Fred reminded Katie sounding even more worried than before

"Mate why are you so worried I thought you were over her!" Lee whispered to Fred

"She is still a friend!" he hissed at Lee but he didn't even know what he was saying at the time too worried about never seeing Y/N again.

Viktor Krum and Hermione reached the surface of the water.

All kinds of thoughts went through Fred's head: What if he would never see her again and was never able to tell her how he feels? His thoughts were also about his brother: Why is Harry not returning? Will they save them if the champions don't

The clock hit 12 and two bodies reached the surface.


Suddenly I was above water. I had trouble understanding the situation but the only thing I knew in that exact moment was that I had to get out of the water.

I saw someone next to me and I realised that it was Ron Weasley.

I looked around myself and saw 3 stands. I swam to one of them behind Ron. I took all of my strength and was able to get onto the platform of the platform.

Towels were wrapped around me and I started to realise everything.

"Y/N!" Fleur rushed to me "I am sorry! I wanted to save you but I was attacked!" she apologized

"'s not your fault!" I told her "You're alright?" I asked her when she told that she was attacked

"I am fine!" she assured me "As long as you are!" I nodded in response "I am gonna see if I can find Harry and thank him!"

"Was it Harry that saved me?" I asked her confused

"Yes and that one boy Ron Weasley!" she told "Wait here I am gonna be back in a second!" she told me before disappearing in the crowd.

AU PLUS- FredWeasleyXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now