Chapter 16: as days go by

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Lucy's POV
As days go by my pants and shirts I usually wear start getting tighter. Everyday I look in the mirror I start feelings a bit insecure due to the weight gain. I'm around 16 weeks pregnant, I still can fit in my pants, they're a little tight though. And I've been wearing a bunch hoodies.
Natsu and I have the day off today, I look over to him while I'm looking in the mirror and he's scrolling through his phone. I smile because I'm truly so happy with him. He's all I've dreamed about. All the stories I've wrote are about him.
Ever since I was a little girl I've dreamt of falling in love and making a family. I played with baby dolls days on end. I've thought of names, themes for nurseries. I just couldn't be more happy right now.

Natsu: "Oi!"

Lucy: "Hm?!"

Natsu: "You okay, you've been staring at me forever now."

Lucy: "Oh yeah, sorry.. lost in thought I guess."

Natsu: "Whatcha thinking about? You've had a smile on the entire time."

I walk over to him and sit in his lap on the bed.
Lucy: "How I'm just really happy with you, and how I'm really happy right now."

Natsu: "Awwww I love you!"
He attacks me with a hug, and attacks my neck with kisses. I start laughing, and as soon as we stop we start cuddling.

Natsu: "Have you thought of anymore names for the baby? In just a couple more weeks we get to know if it's a she or a he!" He cheered

Lucy: "Not quite yet.. do you think it's a boy or a girl?"

Natsu: "I think it's a girl. What do you think?"

Lucy: "I think it's a girl too." I start rubbing my growing belly. Natsu gently kisses my cheek and put his head in the nape of my neck. As I rub my belly Plue comes between my legs and rest his head on my belly, and Happy lays in Natsu's lap.

Natsu: "Are you excited for the baby shower?" He asked while petting Plue.

Lucy: "That isn't until a few weeks!"

Natsu: "I know, but it's kinda fun that none of our friends know yet and you're already starting to show." He chuckles. "I'm excited to see their reactions, Erza is going to be angry and crying saying why we didn't tell her, Gray is going to try to fight me. Levy and Mirajane will be crying in your arms, Juvia will be jealous."

Lucy: "Hahaha you already have this down!" I laugh

Natsu: "Oh yeah, I'm excited."
There was a moment of silence while petting the pets, Natsu falls asleep on me and I kept petting Plue. I continue to think about the future, I look down at the clock and decide to make dinner.

Time skip to a few weeks later..
I'm at the doctors office with Natsu to check on the baby.

Doctor: "Alright you two, you ready to find out the sex of the baby?!"

The anticipation is killing us both. We're holding onto each other so tight, looking at each other getting ready to cry at the sound on which gender our baby is.

Doctor: "Alright looks like you're having a girl!"

Both of our hearts are filled with excitement. We both look into each other's eyes and start crying. Natsu bends down to kiss me so passionately. He has the biggest smile on his face. Then suddenly he gasp and grasp onto my shoulder which scared both me and the doctor.

Lucy: "WHAT?!"

Natsu: "I know what to name her!"

Lucy: "Goodness Natsu you scared me so bad!" The doctor laughs.

Natsu: "Sorry, but what do you think about Nashi?"

Lucy: "That's actually beautiful and so unique. I like it."

Doctor: "One of a kind, that's beautiful."
Natsu puffs out his chest and is so proud.

Natsu: "You ready to tell everyone now. You can't hide it any longer." He helps me up off the doctor bed.

Lucy: "I guess so, kinda convenient how the party is right after this."

Doctor: "Haha that's the universe telling you it's time!" She laughs

Natsu: "I guess so! I'm ready to go tell them!"

As we get to the café everyone is waiting impatiently in their seats as we walk in.
Levy: "Where the hell have you been you guys!" She yells

Erza: "Levy, calm down, they're only a few minutes late. Not like it was an hour. "

Mira Jane: "You're right Erza, but it wasn't for such a cryptic text message and not explain why we should all get together-"

Gray: "Mira don't act like you haven't done that." Juvia is locked on his arm.

Erza: "Would you all calm down!"

Lucy: "Sorry we got held up!" I turn to Natsu to ask him to help me take off my jacket, but he was already about to. Everyone was watching us intensely. As soon as everyone saw my belly pop out in my very fitted shirt, they all gasped.

Natsu: "Lucy's pregnant that's why!"

As what Natsu expected Levy, Mira, and Lisanna cried in my arms, Erza was completely baffled, she was angry then happy, Gray was about to punch Natsu but Juvia and Gajeel held him back, Gajeel gave Natsu a fist bump.

Levy: "Wh-why didn't you tell us! And when are you due! And what's the gender! Name?!" Levy cried.

Lucy: "We didn't tell you because we needed time to process, we weren't expecting this at all. We found out when he proposed actually. And right before we came here we just found out the gender." I laughed at the hysterical Levy.

Erza: " And to think you didn't tell any of us! What are you going to have!?" She stares at us intensely

Mira: "Cmon tell us!!" She demanded

Natsu: "We just found out we're having a girl, and we're naming her Nashi!"

Everyone was so excited after they got over that we didn't tell any of them, they partied and were starting to drink with us, except Natsu and I, we were chatting with everyone and catching up on everyone's lives. After a couple hours we went home and relaxed with our pets.

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