Chapter 4: present day

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Now that you're a little caught up, today is going to be rough, I just know it.

Mavis: "Good morning you two!" She greets

Lucy: "Morning Mavis!" I greeted
Natsu didn't say anything, and kept looking at the ground.
Lucy: "I'm going to hang with the animals and do my job." I tell Mavis.

Mavis: "Alright!" She kept looking at Natsu as I passed her. She looks back to me to make sure I was gone completely. "Natsu?"

Natsu: "Yeah?"

Mavis: "What's the matter?" She asks

Natsu: "I-"

Mavis: "Is it your best friend?"

Natsu: "yah, we're arguing..."

Mavis: "About what?"

Natsu: "Well, yesterday she was asking who I liked, and I couldn't bring myself to tell her that I like her. But then I asked who she liked, and apparently she's liked him for a long time. And I never figured it out. So she's frustrated with me."

Mavis: "Well did you apologize?"

Natsu: "I did, but she said she gave up on knowing who I like."

Mavis: "Have you ever thought that she might like you?"

Natsu: "No. I don't think she'll ever like me the way I like her.."

Mavis: "You'd be surprised Natsu."

Natsu: "Why?" He raises his head to look at her

Mavis: "Because usually, best friends of the opposite sex usually fall for each other. And with your time, you guys are probably soul mates."

Natsu: "Ya right." He rolled his eyes

Mavis: "Don't be so dense! Now I got some stuff to do, you and Lucy get a break at 12."

Natsu: "Okay." Natsu sits at his front desk chair and does what he needs to be doing.

I'm in the back petting Plue and just thinking to myself.
What I don't understand is if he does like me then why we can't confront each other.
I call Levy and have this conversation with her and all she tells me to do is to man up, and tell him. (Levy is the only one who knows I like him..)

12 o'clock
It's break time, and I'm going to meet Levy at the library!
Lucy: "Mavis I'm goin on break, see ya in a few!"

Mavis: "By Lucy!" She waved

Natsu:"Where you going?!" He asked

Lucy: "To the library to see Levy, wanna come?"

Natsu: "Umm.." he looks at Mavis for some help, and she gives him a nudge. "Okay." He gets up and follows me.
We walk a bit, and we're in a park where Natsu breaks our silence.
Natsu: "Listen Luce."

Lucy: "It's fine Natsu, I'm over it."

Natsu: "But I-"

Lucy: " you don't have to apologize, it's in the past"

Natsu: "Ya but-"

Lucy: "I should've never brought it up in the fir-"

Natsu: "LUCY!" He yelled at me.

I stopped walking, and his face is right in front of mine with his hands on my shoulder.

Natsu: "Just listen to me please!!"

Lucy: "Okay.." I responded

Natsu: "I do apologize for being insincere, and I want to tell you something. Mavis gave me the courage to do this right now.-"

Natsu: eh hem Lucy could I tell my side

Lucy: fine but this is still my story!!

Natsu: Thanks Luce!!

Natsu POV:
As Lucy was cutting me off from talking while we were headed to the library, I stopped her so I could get my words out.

Natsu: "I do apologize for being insincere, and I want to tell you something. Mavis gave me the courage to do this right now, and only now."

Lucy: "Okay.." She responded in a soft voice.

I take a moment to build up more courage and sigh.

Natsu: "Lucy, I like you." Her eyes shot up and her body tensed up.

Lucy: "y-you what?" She asks

Natsu: "I like you a lot, it's probably even more then 'like'. I go insane when we argue. I completely hate it. I hate when you're mad at me, all I want you to do is smile. That smile gives me absolute happiness, you brighten up my day whenever you're in the room, I love when we cuddle, I love when you hug me, and I love your smell, I love your quirks and flaws that you hate so much" I notice tears filling up in her eyes while I tell her this. "And lastly... I love you."

She's silent for a few moments, I see tears fall from her eyes every second I look into them. But she finally speaks up.
Lucy: "You like me??"

Natsu: "No luce, I love you."

Lucy: "Natsu..." she wraps her arms around my next and whispers in my ear "I love you too."

Natsu:"You do!?"
I was completely surprised when she told me she loved me, I would've never known she would have.

Lucy: "Yes!" She cries

Natsu: "That's what you said it'll either ruin us or make us grow?!"

Lucy: "Yes!!" She pulls away and I wipe her tears. She hugs me again, but soon after I pull her away and cup her face. She closes her eyes and I lean in and place my lips on top of hers. The kiss was warm and gentle. My head was spinning with excitement and happiness.
I pull away, and pick her up and spin her around.

Lucy: "HAHA NATSU!!" She laughs

I place her down and press my forehead against hers
Lucy: "Shall we go to the library now?!" She giggles

Natsu: "Yes." I grab her hand and intertwined my fingers into hers.

Natsu:"Oh luce?"

Lucy: "Yeah?"

Natsu: "What are we going to tell the gang?"

Lucy: "Oh shit.."

Natsu: "Wanna keep it a secret for now?

Lucy: "Yeah!" She gives me a gentle smile that I love so much.

Natsu: "Okay" I wink to her, I noticed a little blush on her cheeks

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