Chapter 14: new chapters

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Lucy's POV
I'm so beyond scared, and I know Natsu is too. We both have been hugging each other so tight. Both pets are at our feet looking at us concerned.

A buzz from the counter was heard we both look at each other terrified. Then another buzz. And another.

Natsu: "that's not the timer" disappointment was risen.

Lucy: "it's probably Levy.." I reach for my phone and text messages from Levy were shown just like I thought. What they read were "happy 10 months with Natsu!" With lots of emojis.

Lucy: "Aw! Levy congratulated us!"

Natsu: "What!? Why!? You already knew!!?" anger approached from him.

I looked at him confused.

Lucy: " What?! No... she said happy ten months!"

Natsu: " oh.... I'm sorry Lucy. I'm anxious and scared."

Lucy: "it's okay baby, I am too." I put my phone in my back pocket. I cupped his cheeks with my hand and I gave him a deep kiss. Then the timer went off.

Lucy: " You ready to look?"

Natsu: " No. are you?" We looked into each other's eyes as long as we could to avoid what was at hand. Plue decided to break the tension with a soft bark.

Natsu: "Alright, Plue told us to look." We both took a deep breath. I grab the test, Natsu sat on the rim of the bath tub again. I looked at it. My heart stopped. I stopped breathing. My stomached dropped.

Natsu: "Babe....Lucy.....What's it say?" I couldn't answer. Tears start to fall. "Lucy.. what's it say?" He grabbed it out of my hand, he saw what it said and he looked at me. He started to tear up as well.

Natsu: "Lucy, I need you to look at me." I look him in the eyes. "We are going through this together. No ones at fault, you are and will look so beautiful, I'm going to talk to Mavis tomorrow. Please don't worry. Okay?" All I could do is nod. "Please say something."

He's acting so strong for me, but I know he's worrying and is scared like me.

Lucy: "Natsu."

Natsu: "yeah?"

Lucy: "I'm pregnant. Oh my god. I'm pregnant." I started to break down and I start to bawl my eyes out. It hit me like a truck. I tumbled over everything while walking out of the bathroom to my bed.

Natsu: "Lucy.." he cries out. I sat on the floor by my bed. Hand over my stomach trying to breath while I'm crying. He comes over to me, he holds me. After our basically mental break down. We lay in bed. Not a word from one of us.

Natsu's pov
I think Lucy had a panic attack. I don't blame her. We both weren't expecting a baby at 19. I understand why she's so worried about the finance stuff. With the apartment that is now not gonna fit us and the pets. I get it. I'm worried too. I'm going to ask Mavis for advice and start looking at a better paying job.
I've been rubbing Lucy's back while we're cuddling. Her face is on my chest. She's been messing with the hem of my shirt.

Lucy: "Natsu.."

Natsu: "hm?"

Lucy: "You're going to be a amazing dad. I've always thought about that, since we were younger. Whoever you were going to marry and have kids with you'd be a amazing husband and father."

Natsu: " I never doubted you were going to be a amazing wife and mother, I'm just happy that you're going to be my baby mama and wife."

Lucy chuckles at the thought

Lucy: "Wait wife? We aren't married?"

I pull out a box out of my pocket that I've had in there since this morning. I actually slept with it in my pants because I didn't want Lucy to find it anywhere in the house. But the thought left since this pregnancy thing came up.
Lucy quickly sat up and looks at me with wide eyes yet again.

Lucy: "What's that!?"

Natsu: "Before either of us knew about the pregnancy. I actually was planning for this for quite some time. I was planning to do this today. And I guess I'm going to do this now." I clear my throat, get up, went down on one knee in front of Lucy, who's now sitting on the bed with her legs hanging off like she's sitting in a chair.

Natsu: "From the moment I met you, I knew that you'd be in my life forever. I didn't know how. But you were. As we grew closer within our years of friendship I loved you more. When we were sixteen, we were hanging with our friends, watching stars. I looked over at you, you looked so beautiful, the moonlight shone on your beautiful skin. Your eyes sparkled like the stars, I lost my breath. In that exact moment I fell in love with you. And from that day on I continued to fall in love with you, I just knew you were going to be my wife, and the mother of my kids." I touched her stomach where the baby is and looked into her eyes once again "Lucy will you marry me?" I pull open the ring box to reveal it.

She gasp and starts crying again.

Lucy: " YES!" I knocked her on her back and gave her the biggest kiss.

I'm literally the happiest guy on earth. I have the love of my life as my future wife, our baby is in the making. Our pets are just as excited. This is the best day ever.

Later that night while getting ready for bed. We were changing and got all comfortable in bed. Lucy was admiring her ring I got her.

I scoot in, lay next to her.
Natsu: " You like it?"

Lucy: "no."

Natsu: "No? Why you smiling all big for then?" I laugh

Lucy: "Because I love it!" She lays down and kisses my lips lightly. "Thank you Natsu. For everything."

Natsu: "I would do anything for you. I love you." I caress her cheek

Lucy: "I love you too." We cuddled and a question popped in Lucy's head. "What do you think our baby is going to be?"

Natsu: "I think we are going to have a girl. What do you think?"

Lucy: "mm I don't know. I'd be happy with either." She soon fell asleep on my chest, I moved her closer then I too drift off to sleep with a smile on my face.

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