Chapter 3: arugments

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Natsu and I wouldn't cough up who we liked all the way to his house. When we got there, I made myself comfortable on his couch and turned on the tv.

Natsu: "You really won't tell me?" He was aggravated

Lucy: "No! Because you won't tell me!"

Natsu: "That's because I know you'll tell her!"
That moment my heart dropped to my stomach and I knew that it wasn't me.

Lucy: "Yanno, imma just go home." I got up, turn the tv back off and put my shoes back on.

Natsu: "Luce! C'mon! Don't act like this."

Lucy: "Act like what?" I was annoyed

Natsu: "Butt hurt because I won't tell you!"

Lucy: "Ha! That's not why! But whatever." I was about to leave out the door when he grabbed my wrist. "What Natsu?"

Natsu: "Please don't leave." I noticed tears welling up in his eyes.

Lucy: "Why are you crying?" I worried. I close the door and cupped his cheeks with both of my hands.

Natsu: "I don't know!" He wiped his eyes and acted like he wasn't just crying.  I dropped my hands while he did so.

Lucy: "Why don't you?"

Natsu: "I do.." he whispered

Lucy: "Then why?!" I raised my voice getting annoyed

Natsu: "Because i don't want you to leave!" He yelled

Lucy: "That's it?!"

Natsu: "Yes, I just wanted to chill with you and celebrate on you getting the job." He pouted

Lucy: "Well I don't want to be here if we're just going to argue about who we like."

Natsu: "I'll drop it okay!?"

Lucy: "No, because I know I won't. I'll know that it'll bother me." I see the eyes Natsu is giving me, and they're pleading me to stay. But I'm too hurt to know who he does like that isn't me. "I'll see you tomorrow, kay?" I raise my fist asking for a fist bump, but he hugs me instead. I hug him back and rub my hands on his back. When we part, I noticed his eyes are watery again but this time I ignore it and shut the door behind me. As soon as I hear the door click shut, I start crying. I noticed he was crying too.
I walked home, and when I got there I head straight for the roof. When I'm sad I like to go to the roof and watch the stars, I like to think my moms watching me from above since she's passed.

I pull up my knees and look up to the sky. I hear someone walking into the distance and noticed a salmon haired boy.
Natsu: "Can we talk?" He yelled

Lucy "Come on up." I yelled back.

After 10 minutes go by I hear someone trying to climb the roof.

Natsu "Hi.." he greets

Lucy: "hi.." I said softly
He manages to get up and sits next to me.
Lucy: "What'd you wanna talk about?"

Natsu: "I want to apologize if I upset you.. and to tell you that I don't like Lisanna if you think it's her."

Lucy: "Why would it matter if I thought it was her?"

Natsu: "I don't know, you guys had beef before and I don't know if you still do?"

Lucy: "If you did like her, I would support you either way. I don't care who you like anymore. I give up."

Natsu: "What do you mean you give up?" He makes a confused face

Lucy: "I mean, I give up on knowing."

Natsu: "Oh.." Natsu sulks to my words. "I don't give up on knowing who you like."

Lucy: "You'll never know.."

Natsu: "Why?"

Lucy: "Because I won't tell you. I've liked him for this long, surprised you still haven't found out."

Natsu: "What do you mean?"

Lucy: "I've like him ever since I've met him."

Natsu: "And I haven't known?!"

Lucy: "No, you didn't care."

Natsu: "What!? I do too?!"

Lucy: "It's whatever Natsu..."

Natsu: "But it's not!"

Lucy: "It's getting late, we have work tomorrow. You should head home."

Natsu: "What no. I'm not done."

Lucy: "What else is there to say? You've apologized, you've told me you didn't like Lisanna. What else?"

Natsu: "I-"

Lucy: "See, nothing." I climbed off my roof and into my room. I change into pajamas and climb in my bed. I hear Natsu coming down as well and onto my bed. I lay down facing the other way from the window. I feel his arms around my stomach spooning me. I soon drift off to sleep from the warmth he was giving me.

The next morning
My alarm goes off, and I slowly reach out for it and hit the button. I rub my eyes to wake up a bit, I forgot Natsu spent the night. I guess I'll get ready first then wake him.

I put on some skinny jeans and a over-sized edgy graphic tee with converse on. I put my hair up in a ponytail, put some makeup on and looked at myself in the mirror. I look over to Natsu and see him still sleeping. I go over, grab a pillow and tossed it at his face.

"Mmm" Natsu groaned

Lucy: "Wake up."

Natsu: "Five mo-"

Lucy: "Noo wake up, time for work."

Natsu: "Fine." He groaned once again.
He gets up changed his clothes that he has here, and tell me he's ready.

Lucy: "K."

Natsu: "You still upset with me?"

Lucy: "Nope."

Natsu: "It sure seems like it."

Lucy: "I'm annoyed Natsu, there's a difference." I turned to him

Natsu: "What are you annoyed about??"

Lucy: "That you can't figure it out!"

Natsu: "Figure what out? Why can't you talk to me about it instead of keeping it a secret."

Lucy: "Because it'll either ruin us or we'll grow from it, and I can't risk ruining our friendship." I turn to face the door and head to work.

Natsu: "What.." Natsu whispers, then he too joins me out the door.

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