Chapter 2: a little birdie

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Let me scoot back to a couple days ago where this little birdie told me something.

So Wednesday morning I wake up bright and early, I get ready for the day and start looking looking for a job again. Until I find a good job, my dad is paying for my apartment. He's been really supportive on me living by myself, because he knows I'm capable of doing so and I have Natsu there for me.
Natsu has been living on his own for some time now, ever since his dad left for who knows what. When he left, Natsu's aunt took him under her care until he did find the apartment he's at now. Natsu has been working at the pet shelter since he was sixteen, he found this cat there that he fell in love with and started working there immediately. He even took the cat home, of all colors the cat was blue. Natsu named him Happy because that's how he felt when he saw him. I thought it was so adorable.

Anyways, I got ready for the day and went to Natsu's work to say hi.
I walk into town and approach the shelter

I open the door
*ding ding*

Natsu: "Hi welcome to-"

Lucy: "Hi!"

Natsu: "Oh hey Luce! Whatchu doing?"

Lucy: "I just wanted to stop by.."

Natsu: "Are you still having trouble finding a job?"

Lucy: "Yeaaaah.."

Natsu: "Luce.. do you want me to ask my manager if you can get a spot?"

Lucy: "I can't do that!"

Natsu: "Luce! Stop! You've been trying to find one forever now, the least I could do is ask."

Lucy: "Fine" i grunted.

Natsu: "Okay! I'll be right back" he smiled his toothy smile that I love and left to the back.
After a couple minutes go by, Natsu comes out with his manager.

Manager: "Hi are you Lucy?"

Lucy: "Yes, yes I am!"

Manager: "Great, Natsu told me you were looking for a job, and I was actually going to look for someone to get a position here!"

Lucy:"Really!? I can do anything!" I cheered

Managed:"Awesome! Can you write?"

Lucy:"Write?! I love to write!"

Manager:"Really?! I could really use someone who could write cute descriptions for the animals, and a blogger for our website."

Lucy:"I'd love to do that for you!"

Manager:"Then you're hired!"

Lucy: "OMG yeah!! When can I start?"

Manager:"Right now! Let's go get you set up and then I'll explain what you need to do first."
I looked at Natsu with a huge smile on my face, and I see him smiling so sweetly and quietly in his front desk chair.  I turn back towards the manager and walk back with her to get me set up.

After some time, I was finished with my paper work. My first assignment was to bond with the animals for a couple weeks so I could get to know them and write about them on their paper work. The first animal I'm working with was a little white dog named Plue. He was shaking a lot. He kind of reminded me of a snowman.

I was playing with Plue until Natsu came in. He leaned on the cage watching me.
Lucy: "What?" I chuckled.

Natsu:"You're falling in love with him aren't you?"

Lucy: "Yeeeaaaahhh."

Natsu:"You know it's almost closing time right?"

Lucy:"What already!?"

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