Chapter 19: getting better

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Just as Natsu said he was beside me in the hospital bed. He was passed out so I assumed he got here super early, I reach for his messy pink hair and start playing with it. Several minutes go by and we slowly awakens and we made eye contact.

Lucy: "Good morning Natsu.."

Natsu: "Hi, how are you feeling?"

Lucy: "I'm fine, I promise. Don't you need to go to work soon?"

Natsu: "Yes but I'm here for you to get discharged."

As soon as he said that, the universe let the doctor walk in.

Doctor: "Good morning! How are you feeling Ms.Heartfilia?"

Lucy: "I'm good, nothing feels wrong."

Doctor: "Wonderful! Let me just check your vitals and the babies vitals to make sure everything is alright, okay?"

Lucy: "Okay..."

The doctor checks my heart, blood pressure, breathing, then checks on the baby as well.

Doctor: "Alright looks like everyone is in tip top shape. If anything is concerning you just come back, alright?"

Natsu: "Thank you doctor."

Doctor: "My pleasure. You're ready to go home now."

After I get discharged, Natsu helps me get home and demands that I lay down on the couch or bed.

Natsu: "Luce, I want you to lay her all day until I get home. You got?!"

Lucy: "Natsu... I'm fine, even the doctor said I was good."

Natsu: "I know she did, but it doesn't hurt to be extra cautious.. please? To help me feel like you're okay while I'm working?" He caresses my cheek with such sadden concerned eyes, I couldn't help but give in.

Lucy: "Okay fine, just until you get home.. "

Natsu: "Thank you, I love you." He kisses my lips and heads out the door.

Happy and Plue lay beside me on the couch while I'm writing in my journal. I can't help feel guilty for passing out like that. I know it was out of my control but now he's going to worry about me like crazy.

I take a minute to pause what I was writing and look down at my pregnant belly. Happy and Plue look up at me and cock their hands.

Lucy: "What!? You excited to have a new sister?" I laugh at them. "I wonder who she's gonna look like more? I think she might look more like Natsu. What do you guys think?" I look back to them both and they just put their heads on my belly. I raise both my hands and pet them both.

To kill time I decide to take a nap with the animals, just until I hear Natsu slam open the door.

"LUUUUCE!" He yells

I wake up with a jolt, "jeeeezze Natsu!"

Natsu: "Sorry!!" He runs over to me quickly and hugs me like a child. "How are you? You okay? The baby okay?"

Lucy: "Yes everything is fine, I listened to your orders and stayed in this exact spot. I really have to pee now." I chuckle

Natsu: "Well you could've gone to the bathroom or kitchen! I just didn't you want to work on the house!"

Lucy: "Well maaaaaybe you should be more clear on your orders next time!!" I yell from the bathroom. We both laugh because we knew what he meant.

As I prepare dinner, Natsu packs up the last of the stuff in the house and all that is left is the bulky furniture and a bunch of boxes. This coming weekend our friends are going to help us move everything out and into the new house and even unload the boxes. Just because Natsu told our friends about my scary incident and they don't want me do something like that again which I am grateful for.

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