Chapter 13: waiting

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Natsu's POV
I lay next to Lucy for about 30 minutes, that's when I know she's for sure fully sleeping. I go to check the bathroom trash and under the sick. I rummage through the kitchen trash can, then her purse and panty drawer.. At this point I'm freaking out.


I look over to see Lucy awake and looking at me confused.

Natsu: "hey baby go back to sleep"

Lucy: " What are you doing? You look like you're stressing out?"

Natsu: "Well. You puked." I said matter of factly.

Lucy: "yes I did.. I probably ate something bad, wouldn't be the first time." She looks at me like I'm crazy. I go to the bed to sit next to her, she sits up and is ready to listen to what I have to say.

Natsu: "Well you see. I thought about the things you ate in the last twenty-fours" she chuckles "and nothing you ate was any different from what you eat regularly."

Lucy: "Sooo what are you saying? I got the flu. Because I don't have a fever." I just look at her trying to send a telepathic message.

Natsu: "no."

Lucy: "Then what?" I wait until she really thought about.

It took 5 minutes, then it hit her. Her eyes very wide. Her hand over her mouth.

Lucy: "D-do you think I-I'm..?"
Tears start to well up in her eyes.

Natsu: "..maybe?"

Lucy: "Wh-what a-are we gonna do? What about our house, my job? Wha-" i cut her off

Natsu: "Lucy look at me, we will figure this out together. We don't even know yet! It was just a thought. I'm sorry I was freaking you out, and your freaked out now. What we are going to do now is, I'm going to the store, buy the test. You're gonna take it, and we will go through this together. Got it?"

She just nods, I give her a hug and rub her back. I kiss her forehead and start to leave.

Lucy's pov
Natsu: "I'll be back." He kisses me and leaves.

I'm freaking out. He always puts one on. How could he forget! I can't be. I probably just ate a expired food... oh my god. What if I am? How will we afford between us, and the pets, and the apartment? There's not enough room in the apartment if it does happen to be-..

Just like Natsu said he came right back. It seemed like he just left. I check the clock he left twenty minutes ago. This entire time I've been in my head.

Natsu: "Hi baby.. you ready?"

Lucy: "No."

Natsu: "I know. Me either, but we gotta know."

Lucy: "I know." I look down to my lap to see Natsu handing me a pregnancy test. "Natsu.. I'm scared. I'm so scared." I start to cry.

Natsu: "Lucy, you are not alone. I'm scared too." He cups my cheek to comfort me. Then his forehead is touched to mine. We both take a deep breath, I stand up to go to the bathroom with the test in my hand.

Lucy: "Will come with me?" He nods.
We go to the bathroom. He sits on the rim of the tub and I pee on the stick. I did the deed, put the test on bathroom counter. My hands are shaking, my breath is shaky. I hug Natsu for comfort my head to his chest. He's also shaky.

We both are freaking the hell out.
Until the test is ready.

Hey guys! Author here, I just wanna thank you so much for all your love and support! It makes me really happy that your enjoying something I made up in my head!

Anyways I just wanted to thank you and I love you all!!❤️

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