Chapter 18: reminiscing

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*explicated* cursing*
You have been warned.

As soon as I brought Lucy to the hospital the doctors were quick to her vitals and immediately started to examine her. I waited right beside her looking at the doctor for an answer.

Natsu: "Do you know what's wrong with her?"

Doctor: "Well it looks like she exhausted herself, what were you saying that was happening?"

Natsu: "We're moving right now and I told her to not help but she insisted that she did. She's been really stressed lately."

Doctor: "That just might be it, the baby is perfectly okay and she seems to be fine."

Natsu: "Why isn't she waking up then?"

Doctor: "She will.. she'll be okay."
I feel a twitch in my hand and my eyes went straight to those big brown ones that I've always loved.

Natsu: "Oh my god Lucy!!!" I started crying and hugged her.

Lucy: "hm.... What happened?"

Doctor: "Hi do you remember your name?"

Lucy: "Yes of course, I'm Lucy, this is my fiancé Natsu."

Doctor: "Okay good, well it appears you fell unconscious on your fiancé's lap."

Lucy: "I did? Do you know why?"

Doctor: "It was probably due to all the stress you're under but we will want to keep you here for an extra night just in case it doesn't happen again."

Lucy: "Okay.."
I look at her with my worried watery eyes and she gives me that smile of hers and caresses my cheek.
Lucy: "Natsu... no need to worry."

Natsu: "Maybe if you listened to me more this wouldn't have happened!"  I cried.

Lucy: "I know, I'm sorry.." I give her a wet snotty kiss on the lips.

After a couple hours of just sitting together Lucy told me to go pack some more and keep myself busy.

Natsu: "Are sure you'll be okay?"

Lucy: "I'll be fine, go!"

Natsu: "Okay I love you"

I hear her say she loves me back as I walk out to the hall.
When I got home I started packing up anything I could find. I went back and forth between rooms for a couple hours and decided to rest. I get a call from the hospital and got news that Lucy's abdomen is hurting so I quickly go to the hospital.

When I was in the hallway I could hear Lucy yelling at the nurse.


Nurse: "Ma'am please keep your voice down, we have to update him on your health in case something happens."


I walk in her room chuckling.
Natsu: "Hi my love.."

Lucy: "Natsu!! Tell her to give me some god damn fiber and let me take a shit and then I'll feel better."

The nurse and I look back and forth at each other.

Lucy: "WELL!?"

Nurse: "I guess I'll talk to the doctor about it." And she quickly walks away.

Natsu: "baby, do you have to be so loud and angry?"

Lucy: "She didn't need to notify you about me being full of shit."

Natsu: "She's just doing her job, you didn't have to yell!"

Lucy: "Well this isn't a urgent thing! She didn't have to worry you because of me needing to poop!"

Natsu: "Luce, please calm down."
I watch her take a deep breath and exhale it out.

Lucy: "I don't like being here when I don't need to be." I watch her eyes start to build up with water and watch them drop down to her cheek, I wipe them off her beautiful face.

Natsu: "I know, you're okay though, before you know it, we'll be back here but when miss princess is ready." I rub her belly. She gives me a smile and pulls my head closer to hers for a kiss.

Lucy: "Thank you."

Natsu: "For what?"

Lucy: "Loving me, taking care of me, everything."

Natsu: "I wouldn't have it any other way."

We hear the nurse coming in
Nurse: "The doctor said to take these for your constipation."

Lucy: "Thank you, I apologize for my behavior earlier it's been.. stressful lately.."

Nurse: "No need to apologize, I understand." They exchange smiles and nurse left the room again. Lucy takes the laxative to help her issue. And before we know it, it starts to work. She runs to the bathroom with her clenched cheeks.

Night falls and I watch Lucy fall asleep and decide to head home to finish what I started.
I'm almost done with all the boxes and move it to our new place. But that can wait.
I just sit in our home which was filled with boxes of all our stuff and start to tear up, I fell in love with Lucy in this place, this where we started our journey, we became a family, we found out she was pregnant and I purposed to her here. Lots of mixed emotions running through my mind as I just sit on the couch. I'm excited about our new chapter but also very sad to close this one, nothing I can do except just accept it. And it's crazy to think how in just a short amount of time that our daughter will be here shortly and I'll be a dad! I remember when I just met Lucy. Feels like yesterday, then came our group of friends who have their own lives now. Just crazy to think we all are starting our own families now.

I texted Lucy if she wanted me back at the hospital but she told me to get some good sleep on a proper bed, I accepted her offer and told her I'll be there first thing in the morning.
I crawled in bed with Happy and Plue beside me and fell asleep with thoughts still running through my head.

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