Chapter 10: back home

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After the sun completely set, we were ready to get out of the chilly water, I ran ahead of Lucy to grab our towels. I went back to Lucy who was climbing out of the water and handed her a towel.

Lucy: "Thank you" she blushed

Natsu: "Of course"

As she was drying off, I started to pack everything up.

Lucy: "Hey Natsu?"

Natsu: "What's up?" i continued to pack

Lucy: "Do you think Levy thinks we're dating?"

Natsu: "Why do you say that?"

Lucy: "Before we started confessing to each other and all, I told her that I liked you..."

Natsu: "Oh did you now."

Lucy: "I did! I'm sorry!"

Lucy's POV
Natsu just smirked at me and pulled me in by my hips.
Natsu: "It's okay, I trust her and beside she's your best friend. And so am I!"
He gives me a small kiss on my lips, and I smile.

Lucy: "Thanks Natsu, beside I left her in the dark after telling her about that."

Natsu continued to pick up our mess until it was completely packed. When he was finished and put his towel around his neck he handed out his hand for me to hold. I gladly grabbed ahold and we started walking home.

Natsu: "where shall our home be tonight?"

Lucy: "Doesn't matter to me!"

Natsu: "Fine I'll choose, let's go to your house because I feel more comfortable there."
I chuckled. We talked and walked all the way home.

After awhile we arrived at my apartment and as soon as Natsu came in, he immediately dropped all the stuff he was carrying and plopped on my bed, with his face in the pillow.

Lucy: "Tired already?"

Natsu: "yeah! That was a lot of brain power I used."
He muffled.

Lucy: "ooooh poor Natsu, your brain must be sooo tired planning a date for his girlfriend and all. Now he'll never know what his girlfriend planned for him. Because he's sleeping."
I teased.

Natsu: " you what?!" His head popped up and he glared at me.

Lucy:" Yeah. I mean it's only fair yanno." I was leaning on my door. With my back on the door, looking at my nails.

Natsu slowly got up, came up to me. Looked down at my face as he still glares at me.

Natsu: "And what plans do you have?" He puts his hands above my ears.

Lucy:"Guess you'll never know. You're tired. So I guess it's time for bed." I managed to slip under his arms and sit on my bed. He looks at me so utterly confused.

Natsu:"What are you talking about?"
He walks over to me. Pushes me on my back.

Lucy:"Well I'm saying is that you're tired. And I totally get it. So we'll save my plans for later." I push him on his back and intertwined my hands to his and kissed.

Natsu:"ooooo miss Lucy Heartfilia is a tease now huh.

Lucy:" I have no idea what you're talking about." I get off of him and tucked myself into bed.

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