Chapter 17: moving along

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Hi everyone! I apologize for taking this down right when I published it, but I had technical difficulties and everything I wrote deleted..which I was super bummed about. But I rewrote it and I hope you enjoy! Thank you! Xoxo

I'm moving along in my second trimester, starting to gain some weight. But that's given.
Natsu started a new job, he's working on becoming a fire fighter, which I'm so proud of him for. I'm still working with Mavis.
Speaking of Mavis the next day after we told everyone we were pregnant we went to Zeref and Mavis's home and told them. They were ecstatic! Zeref is actually a real estate agent so he's been helping with our house search. Everything is working in our favor in just a short amount time! It's been so crazy and my stress level is through the roof. This weekend we finally get a break and just enjoy each others company.

Natsu: "Hey babe!" He yells while coming in the house.

Lucy: "Hi welcome home!"

Natsu: "Guess what just happened!"

Lucy: "What....?"

Natsu; "We got the condo!!! Zeref said they accepted our offer and will give us the keys next week!"

Lucy: "Oh my gosh!! I can't we believe we found that place two weeks ago and now it's ours!!"

Natsu: "I know and it's just the perfect size, with a small yard for Plue! Anyways, how are you and Nashi doing?" He bends down to give me a kiss and rub my belly.

Lucy: "Just relaxing after a stressful week!"

Natsu: "Good, stop stressing I told you to quit that and let me handle all the stress."
He goes to the kitchen and gets a water.

Lucy: "Well I can't help it! This is suppose to be team work not just me sit and look pretty. I want to help too! I hate to pile everything on you."
He comes over and caresses my cheek.

Natsu: "Baby, I'm a man, I'm suppose to take care of my wife and child. I'm suppose to take care and provide for my family. You're pregnant and stress isn't good for you. Just let me take care of everything please?"
He looks me in the eye.

Lucy: "No."

Natsu: "Why?"

Lucy: "Because a relationship is suppose to be 50-50, I want to take part of taking care of the family and stuff too!"

Natsu: "Babe.. of course this relationship is 50-50. I'm going to tell you everything that happens. What I'm saying is. In this moment let me take the weight. Stress isn't good for you. I put that baby in you so all I want you to do is keep cooking that precious baby in the belly and take care of the animals. Now let's go take a bath together one last time in this apartment."

Lucy: "Okay.. that sounds nice."

We go to the bathroom, start the bath and put some lavender salts in it. We get in and I sit in front of Natsu. He starts rubbing my neck and shoulder, I lean into his rubbing. I didn't know I needed this so bad. He stops and wraps his arms around me and rubs my belly.

Natsu: "Are you okay?"

Lucy: "Yeah.. I didn't know I needed this so bad."

Natsu: "I know, this is perfect for us right now."

We both got out of the bath, I headed straight to the bed and as soon as my head the pillow I fell asleep instantly.

Natsu's POV

I watched Lucy crawl into bed and fall asleep right away, I decided I wasn't tired yet and wanted to pack more. I kiss her head before I head out in the living room and pack all I could. I knew Lucy's been so stressed lately and I don't what to do because she's so stubborn. I hope this helps relieves her a bit. After I got what I could I crawl in beside her and spoon her.

When I woke up, I could smell bacon and pancakes. I head into the kitchen and see my beautiful fiancé cooking.

Natsu: "Good morning my love."
She looks at my with her furrowed brows.

Natsu: "What did I do?"

Lucy: "I woke up to my living room in boxes, I thought we were suppose to have a relaxing night?"

Natsu: "You're really mad about that? I thought that would put you at ease a bit.. I guess not... I just wanted to get ahead on packing since we move in next week."

Lucy: "You were already packing before then though, I thought you were crazy by the way but I guess it worked out. But I thought we were suppose to relax together, I didn't want you doing it all by yourself!"

Natsu: "Baby as soon as you fell asleep I was at peace, because I knew you were relaxed. Could you just stop being stubborn and let me do this for us?!"

Lucy: "Well I need to help in some way! I don't want to be useless and watch you do all the work!"

Natsu: "Fine you can do the boxes of clothes we won't be needing."

Lucy: "And what about the other stuff?"

Natsu: "I'll have someone else help me, I'll get Gray if he's available. Okay?"

Lucy: "You're not going to let this go are you?"

Natsu: "Well you certainly are not!"
Lucy was hesitant but she agreed with me after awhile. She finished cooking and ate. After that we decided to get to packing more because she and I won't stop going back and forth.
Couple hours later we met at the couch. She grabbed her journal, I watched tv, and the pets were beside us. I was scratching Happy's belly and Plue was resting his head on Lucy's belly. I cherish these types of moments because you'll never get them back, once the baby comes it won't be as peaceful and quiet. But I know they'll be more loved because she'll just be the most precious thing ever.

Lucy: "Natsu..?"

Natsu: "Hm?"

Lucy: "Levy said Gajeel and her want to help move stuff.."

Natsu: "That's awesome, definitely will love the help, they can help on move-in day. Took that day off specially just for that."

Lucy: "I'll take that day off too to help, and I'll let her know.."

Natsu: "Okay. Are you alright?"

Lucy: "huh? Yeah I'm fi-"
In that moment she falls on my lap unconscious.

Natsu: "LUCY?! BABY!! WAKE UP!"
I immediately take her to the hospital.

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