Chapter 11: I want to hold her

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The alarm goes off yet again, and I hit it once again. It's a new day and it's time for work. But first I look over at my handsome secret boyfriends sleeping face and admire it. I push a strand a hair out of his eye and kiss his forehead before I got up and did my daily routine. After I was done a grabbed a pillow, but before I could lift it up I see Natsu grabbing it first.
Natsu: "I'm up, you don't have to hit me." He groans.

Lucy: "Good! Now hurry up!"

We go to work, did our jobs. Until twelve o'clock comes around! We decided to go to Mira's cafe.

Lucy: "Mavis! We're going to get lunch!" I yell as I'm about to leave the shop with Natsu in my hands.

Mavis: "Alright bring me back something!" I hear a voice in the back respond.

I nodded like she could see me but she didn't. As I turn to leave, my eyes shoot to my hands who were being held by Mr.Dragneel.

Natsu: "what's up babe?"

My eyes immediately shoot open, and my face turned into a tomato.

Lucy: "Babe!?"

Natsu: "Yeah, babe."

Lucy: "Since when have you been calling me babe!?"

Natsu: "Uh since now." Natsu acts completely nonchalant about this whole ordeal.

Lucy: " Nevermind that. We can't act like this out in public and you know that." I let my hand go and continue to walk to the cafe. Natsu stares at me while I'm walking ahead with puppy eyes, yet he still follows.

After a few minutes walking I see Miras sign in view and start running to the door. I throw open the door and see my beautiful friend standing behind the counter.

Lucy: "Mira!!"

Mira gasps, and see both of us. "OMG Nalu!!!"
Both Natsu and I look at her confused. "What?" Mira responds to the look we have on our faces.

Natsu: "Nothing.." Natsu has his hands in his pockets acting all cool. He's so cute.

Natsu's POV
Yeah I am.

Lucy and Mira do their girly friend exchange. Squealing and all.
We get a table and Mira serves us our lunch.
Mira: "So how are you guys, it's been forever since I've seen you two."

Lucy: "We've been good, I got a job with Natsu and we still have been inseparable."

Mira: "Oh really?! That's exciting. Although. You guys have always been inseparable, but are you hinting something else?" Miras eyebrows move weirdly and it makes me uncomfortable. But I see Lucy panicking so I step in.

Natsu: "And what exactly are you hinting Mira?"

Mira: "What I'm asking is if you guys are dating yet!"

Me and Lucy burst out laughing. Fake laughing obviously. But Mira couldn't tell.

Mira: "I take that as a no." She pouts.

Natsu: "Mira, if that ever happens you'd probably know first. But at the moment. Me and Lucy don't even look at each other like that." A lie. Yet again.

As we talk Mira down to get her off our toes. We have a good conversation with her and catch up each other on what's been going on in our lives. We got Mavis her lunch and start going back to work. As we do. I start to notice all these guys looking at my Luce with sultry eyes, it starts to make me boil.

As we enter the shop I open the door for Lucy and watch her as she heads back to the kennels. I go into Mavis office and hand her lunch to her.

Mavis: "Thank you! I'll pay you back, how much was it?"

Natsu: "It's okay, it's on me."

Mavis: "Well thank you Natsu. I appreciate it." She gives me a caring look.

I walk away and go back to the front. I start to get into a sad mood. Why? Well because i know Lucy wants to keep our relationship a secret but I can't help but wanting to hold her, touch her, show her off, scream to the world that she's mine! And to be honest. I don't think I can. Boys looking at her, that's really pushing. If Luce sees me right now, she'll see right through me, so I'm going to put on a act and go home.

Couple weeks later..

It's been a few weeks and I still haven't fessed up to Luce, she keeps asking me what's wrong and give her the same answer. 'I'm Fine'. Everybody hates it, even me.

Ever since that day we came back from Mirajane's café, I haven't slept with Luce or touch her.

Currently I'm on lunch break, I'm in Mavis's office talking to her because she always knows what to do. Lucy is still working and will mostly likely come in here.

Natsu: "Mavis, I don't know what to do with this situation. It's been eating me away."

Mavis: "I know, how about you TELL her like I told you several weeks ago!" I just pout.

Mavis: "Listen Natsu, in relationship you have to communicate or else they will never know. She can't read your mind."

Natsu: "Sometimes I wish she could."

Mavis: "Maybe you should talk to Lucy about it, isn't she your best friend anyway." I just look at her, with one of those faces that say 'really?'.

Mavis: " What?" a minute goes by "WAIT she's the one you've been talking about along?!" she whisper yells.

Natsu: "Surprised you haven't caught on with how close we get.." I bite into my sandwich.

Mavis: "Natsu! Talk to her!"

Natsu: "I can't!"

Mavis: "You can! You just don't want to! Now I have to go run a quick errand. I'll be back. By the time I get back you better have talked to her."

Lucy: "Talk to who?"

We both look at Lucy, Mavis smirks and glares at me, and I pout. Mavis walks away, and Lucy takes Mavis's seat and pulls out chips.

Lucy: "Who do you have to talk to?"

Natsu: "you.."

Lucy: "Me?" she raises her brows. "I knew there was something wrong ever since we left Mira's."

Natsu: "yeah.."

Lucy: "Well tell me.." she drops her chips and listens to me intently.

Natsu: "I don't think I want us to be a secret anymore."

Lucy: "Why's that?"

Natsu: "Because when we did come back from Mira's there were guys looking at you like they wanted to do stuff to you and it made my blood boil, and I always want to touch you, kiss you, hold you, and I just want to show you off to everyone, even our friends. I hate lying to them and I know you do too. But I can't stand telling the world that your mine. I distanced myself from you for the past couple weeks because I couldn't stand it even if we did just start dating." I basically ran through that and I feel like a rock came off my shoulders, I just have to see what she says until I'm fully relieved.

Lucy: "I see, so that's been what's eating you away." she looks down to her hands, then reaches out to mind. "I get it Natsu, I do. You're right I don't like lying to them whenever they ask, I do want you to hold me, touch me, kiss me, and I do want you to show me off. I also want to do the same with you, I absolutely hated when you didn't want to come to my place or when I wanted to go yours. I killed me. I agree with you." she had tears weld up in her eyes. "I just don't understand why you couldn't tell me sooner, all this time I thought I did something wrong, or you just didn't love me anymore."

Natsu: "Lucy no! I love you with my entire heart! I just never knew when or how to tell you that I didn't want to keep us a secret."

Lucy: "Well I'm done feeling this way, and I think we exhausted our selves with this secret."

I give her a cheeky smile, grab her cute face, kiss her soft pinky lips. She smiles through our lips and she wraps her arms around my neck.

Natsu: "I love you Lucy Heartfilia."

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