Chapter 20: an entrance

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Natsu POV
Couple months have passed and Lucy is due to give birth any day now, luckily we got all settled in our new home. The nursery is all set up for Nashi to arrive, Happy is very happy to have all this room to run and climb around, Plue is happy he's got a yard to run around too. I got promoted at my job for doing so great in such a short amount of time. And Lucy is still working for Mavis, and she will till the day her water breaks. I don't know why but she just wants to. I was very reluctant on her going, but she insisted. I'm glad to say if she decided to quit Mavis's I could support my family by myself.
The house is very nicely decorated by Lucy herself, she had all the say and I didn't care what the house looked like, she talked endlessly on how she wanted to decorate it. Especially our office and nursery, and bedroom. AND basically the entire house. But that's okay with me.
Anyways, it's the weekend Lucy and I are chilling in our living room watching movies all day. She just got up to make dinner at seven in the evening..

Natsu: "Are you okay to stand love?"

Lucy: "Just because I'm extremely pregnant doesn't mean I'm incapable to do anything.."

Natsu: "I was just seeing if you needed help! Don't gotta give me the 'tude'"

Lucy: "Don't you start talking back to me! I'm not in the mood."
I walk over to her and hug her from behind.
Natsu: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to irritate you." I rub her big belly.

Lucy: "Whatever... go watch the movie."

Natsu: "fine..." I go pout and watch the rest of the movie until she calls out for me that dinner is done.
We both ate in silence and I thank her for the delicious meal. She shoots me a wide eyed look and I start to freak out.
"Why you looking at me like that?!" Lucy slowly looks down to the floor and pulls on her clothes to see for something.

".....Luce......tell me if that's what I think it is." Unsure at the puddle beneath her is.

Lucy: "i think my water just broke.."

Natsu: "Are you sure you didn't spill any water or anything?!" I'm straight up panicking at this point.

Lucy: "OOOOOOw" she grabs her stomach and starts a breathing technique.

Natsu: "OH MY GOD THIS IS HAPPENING, HOLY SHIT OKAY! IMMA GET THE BAGS!" I frantically run to the bedroom and knocked down the chair I was sitting in.

Lucy: "Yeah okay!" She breaths heavily.

I have the bags on my back and help my fiancé walk to the car as she has contractions. As i drive to the hospital I hold her hand to give her support as she's in pain.
Natsu: "WELL if this isn't an entrance, then I don't know what is! Baby girl is already like her daddy!"

Lucy: "HA! She coming out with heat!" She laughs through the pain.

We arrive at the hospital, and we quickly got a room. Lucy has been in labor for a couple hours, a nurse walks in to see how dilated she is and she gives the cue she that she's ready to push.

Natsu: "I'm right here baby!"

Lucy: "GET THIS THING OUT OF ME!!!" She groans in pain.

Doctor: "Alright Ms.Lucy push on the count of three.... 1.......2.......3!"

Through Lucy screaming, she squeezes my hand as support. A moment of silence rushes over us, then beautiful angelic cries come from beneath Lucy.

Natsu: "Luce! You did so good! She's here!"

Lucy: "Can I hold her?" She softly cries while breathing heavily. The nurse cleans Nashi up and places her on Lucy's chest.

Doctor: "Mr.Dragneel, would you like to cut the cord?" I hesitantly accept, and did what I was told. I rushed back to Lucy and the baby and admire the beauty and love that was pouring out of them.

Lucy: "She's so beautiful." She looks at me with her beautiful brown eyes that have so much love in them. I bend down and look at my gorgeous daughter that we created together.

Natsu: "She's beautiful like you Luce."
She looks towards me, and I kiss her lips.
"You did good mamas"
Lucy: "Thank you baby..she looks just like you." We look down to our beautiful daughter and she gives us the cutest smile while she hears our voices.

Natsu: "But she's got your beautiful eyes and smile." I give Lucy one more kiss and leaned our foreheads together.

Couple hours go by, Lucy is taking a needed nap and I'm holding Nashi in my arms. I was showing her photos of the places and memories I shared with her mom and the many aunts and uncles that she has.

Natsu: "Speaking of our friends Nashi, I need to tell everyone that you made your arrival.." I whispered not wanting to wake both my gorgeous girls.
I send a picture with a caption that read "Hello everyone, I'm Nashi! I came into this world at 10:25pm" in a group text to Gray, Juvia, Ezra, Gajeel, Levy, Mira, Mavis, Zeref, and to whoever I forgot I sent separate message. My phone started buzzing like crazy as soon as I sent that message. I put the phone away and just stared at my daughter in admiration. I look over at Lucy, who is now awake and staring at me with a smile.

Natsu: "Whatchu smiling about?" I smirked

Lucy: "I'm just admiring my family." Her smile never left her face

Natsu: "I absolutely love her Luce." I walk over to her and giver her Nashi to hold.

Lucy: "I love her too. Did you already tell everyone?"

Natsu: "I sent a group text of a picture of her." A moment of silence was broken by his buzzing phone. We both laughed because we knew they're freaking out right now.

Lucy: "I guess I should tell my dad!" Natsu hands her the phone and she types as she's holding the sleeping baby. He immediately FaceTimes her.
"Hey dad!"

"Hi sweetheart! How are you and the baby doing?"

"I'm good, I just got some rest, and here's Nashi" she turns the camera towards her

"She is absolutely an angel from god! HOLY cow! Natsu you got some good genes!"

I laugh "thank you sir!"

"I'm all of you are doing good, let me know when I can come visit you guys!"

"Okay dad, I love you!"

"Love you too sweetheart, Natsu take care of my girls!"

"Will do sir!" Then Lucy hangs up the phone.

Lucy and I talked on and on about how adorable Nashi is, then I finally decided to look at all the messages the group sent. They all want to meet her and think she is the cutest baby.

The next today, we got the 'okay' to go home, I was so excited for Happy and Plue to meet Nashi.
When we got home they were just how i expected them to be, they both sweetly walked up slowly and sniffed her. The also both gave her small kisses.
We both tried to acclimate to being new parents, and when it was safe for the gang to meet Nashi they came one by one. Each one of them were just as in love with her as we were. Present were piling up and questions were being asked on when they could babysit.

Lucy POV
Natsu and I couldn't be more overjoyed having out little one come into our life. Truly we are the happiest couple on earth. If it for me bumping into that one day in middle school, we wouldn't be here. Each one of our friends are so happy for us and love us all.

I truly love Natsu with all my heart and as I watch him take care of Nashi, I fall more in love him and I didn't know that could happen with him.
As we both navigate parenthood and work, it'll be a tough road but it's one we are prepared for. With him, I know we can conquer anything.

Our next journey is our wedding which is much waited for. Maybe if it's down the road far enough then expect, Nashi could be our flower girl. But personally if I had the choice, I would marry him yesterday.

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