Chapter 15: coping

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Lucy's POV
I was sleeping peacefully when I suddenly awoke from my sleep to of course puke, I ran straight to the bathroom to the toilet. I woke up Natsu on my way there, which I felt bad because it was like 4 o'clock in the morning.

Natsu: "Lucy.. you alright?" He asked groggily, while walking towards me slowly.

Lucy: "yeah.. just had to puke." He sat next to me on the floor, rubbed my back, and rested his chin on my shoulder.

Natsu: "is there anything I can do?"

Lucy: "just hold me.." he wraps his arms around me.

Natsu: "I wish I could do more to help you. I don't like seeing you sick."

Lucy: "Well I'm not sick, I'm pregnant." I chuckled

Natsu: "You know what I mean." He glares at me. Then we both started to laugh.

Lucy: "I think I'm done.. let's go to back to bed." I stood up and dragged Natsu on the way.
We both slid back to bed in the same position we were before. Both of us fell back asleep quickly.

Natsu POV:
Lucy fell asleep on my chest after throwing up, she probably thinks I'm sleeping but I've been laying here stroking her hair. I'm really worried about her. I know she's scared, I am too. I just don't like her being sick.
I look over to see Plue and Happy snuggled together on the dog bed beside us. They look happy. I go to grab my phone it read 4:37 am. I went to check on houses or bigger apartments. I check the prices, I don't really care about location at the moment. And it's all so expensive. So then I check jobs that pay more, I see some that interest me and I apply. Before I knew it sleep overtook me.

Lucy's POV
I wake up before my alarm, I look over to see Natsu sleeping with his phone on his chest.
I guess he didn't fall asleep at the same time as me.
I grab his phone and noticed he applied at a job. I quickly put it on the charger and just got ready for the day.
Half hour later..
Lucy: "Natsuuuu! Wake up babe!" I yell from the kitchen.

Natsu: "fi-ve more.. minutes.."

Lucy: "The faster you come get your food the more kisses you get!!" I hear a thud, and suddenly i feel hands around my waste.

Natsu: "You called?" In a seductive tone.

Lucy: "I did, your breakfast is right there." I point

Natsu: "what about my kisses?" He pouts.
I kiss his lips
Lucy: "Eat please."
He smiles "Fine. Shouldn't you be eating too?"
Lucy: "I already ate, I woke up before the alarm."

Natsu: "Did you get sick again??"

Lucy: "No. I'm fine, just woke up I guess."

He stares at me to see if I'm lying, then starts to eat. I feed the pets and just when Natsu's done it's time to go to work.

Natsu POV
We arrive at work, we clock in and I asked Mavis if I could talk to her in private.

Mavis: "What's up Natsu? You don't look very good?"

Natsu: "um yeah, well Lucy and I got into a unexpected situation and I don't know whether or not we could get a raise or if I could get guidance into a new job that pays a little more..."

Mavis thinks for a moment, which is leaving Natsu anxious.

Mavis: "Is everything alright?"

Natsu: "Yeah totally, we just need a little more money, plus we need to find a new place."

Mavis: "How much of a raise?"

Natsu: "Enough to support Lucy and I, plus a new house..."

Mavis: "Natsu, I know you all too well. You're hiding something."

Natsu: "Yes I am, but I can't say because I haven't spoken about the matter at hand with Lucy."

Mavis: "Okay here's what I'm thinking, you and Lucy are my family, I'll give you both raises, if that doesn't give you what you need then I'll help you find a new job. Natsu if you need help with anything I can help, I want to help. You guys are like my little siblings. And I hate to see you leave, you've worked here forever and both of you combine have brought me so much business."

Natsu: "I appreciate it so much Mavis, I'll talk to Lucy about it."

Mavis: "Okay, I'm here if you need anything. Me and your brother are just down the road."

Natsu: "Wait what? My brother?? How do you know him?"

Mavis: "Oh you didn't know? Your brother and I are dating. I guess I totally forgot to tell you."

Natsu: "Sine when did you start dating my brother?!"

Mavis: "Mm several weeks ago I think."

Natsu: "WOW, okay.." I just left the room because I was in utter shock.

On our lunch break, I took Lucy to Mira's cafe and discussed what we should do about Mira's offer.

Lucy: "That would be awesome!! Why you so hesitant about it?"

Natsu: "I don't know, I don't think it's enough for us, the pets, and the baby.."

Lucy: "If you don't feel comfortable, you can find a new job and I'll stay with Mavis, that will defiantly be enough for all of us. Plus the pets don't cause us trouble. It's just cat litter and food."

Natsu: "When do you think we should tell everyone?"

Lucy: "I think we should wait till I start showing and when I do they'll be so surprised!"
I smiled.
Natsu: "You seem more happy about this now."

Lucy: "Well yeah, it's our baby, we made it together with love, it's half of you! How could I not? We can't think negative all the time."

Natsu: "Your right."

Lucy: "Natsu, are you okay?"

Natsu: "No."

Lucy: "What's the matter?"

Natsu: "I'm terrified."

Lucy: "Why?"

Natsu: "I'm terrified that I can't support my family, of change, of being a failure of a dad, husband.."
I start to tear up
Lucy: "Natsu... you're not alone. You need to stop being so strong for me, I'm terrified too. But we're doing this together. We have so many friends and family that will help us, they'll help whenever and whatever we need. We probably won't even have to get baby stuff because they'll get it for us.

Natsu: "But I don't want to depend on them."

Lucy: "We won't, we got this. Okay?"

Natsu: "Okay."

She gives me a sweet long kiss, and we head back to work.

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