Chapter 5: break time

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Lucy POV
We arrive at the library, Natsu lets go of my hand and opens the door for me. I immediately noticed a bluenette with glasses reading a book. I run up to the front desk.
Lucy: "Hi Levy!" I greet

Levy: "Hey Lu!! What's up?!"

Lucy: "I wanted to come say hi, and tell you I got a job! I didn't want to tell you over the phone."

Levy: "Oh my gosh that's great!! Where at?"

Lucy: "Where Natsu works, the pet shelter!"

Levy: "Wow!! What do you do?"

Lucy: "I write descriptions about the animals and do the blog."

Levy: "Perfect for you!"

Lucy: "I know! How've you been, I haven't seen you in forever?"

Levy: "I'm good, Gajeel and I started dating yesterday, and let me tell you. He's such a romantic and no one would have guessed."

Lucy: "Really!! That's so cuute!" I noticed in the corner of my eye Natsu going up and down the aisle of many bookshelves.

Levy: "So did you guys confess to each other yet."

Lucy: "Ummm.."

Lucy: "So you did?!"

Lucy: "Uh not quite.. it's complicated. We'll see." I tried my best to make it like we aren't dating but Levy always gets down to the truth.

Levy: "Alriggggt I trust you!"

Lucy: "When we do, you'll be the first to know."

Levy: "I better be."

Lucy: "Alright Natsu and I's break is almost up! I'll see you soon okay?"

Levy: "Of course!"

Lucy: "Bye Lev!"

Levy: "Bye Lu!"

Lucy: "C'mon Natsu!" I yelled

Natsu: "Coming!" He replied

Levy: "Hey Natsu? Don't be a stranger." She shouted

Natsu: "I won't! Bye Levy!" He answered, he comes towards me and opens the door.

We leave the library and as soon as the door shuts our hands collide with each other, like any other couple would do.

Natsu: "Did you have a good chat?" He asked

Lucy: "I did!"

Natsu: "Did she ask about us?"

Lucy: "Yes, but I didn't tell her."

Natsu: "Danggg she didn't investigate like a cop would?"

Lucy: "Nope! I'm surprised as well. I feel like, she deep down knows but isn't saying anything for our sake yanno?"

Natsu: "Yeah, that would make sense."

Lucy: "Oh you know what she told me!?" I grab his arm excitedly.

Natsu: "What?" He giggled

Lucy: "She told me that her and Gajeel started dating and that he's a romantic!"

Natsu: "What!? No way!!I would have never guess he would be. He's always such a grump." He laughs

Lucy: "I know right!! I was so surprised! Kinda makes me excited to see your romantic side." I said with a blush covering my cheeks

Natsu: "You don't know what's in store for you." He smirks
I smile back wondering what he has planned

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