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~ Artemisia's POV ~
Seven Years Ago

Dad! Dad please wake up! I need you here." Hot tears stained my cheeks while my fathers blood burned into my skin. His lifeless body hung loosely in my arms. I gripped onto him tightly begging, praying, that he would open his eyes and say it was all just a joke he and my brothers were playing on me.

But it wasn't.

"There! I see another!" My head shot up at the sound of a booming voice. I didn't know who they were, or why they came and destroyed everything this village had. The voices only came closer and closer with every second that passed and I knew I had to go. I pressed a gentle kiss upon my fathers temple and left him. There was nothing else I could do for him. My thirteen year old body could not bear his weight.

So I ran. I ran to the hideout that my two younger brothers were in and flew through the doors. I grabbed both of them and we sat tightly together in the far corner of the room. I held my hands over their ears and held them closely. All we could do was pray that they didn't find them.

~ Present Time ~

"Tommy! Tubbo! Come on let's go it's time to eat breakfast!" I turned my body to shout up the stairs to my boys. My boys. After my fathers passing, they became my whole world. They were like my children. I turned at the sound of the two kids giggling as they bounded down the stairs. Our old makeshift house creaked with every step they took. As they took their seats, I slid two plates in front of them and watched as they immediately dug in.

I smiled knowing that they were both doing well. They weren't as close to our father as I was when he passed, so his death didn't take that much of a toll on them. I was happy for that. I didn't want them dealing with the pain I felt.

"Sissy, can we go play outside?" I turned around to see the youngest, Tommy, sticking his bottom lip out in a pout. I feigned a thinking expression and tapped my pointer finger against my cheek. "Hmm. I don't know about that." I trailed off. I saw my brothers faces fall before I broke out a smile. "Just kidding."

"Temi!" Tubbo rolled his eyes before Tommy lightly punched his shoulder laughing and ran outside, Tubbo hot on his trail. "Be careful boys!" I yelled after them. As soon as they were out the door, my smile faltered.

Seven years. It's been seven consecutive years of just us three together. Once the soldiers had left, not bothering to check the small hideout that held my brothers and I, we had stayed there for an entire day. We waited until the coast was entirely clear before I went to check it out. I walked through our village. Once stood a lively home now encased a charred landscape, few buildings still had their walls.

I had found my fathers body, still laying in the same place I left it just the day before. I spent more than half of the day digging a grave. I didn't want my brothers to see his mangled body. I used all the muscle my little body could and pulled his into it, covering it. I had found a piece of stone and used a knife I found on the ground to carve out "Dad" into it. I shoved it into the ground above his grave and went to grab my brothers.

Explaining their fathers death was the hardest thing to do. The two kids sobbed for hours, longing for their dad to walk through the doors again. I brought them to his grave that day, and we bid our final goodbye. I had scavenged the remains of our village and managed to find a few tools and weapons along with my fathers old sword, and then the three of us set off in search of a new home.

Raising two kids on my own being a kid myself has proved to be the most difficult task I have ever dealt with. My dad had always pushed me to work the hardest when he was around, considering I was the oldest. He trained me to fight, taught me how to build and gather food, to make tools and clothes. He taught me everything I needed to know to be self-sufficient. For that, I thank him. Without all this knowledge, my little family would not be around today.

We stopped at many villages throughout the first two years of being alone, but I never trusted them. I could let what happened to my dad occur again. That's how we ended up out here in the middle of nowhere. We had a small clearing in a forest where I build a small home for the three of us. We had farms and animals for food just to the east of our home. It all worked out great, until today.

My boys needed to get back to a community life. They were young and they still had a full life ahead of them to live, to make friends, to get a good education, training, to make something of themselves. I didn't want them stuck out here in this kind of life I put them into. We had a good amount of money from trading and things I had stolen. I looked at the pouch that held it all and made my decision.

We are moving.

My Life For Yours ~ Technoblaxe x ocWhere stories live. Discover now