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~ Techno's POV ~

There's something special about that girl. Not only was she drop dead gorgeous, but she was intriguing. There was more to her than she let on and she got me hooked. Her soft amber eyes, almost with a red tinge to them, stayed in my mind ever since I left her place. I smiled to myself just thinking about her even though I just met the girl.

I felt a small body press against my side and my gaze shot down noticing Tommy hugging me and looking back up at me.

"Hi Techno!" He said cheerfully. I saw Tubbo not too far behind him bounding over to us.

"Hello, boys." I took in the time it was. It was getting late. Judging by how worried Temi was for these boys, I knew they should be getting home soon. "It's getting late. You boys should be getting home soon." I said before having an idea. "C'mon, i'll walk you two home." Tommy grabbed onto my hand and dragged me along with him into the direction of their house. I laughed.

Tubbo walked by my side. Tommy was a little ahead of us getting distracted by different flowers or bugs that laid on the ground. I glanced towards Tubbo.

"You know, you have a very pretty sister." I blurted out. His gaze snapped up to meet me. A mischievous smile grew on his face.

"Oh i'm so going to tell her you said that." He said as he started skipping. I grew panicked.

"No! No you don't. That is our little secret." I warned, half joking. He shook his head with a small "fine" falling from his lips. He was going to tell her. Why did I say that. Now i'm going to sound creepy. I shook my head trying not to let it bug me as we reached their doorstep. I knocked on the door as it was locked and I didn't want to barge in on her.

The door flew open revealing the brunette looking very worried. She glanced over the two boys hanging at my sides, the worried expression falling from her face and turning into relief. The two boys rushed inside and gave her a hug. She smiled as she looked back up to me. That smile is going to be the death of me.

She looked back to the boys and looked at Tommy. "Go get ready for bed." She stated and Tommy looked ready to argue with her.

"Why just me? Why not Tubbo too." He pouted.

"Because he's older. Now go." She pushed a hand against his forehead and pushed him backwards lightly. He swatted her hand away and ran upstairs for bed. She turned back to me and our eyes met. Tubbo glanced in between us before a small smile broke onto his face.

"I'll go help him." He said as he skipped away towards the stairs. I shook my head, knowing what he was doing. I stared at her, taking in her features and noticing a small scar across her eyebrow, another larger one across the right side of her forehead. A few strands of her hair framed her face as they fell from her loose ponytail. Her lips we tugged slightly upwards in a small smile. Two necklaces hung from her neck, both with a small glow coming from them. She was beautiful.

~ Artemisia's POV ~

I noticed him staring at me once again. He tended to do that a lot already. I hugged my arms tighter around my body growing nervous. Why was I nervous?

"Thank you for bringing them home. I was starting to get worried." I said to him. He closed his eyes quickly and gave a small shake of his head as if to clear his thoughts. He caught my gaze once again and put his hand on the back of his neck.

"It's no problem, really." He stared at me once again. I took in his features. His light brown hair lay messy on the top of his head. His deep brown eyes captivated me. Small scars littered his face, a larger one across his eye. An eerie battle mask hung at his hip, almost looking like a pig. This time, he was the one to pull me from my thoughts.

"I should get going. I know you have those boys to get to bed." He let out a small laugh looking to the side. "I'll, um, i'll see you tomorrow maybe."

I smile back to him as we exchanged a goodnight and he headed off. I closed the door softly and pressed my back against it. He was hot. I sighed and heard a small creak by the stairs. Tubbo had his head around the corner looking at me.

"You're supposed to be getting ready for bed." I scolded. Nevertheless, he bounded over to me at sat at the counter.

"He thinks your pretty." He said with no hesitation. I snapped my head up to him. He what? Tubbo laughed.

"He told me when we were walking home. I told him I would keep it a secret but I just had to tell you." I ran my hand over my face and shook my head with a small laugh.

"Temi! You need to get a boyfriend. The way you were staring at him, you think he's cute too." he joked. I pushed his shoulder slightly with a small "shut it."

"I just met the guy. I'm not thinking relationships now. I have you boys to worry about first." He went to protest but I stopped him. "Time for bed, come on. I'll tell you boys a story."

I sat on the side of the bed. Tommy pressed next to me and Tubbo on his other side. I told a story of their father, of how he found his love. I could barely remember our mother. She wasn't in our lives much as she grew very sick before giving birth to Tommy. But I heard she was a great mother for the years that she did take care of us. The boys wanted to hear a love story, Tubbos suggestion after my events with Techno.

My mind drifted to the tall man who's eyes kept me captivated. What if?

My Life For Yours ~ Technoblaxe x ocWhere stories live. Discover now