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~ Artemisia's POV ~

I set my bags down on the ground of our new home as the boys went to go pick out their rooms. They would finally have their own rooms. A smile itched at my face. I turned back around to Fundy who was standing in the doorway.

"Here's the key to the place. I hope you enjoy it here." He gave me a warm smile. "If you need anything at all, I would be happy to help you!"

"Thank you." I said as I grabbed the key that was sitting in his outstretched palm. He turned and softly shut the door on his way out. I stared at the key that sat in between my fingers. Home. We finally found it. I hope at least. This place seems great and doesn't pose a threat.

"Be careful."

My fathers voice echoed in my head once again, this time a little louder but I brushed it off. It's been happening more often and getting louder each time. I shook my head, not wanting to be bothered by the voice anymore but I struggled with brushing it off. I sat down at one of the kitchen table chairs and grabbed the two necklaces strung around my neck. I looked at the soft amber glow they gave off.

I looked down at my father with tears welling in my eyes. My hand pressed tightly over the sword wound on his abdomen, desperate to stop the bleeding.

"Temi." He breathed out. He grabbed my hand and pressed three objects into my palm. I looked down seeing the three glowing necklaces he always wore, never telling us what they were for.

"Always wear the two smaller necklaces. They represent your brothers lives. If they're hurt, in physical pain-" He was cut off by a rough cough, blood staining his lips. "The light in the middle will flicker. The dimmer it gets, the closer to death they are. Never let these lights go out."

I nodded my head quickly. "I won't dad, I promise." I noticed the third necklace that lay in my hand. I looked back to him with a questioning gaze.

"This one, is yours. It represents your life. Give it to the one you love, and they will always know that you're okay." He coughed once again.

I sucked in a deep breath as I nodded again, letting him know I understood. I grasped onto his hand. He looked at me one last time in the eyes. "You're special, Temi. You will come to understand why. When you do, don't be afraid of who you are. You will change the world." I was confused on why we was telling me this. "I love you Artemisia, be strong." He said with his last breath.

"Temi? Are you okay?" I hadn't noticed Tubbo come downstairs and sit next to me. He grabbed my hand and gave a small squeeze. I turned to him with a loose smile.

"Yeah, Tubbo. I'm okay, don't worry about me." I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and gave him a side hug.

"Come on, let's get some sleep. We all deserve it."

I shot up in my bed, looking around at my surroundings not understanding at first where I was.  I let out a small sigh at the remembrance of the new home and ran my hand through my hair. I looked around for Tommy and Tubbo not seeing them. They have separate rooms. I bolted out the door looking in each of their rooms and not seeing them in their beds. Panic slowly overtook me as I ran downstairs.

I let out another sigh as I noticed the pair sitting at the kitchen counter snacking on some of the food that was provided for us. They turned to me, now aware of my presence.

"Good morning, sissy!" Tommy exclaimed. I walked over and gave him a hug, glad to see he was still here. I put my hand on Tubbo's shoulder giving him a smile. I would have to get used to not seeing them as soon as I wake up. It would be difficult not knowing if they're safe or not throughout the night.

"Good morning, boys. How'd you sleep?" I asked as i grabbed an apple and washed it off in the sink. I turned around and took a bite as I awaited their answers.

"It was amazing! My bed is so comfortable, and the blankets? Don't even get me started on how soft they are!" Tubbo ranted. I let out a small laugh and shook my head. We sat in the kitchen and made small talk about our new home.

"Sooo Temi," Tubbo trailed off glancing at Tommy and then back to me. "Me and Tommy really want to go explore the place."

I shot my head up to him meeting his eyes. "No Tubbo. You know how I feel about new places like this." I started flatly. I saw the hole drain from the boys eyes and guilt overtook me.

"I know, Temi, but we know the rules. You taught us everything we need to know to be safe! Tommy and I are always careful, you know that." Tubbo pleaded and Tommy gave me his pout once again. I looked back and forth between them.

I came here to give them freedom, to let them be kids. I need to let them go and have their fun. Why is it so hard for me to let them go? I ran my hands over my face.

"Fine." I said as I threw my hands in the air. "But, only for a little bit. You boys are not to be out long at all, and I mean it. Got it?" I looked back and forth between them once again.

"Yes! We won't be long, I promise Temi." Tommy was the one to speak this time. Stress was eating away at me at the thought of him being out there without me. The pair jumped out of their seats and ran to get their shoes on. Once they were finished, Tommy ran over first and gave me a tight hug thanking me over and over again before running over to the door and waiting for his brother.

Tubbo came over to me next and wrapped his arms around me. "I'll watch out for him, okay? We will be fine, sis." He whispered. I slipped a small dagger into his palm and nodded my head. He put it into his pocket and hugged me once again.

"I love you boys, be safe." Two little "love you's" were heard before the door slammed shut and they were gone. I paced back and forth for a few minutes running my hands over my face again. They'll be fine. I splashed water over my face and dried it off with the towel hanging on a small hook.

They'll be fine.

My Life For Yours ~ Technoblaxe x ocWhere stories live. Discover now