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~Artemisia's POV~


The soft voice spoke from below me. I glanced down to the body in my arms that began to radiate warmth once again. I lifted my the corners of my mouth up into a smile. It was so hard to.

Techno sat up in my arms while he wrapped one arm around my waist. He glanced around, noticing the bloody netherrite sword that lay still on the pavement. All the commotion had stopped once Dream had fallen.

"Did you? Is he gone?" He asked, still looking at the many eyes that were looking our way from the soldiers.

I nodded my head. "He's gone, Techno." I whispered.

He smiled as he looked back towards me. I saw his eyes flicker from my eyes to my lips before he pulled me in. His lips landed on mine.

I could feel myself grow weaker with every minute, but I savored this kiss. I knew it would be the last time. I had given my life to the man who sat in my arms. I gave my life to the one man who gave me a home, gave me a place to always want to come back to.

He pulled away and rested his forehead against mine. I looked back up into his eyes.

"I love you." I mustered out, with a small sad smile playing on my lips. The corners of the world before me that I could see through my eyes began to fade to black. I could see Techno's face shift into a look of worry.

I could feel my body slowly slip backwards, as my mind began to fall into the darkness before me.

Dad. Tommy. Tubbo. I'll see you soon.

The darkness took over. The last thing I saw was Techno yelling out frantically. I hope he would understand.

~Techno's POV~

All I could see was pitch black. A large vast emptiness spread out before me. The moments before replayed in my mind over and over again. Temi's cry of terror struck me hard. The pain of Dream's sword tearing through my body.

"My life for yours"

What? What the hell was that. I tried to look around but all I could see was the nothingness that was around me. I rubbed my hands against my head trying to get the familiar voice that kept echoing throughout my body.

I began to feel a warm sensation course throughout my body, breaking through the solid bitterness that once encased me. I reached down to my chest. I felt a slight pressure there where the warmth was seeming to spread out from.

Light began to peak in from all corners of my vision. I started blinking rapidly as I was blinded from the brightness. When I came to my senses, the first thing I noticed was Temi. She had me in her lap, one hand lay on my chest, and her eyes were closed as she breathed in and out steadily.

"Temi." I whispered out. Her eyes shot open as she looked down at me, almost surprised. I leaned up in her arms and looked around us. Soldiers stood everywhere, and they all seemed to be looking at us. I glanced to the side and noticed Temi's sword on the ground. It was completely stained red, and slightly broken.

Where is Dream?

"Did you? Is he gone?" I questioned her.

"He's gone, Techno."

I looked back towards her as she nodded her head. She looked so tired. A smile broke out onto my face. She did it. She killed him. I couldn't be anymore proud of her. I slipped an arm around her waist and pulled her lips to mine.

God, I love her. I leaned more into the kiss, deepening it. I wanted to give her everything. We can finally start a life together. Hell, maybe even have kids of our own. I was ready to go down this road with her.

I pulled back and rested my forehead against hers and smiled. My whole world sat in front of me. She looked up into my eyes as she leaned back slightly. "I love you." She said, her voice barely above a whisper. I furrowed my eyebrows. Why did she sound, weak?

I felt her go body begin to fall back against my arm that lay around her waist. I tightened my grip on her and I could feel myself start to scream. What was happening?

Her eyes closed as her body went limp.

"No! No, no, no! This can't be happening! Temi!" I screamed out. My eyes flickered to the crowd standing in a semi-circle around our two bodies. My eyes caught Wilburs as he began to make his way over to us, tears were streaked down his face.

He crouched down beside me. I looked back to Temi, the girl I loved with everything in me. I reached down and grasped onto the amulet she gave me months before. The soft amber glow it once had, was gone. The gem that was held in the middle now lay dormant, a black color taking over.

She was gone.

I leaned down and pulled her body close against mine. "I love you. I love you. I love you." I repeated over and over again, hoping she would come back to me. I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. Wilbur was crouched next to me.

"Techno. I'm sorry." He whispered. I shook my head.

"S-she was fine just a minute ago. What h-happened? How?" My voice trailed off as I looked at her lifeless body.

"Techno. I know this will be hard to hear. But it was in her training. She could give her life to another to save them. It's what she did for you. She didn't want you to know, so you didn't talk her out of it." He said, a somber look casting across his features.

(I know I didn't write this is previous chapters and I just now realized, but let's pretend Temi told Wilbur about this prior to the battle)

I shook my head once again. This isn't true. Why would she do that?

My life for yours.

The voice echoed in my head once more. That was her. She was giving me her life. My looked over her face, taking her in once last time.

I sat back on my heels and screamed out. I screamed at Dream, even though he was gone.

He had taken away the last thing that I truly cared about.


Hey guys :) Shitty ending I know. But this is the end. I went over like a million scenarios in my head to try and get this ending right but none of them worked out so this is the best i've got.

I truly did not expect to get any reads on this at all so thank you for sticking through the story with me!

I will most likely be starting another story here soon, not sure on which member of the smp i'll do it on, but it will be more like a real life story if that makes sense!

So thank you for reading, I love you, and hope to see you in the next book ❤️

My Life For Yours ~ Technoblaxe x ocWhere stories live. Discover now