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~ Artemisia's POV ~

Tommy, Tubbo, and I spent the next day in the house. The rain was coming down hard and it didn't seem like it would let up anytime soon. The boys messed around in their rooms while I sat downstairs at the kitchen counter deep in thought. I had another one of those dreams last night, this time it was much more vivid than before. I got a good look at the green eyed man that terrorized the town each time. He stood at the same height as Techno. Dirty blond locks splayed on top of his head and freckles lay sporadically on his face. His green eyes stayed the same. I didn't know who he was or why he was in my dreams, or nightmares as I should call them.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't see the figure standing in front of me on the other side of the counter.

"Temi." I heard my fathers voice in my head again. It was louder this time. I had my head in my hands.

"Temi." Even louder.

"Temi." I lifted my head. The voice wasn't inside my head. It was coming from in front of me. I recognized the man immediately. He had the same color hair as me, falling just short of his shoulders. We had similar scars across our eyebrows, only his was larger than mine. His bright blue eyes held my gaze. I was the only one in the family with dark colored eyes.

"Dad..?" I trailed off, confused. Was I having another dream?

"I'm here, Temi." He said softly. "But only in your mind." A sad smile made its way onto his face.

"Dad, why can I see you? What's going on..why are you here?" I rattled off questions. I didn't understand why I could always hear him and now that I could see him clearly standing in front of me, my mind was in shambles.

"You need to listen to me carefully, Temi. What i'm about to tell you is important. You know of your powers, but you don't know how to use or control them. You must learn. You are able to speak with me because I had them, too." He paused, glancing to the side. "I made mistakes with my power, and vowed to never use them again. You got it from me, and that's how we are able to communicate."

I took this in. My father had special powers?

"This power untamed can become detrimental. That man you've been seeing in your sleep has the same power as you, but he was never properly trained. His want for chaos over took him. You must go see Eldon. He will help you train and understand your power."

"When? When do I go to him?" I questioned.

"Now. Tonight." He replied. "The man from your dreams will come soon, and those dreams will come true. You must strengthen to be able to fight him, and to stop him, kill him."

"You want me to kill him? I don't even know where he is." I threw my hands in the air in stress.

"You will know when he comes. I told you that you were special Temi. You're going to help the world. I must go. Take care of the boys and keep them safe. I love you." He slowly started to disappear.

"I love you too, dad.." I whispered. I sucked in a sharp breath while tears pricked at my eyes. He said I have to go now, go train. I trusted him. I ran up to my room to pack some clothes and other necessary needs. I didn't know how long I would be gone for. I snapped the leather holder around my waist and slid my fathers netherrite sword into it. I ran my hand through my hair as I looked around the room once more and shut the door.

I stood in front of Tommy's room where the boys were. I couldn't take them with me, but I couldn't leave them. I pushed open the door, and they're heads turned to look at me. Concern flashed across their faces when they noticed the sword laying at my hip.

"Boys, come on. You two are going to stay with someone else for a little bit." I said quietly. Tommy ran up to me.

"Why? Where are you going, sissy?" He questioned. I bent down to his level and gestured Tubbo over to us.

"I need to go visit an old friend for a little while. I won't be too long. We're going to see if you can stay at Techno's for a bit. You boys love him, it will be fine." My voice trembled. They both flung their arms around me and I held them in a tight embrace, not wanting to ever let go. I have never left them on their own before. I never intended for it to happen, but I knew they couldn't come with me, they couldn't know what I was.

I grabbed their hands and stood up. "Put a coat on, let's go."

I threw my hood up and glanced to the sky. The rain still fell hard. We quickly walked over to Techno's house and I knocked three times on his door. The door swung open shortly after and Techno stood there with a smile on his face after seeing us. It faltered, though, once he saw the sword and my pack paired with my stressed expression.

"Techno, hi." I breathed out. "I hate to ask you this, and I wouldn't be if didn't need to. But can you watch after Tommy and Tubbo for a little while? I need to go visit an old friend, and I can't take them with me. I'm so sorry, I just didn't know what else to do-" Techno cut me off.

"Yes, Temi, of course they can. Come on boys." He said. Tommy and Tubbo turned to me and I bent down to give them one last hug.

"I love you both. Keep each other safe, got it?" I whispered in their ears. They pulled back away from me and nodded before turning and running into the house. I stood back up and met Techno's worried gaze.

"Temi, what's going on? Is everything alright?" He took a step towards me. I nodded.

"Y-yeah everything's fine." I lied. "Please just keep them safe. Thank you." I wrapped my arms around him pulled him close. He snuck his arms around my waist pulling me even closer to him. We held the embrace and I was the first to pull away.

"I need to go, now." I grabbed his hand and turned it over so his palm was facing up and pressed my house key into his hand. "So they can get clothes and whatever else they need."

We stared back at each other for a long moment while I still held onto his hand. He went to say something but I pulled him closer and I stood on my tip toes, pressing a lingering kiss onto his cheek. "I'll see you soon."

I gave him one last look as I dropped his hand and took off into the night rain.

My Life For Yours ~ Technoblaxe x ocWhere stories live. Discover now