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~ Artemisia's POV ~

"Tommy! Tubbo! Come on! We're going into town!" The two came bounding down the stairs excited to be around other people and visit the town again. It was their favorite thing to do. I watched as the two boys ran around ahead of me giggling as they chased butterflies and rabbits on our path to town.

I laid in the bed, Tubbo underneath my left arm and Tommy under my right. Soft snores came from both and I shut the book I was reading them. I looked down to the two boys, seeing the peaceful look they held. I wrapped my arms closer around them and closed my eyes,  falling asleep with the two most important people in my life.

I looked out from the window as the large flakes floated down from the sky, softly landing on the ground. Tommy and Tubbo ran in circles, throwing snowballs at each other. I put on my coat and boots and headed outside to join them. I threw a snowball at Tommy hitting him square in the back, surprising the two of them. They looked at me and began to chase me. I ran away, pretending to be scared. I turned around and let them tackle me. The three of us fell back onto the soft snow and we erupted into laughter.

I leaned against the doorway of Techno's home that led to his backyard. The three boys held sticks acting like they were swords and pretended to battle. Tubbo struck Techno in the leg lightly and he acted like he was hurt and fell to the ground. Tommy and Tubbo piled on top of him giggling.

So many images flashed in front of my eyes, to a much happier time. They all ended as I caught sight of what was truly happening. Tommy and Tubbo sat on their knees, held up by Dream. The glint in Dream's green eyes chilled my bones. I finally found the courage to speak.

"Dream. Leave them out of this. It has nothing to do with them." I said lowly, almost in a growl. He just laughed at me.

"Oh Artemisia. They have everything to do with this. You attempted to challenge me, and that comes with a price." He unsheathed the two swords at his hips and held them against the boys backs.

"No!" I screamed and outstretched my hand to toss Dream away from them, but nothing happened. I grew confused and tried again, and failed. Why wasn't it working? A low chuckle came from Dream.

"I'm much more powerful than you, Artemisia. I have your powers blocked, there's nothing you can do now but say goodbye to your brothers."

I tried to run forward, I didn't know what I was going to do while powerless and with no weapon, but I had to save them. I was pushed backwards by Dreams power and sent to the ground. I stood up frantically and brushed myself off, snapping my gaze back up to meet Dreams.

"You don't have to do this Dream!" I cried out. "Just kill me instead! Please don't hurt them." I pleaded for him to take my life instead. I couldn't have them get hurt.

"I truly am sorry for this, Artemisia, but it must be done. Let it be a lesson for you." He spoke, his voice booming again. I connected my gaze with the two boys who were visibly shaking. Their frightened looks made my heart drop.

Everything slowed down. The sounds of the crackling flames that surrounded us faded out as I looked between Tommy and Tubbo. It seemed as it was just us three, like it had always been. I dreamed of being with them in our old makeshift home in the woods. Tubbo gave me a weak smile. Tears were beginning to fall down my cheeks. Tubbo reached over and picked up Tommy's hand giving it a small squeeze.

Dream swung his swords down through their small frail bodies. I stopped breathing as he held them there, Tommy coughed as Tubbo just head fell down no moving. He ripped the swords back out, causing the two bodies to slump to the ground.

I screamed.

Dream's laugh echoed in my ears, but all I could see were the lifeless bodies of my two brothers, my two boys. Dream shoved his swords back into his belt as disappeared. I ran as fast as I could to Tommy and Tubbo ripping the necklaces off as I did. I fell to the ground in front of them, picking them up in my arms and holding them close to my body.

"'My boys!" I yelled out. Loud cries escaped my throat and echoed throughout the walls that still stood. "I lost them both tonight! I lost them both." I uncovered the necklaces in my hand. No light emitted from them anymore. The bright amulet that once sat in the middle now faded to a deep black. I closed my fist around them and sobbed into their shoulders.

I felt another pair of arms encase me and the two boys. Techno pressed his cheek against the top of my head and softly cried along with me.

I promised to protect these boys with my life. I promised to keep them safe at all times. I promised that I would never let the light go out.

I'm sorry, dad. I failed.

My Life For Yours ~ Technoblaxe x ocWhere stories live. Discover now