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~ Artemisia's POV ~

The next three weeks went by smoothly. At least, for my boys. They stayed safe for the most party. The light on Tommy's necklace flickered slightly once when he tripped and scraped his knee. Seeing the light flicker and not knowing the reasoning scared the living hell out of me.

Me on the other hand, I've been getting these dreams plagued my mind every night now. The same things stayed constant; fire, pain, and the evil green eyed man. I've been getting these images during the day now. It seems to keep getting worse every single day, but I try to brush it off each time.

Techno and I have been getting closer. We spend most of our days together now whether it be just talking at one of our houses or walking around town.  It was nice, and I was growing a liking to him.

Today we were having a festival. The town had a festival at the end of every month to party and let loose. I didn't want to go, but my boys begged me to. I think they only want me to go so I would be with Techno.

I sat in my room in front of the mirror looking at myself. I looked different. Niki, who I had met through Wilbur during my first week here, was helping me with my look. She, and I quote, "wants me to look sexy." My long brown hair encased loose curled that cascaded far past my shoulders. My eyes had a smokey look to it with too much mascara for my liking. The dress I was wearing, however, was stunning.

It was a deep red color that reached the floor with a slit up my thigh on the right side. The waist was held tightly around me by a sparkling black band. Whereas the top hung off the shoulders. Red lace flowers seemed to flow out from the black band around my waist down the dress. It was gorgeous. I opened my bedroom door to see Niki patiently waiting for me in her own dress and makeup. Her jaw instantly dropped to the floor once she caught sight of me.

"Temi. My goodness you are hot!" She squealed as she ran up and hugged me. "Techno is going to love this." She said with a wink and a blush tinted my cheeks.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." I rolling my eyes jokingly.

"C'mon let's go! The festival has already started!" She cheered and made her way down the stairs while I followed behind her. The boys were ready and patiently waiting at the kitchen. I walked over and grabbed one of their hands each and we made our way to the festival.

Music was heard all around and lights were strung up illuminating the place. It looked amazing. I smiled at Niki once more before she ran off to find some of her friends. I walked into the festival seeing many drinks and snacks all around. The boys immediately ran to the food, of course. I looked around taking it all in before I felt a tap on my shoulder. I spun around quickly meeting the eyes of a familiar face.

"Hey." Techno breathed out. He glanced over me, something he did that always made me nervous. "You look, beautiful." He said in awe as I blushed.

"You don't look to bad there yourself." I said with a smile while reaching up to adjust his shirt collar. We stood there for a moment just taking each other in. He looked good. The boys ran over breaking the two of us from our staring.

"Hi Techno!" Both of the boys cheered. Techno bent down and wrapped the two in a hug. He had gotten closer to my boys in the last three weeks, and it was probably the most adorable thing i've ever seen.

"Hi boys, mind if I steal this lovely lady for a dance?" He questioned the boys while looking back up to me. Tommy and Tubbo shared a glance and smiled as they ran off leaving me alone with Techno once more. I took hold of his outstretched hand and he led me to where everyone was finding a partner to dance with. He turned around and looked to me for a few seconds before putting his hands on my waist. I felt the butterflies explode in my stomach while I slipped my arms around his neck.

The soft song played in the background as we swayed together making small talk. Our faces were so close and it was making the butterflies grow more and more every second.

We continued like this for the rest of the night. I didn't leave Techno's side and he had no intentions of leaving mine. We were spending one last dance together before the night ended. We were in the same position we had started the night in. He had his arms tightly around my waist while mine were laced behind his neck. I had my cheek against his chest and he had his chin resting on top on my head. I felt safe in his arms. This was the most safe I have ever felt in my entire life.

I saw my boys off to the side practically falling asleep in their chairs. When the music came to an end Techno pulled back to look at me one hand still resting on my hip and mine resting on his shoulders. We stared at each other for a long while. I saw his eyes flicker to my lips for a moment and mine did the same. We inched closer and time seemed to flow slower than before. I felt a tug at the side of my dress.

"Temiii." Tommy whined. Techno and I separated immediately. My hip still felt warm where his hand was resting just moments before. "Can we go home now i'm tired."

I looked at Tommy with embarrassment etched across my face. "Sure, bud." I looked back to Techno and gave him a weary smile.

"I-I should be getting them home now, I g-guess." I said stumbling over my words.

"Yeah I should probably do the same." He answered back running his hand through his hair, the blush still evident on his face. I pulled him in for a hug before turning off with the boys. Once we got out of Techno's sight, Tubbo punched Tommy's shoulder.

"Ow! What was that for?" Tommy exclaimed. I shot Tubbo a questioning look ready to scold him. "Did you not see you just ruined their moment? They were about to kiss!" Tubbo yelled.

I flicked his forehead and told him to be quiet and not to punch his brother again. The whole walk home, the moment between Techno and I replayed in my mind. The same feeling of butterflies itched at me every time I thought of him.

My Life For Yours ~ Technoblaxe x ocWhere stories live. Discover now