-Chapter 19-

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Omg so I got the best feedback on the last chapter. I know this update took a while to get up, but since you guys asked for a long chapter, I made it really, really long. I also made a manip of Peter and Wendy. I worked really hard on the chapter and the edit, so I really hope you like it!
(Oh and p.s. the manip I made is them at homecoming :D)

Wendy's P.O.V.
Much to my surprise, Connor doesn't say or do anything. He stares angrily for a minute, smirks, and then he walks away. I have no idea what to think about that, but I decide to ignore it for now and just focus on Peter.
Game day.
So much is happening, and it's hard to focus. Our school has one of the best football teams in the city, so today is basically dedicated to pep. The second half of the school day is going to be a huge assembly. To show team spirit, I paint Peter's jersey number (12) on my cheek.
I won't see him until after the game. The team is going to be spending the whole day together.
I get through the first half of my classes easily. The pep rally was quite boring, if I'm being honest. It was so chaotic, I couldn't even see Peter.
I leave school feeling a bit empty inside. On a normal game day, Peter and I would be heading to his house now. Instead I go home alone to finish homework. Since I have the extra time, I decide to do my makeup. I'm really not all that good at it so I just put on concealer and mascara. I also put on some tinted lipgloss if that even counts as makeup.
Around 6 I make my way down to the stadium. The game starts at 6:30, so I have a bit of time to find a seat and get a bag of crisps. The place is packed. If I had come any later I probably wouldn't have found a seat. The game begins in the blink of an eye and chaos ensues; band playing, cheerleaders shouting words I can't even understand, students yelling, and the announcer's voice booming through the speakers. Through everything though, I was actually able to spot Peter. He wasn't put in until the second quarter, but he was actually great. He managed two interceptions and was a major factor in leading the team to a game changing touchdown. He was great. I was so proud of him.
Halftime comes and they start announcing each player's name and their "escorts." I get up from my seat and get closer to get a better view. Lots of players pass until I finally spot Peter.
The announcer's voice flows through the speakers. "Player number 12, Peter Ryland, is escorted by his parents Andrea and Tom Ryland." The announcer pauses, letting people clap. Peter looks so proud and happy. He's beaming as he puts a corsage on his mother. He's a picture of perfection; fitting jersey, perfect smile, and slightly messy curls. Soon his moment is over, and he walks off the field. The announcer moves on to another name. There are only a few players left, so I turn to head back to my seat.
As I start walking, someone shoves me. I figure it was an accident, until I turn around and see Katrina. She and her friends have been harassing me all week. I am so sick of this. I try to keep walking, but her friend blocks my way.
"Chill Wendy I just wanna talk." Says Katrina behind me. I turn around to face her and she that she has a huge smirk on her face. Oh god what does she want? Before I can say anything, she continues talking.
"You know, Peter is actually kind of cute. Not nearly as hot as some of the other guys though."
"What do you want?" I question.
"I just want to know why he likes you so much. He's your boyfriend right?" She asks in an annoying, fake voice. Is he my my boyfriend? I really like him, and I know he likes me, but nothing is really official with us.
"Kind of, I guess." I tell her, sounding a lot less confident then I wanted to.
"It's just a wonder why he likes you." She says with malice. Here we go. "You're just so... Ugly." She says with disgust. Before I can respond, she keeps going. "I mean, look at you. Your face is definitely not naturally pretty, but when you actually try, you just look stupid."
"What do you want?" I ask firmly.
"I just wanna know why he likes you, that's all. He could do so much better. He deserves better in fact. You're nothing. He'll realize that someday, and you'll be all alone." She says. Then she turns and walks away, her friends following. That was like a punch to the gut. I know I'm not pretty, that's not what bothered me so much. What really got to me was what she said about Peter. He does deserve better. He's so sweet and caring and so many other things that I could never repay him for. And I'm not pretty. I know it sounds dumb, but my personality and looks are both lacking. But I'm almost certain he really does like me. Maybe he doesn't realize he could do so much better.

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