-Chapter 17-

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Hi guys! I'm so bad at updating I'm surprised I still have readers haha. But I really do have BIG plans for the storyline. Ily all 💕.

Wendy's P.O.V.
The next 3 weeks pass in a blur. It hasn't been all that bad except for the occasional getting tripped in the hall or some other form of harassment from Connor or his friends. I don't really mind all that much though because Peter has stuck by me. Last week he brought me a sunflower everyday. The week before that we went to get hot cocoa or cider every day after school. Sometimes we would do our homework together and sometimes he would just be there for me. He really is the sweetest. I have no idea how I could have made it through this without him.
The football team has had their first three games already and they have their next one tomorrow. It's also the last game Peter will have to spend on the bench. I've been there to support him at all the games despite him being on the bench. Next week is our homecoming game and dance and the whole school is getting pumped. Extra pep is being spread around the school. Extra assemblies, extra posters, you name it.
The school day passes by without any harassment, thankfully. Peter gives me a ride back to his place so we can hang out before the game. This has begun to be routine for us every game day. We walk in the door and Peter heads upstairs to get changed. I slip on my school hoodie and tie my hair back in a bow. Then I head to the kitchen to get us a snack. They don't have much, but I spot some pizza rolls in the freezer. I grab them and pop them in the oven.
Just then, I hear Peter coming down the stairs. My breath catches when I see him. No matter how many times I see him in that jersey it takes my breath away every time. He's so handsome.
"Smells great in here. What are you making?" He says, approaching me. Before I say anything, I realize that I haven't been breathing, so I take in a huge breath.
"Gourmet pizza rolls." I tell him sarcastically.
"Mm, those are actually my favorite snacks. My parents are constantly having to buy more of those for me." I'm about to say something back, but the timer goes off. I head to the oven and pull out the rolls. I put them on a plate and bring them to the table. I also grab two glasses and fill them up with water.
We talk about our day and the homework we have while watching a dumb tv sitcom. Soon there is only one pizza roll left on the plate. We both reach for it and our hands touch. I look up to meet his gaze and I smirk.
"Don't even think about it." Peter says playfully, but he's too late. I grab the roll and stuff in my mouth.
"Oh, you're gonna pay for that." He remarks. Before he can get to me I hop up from my chair and run behind the kitchen counter.
"Mm that sure was delicious." I tease.
"Ohh, you're gonna regret that." He says as he starts to run after me. I squeal as I try to make a break for the stairs. He's much faster then me though, and he quickly catches up to me.
"Damn it!" I shout as Peter grabs me from behind. I try to wrestle out of his grasp, but end up pulling us both to the floor instead. We're both laughing so hard that we're holding our stomachs and gasping for breath. After we settle down from laughing, Peter climbs on top of me and pins my arms down.
"You really shouldn't have taken that last pizza roll." He says. I pull out a dramatic puppy dog lip.
"Hey that's not gonna work on me." He says as he releases my arms. I'm quiet for a minute, deciding what to do next.
"How about this." I say shyly. I grab the front of his jersey and pull him toward me. I kiss his cheek.
"It might." Peter whispers, voice caught in his throat. I lean in and plant a small kiss on his neck and then another on his lips. I place my hand on the back of his neck and continue to kiss him. The kiss is freeing. This is only the second time I've kissed him. I allow myself to get lost. I allow myself to remain in bliss. If only it could always be this way.

Please please please feel free to leave comments :D

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