-Chapter 6-

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Since I have been gone for a long time (sorry again for that) and the last chapter was short, I decided I would do a double upload today. Yay!

We pull up to the first place we see, which happens to be Dairy Queen. Wendy orders a strawberry blizzard and I get an Oreo blizzard. I pay for both of us even though she offers to pay. The place is pretty packed so it takes us a while to find a booth.

“So...” this is more awkward then I thought it would be.

“I have missed you so much.” She says and she starts to blush, I don’t think she meant to say that out loud. I start to laugh which makes her blush even more.

“I missed you too.” I tell her truthfully.

“Oh Peter, what have you been doing, where have you been?” I tell her about everything. From fighting with Tink and leaving Neverland to getting adopted to finally finding her. She watches me intently the whole time I talk.

“Wow, that’s a lot Peter.” I want so badly to remind her that I did all of this to be with her, but I don’t.

“So what have you been up to these past five years?”

“Um, I don’t know where to start. My life has pretty much been the same. I got a job at a little store in the mall. I work on weekends and I get $50 every two weeks, so that’s pretty nice. And I know that it’s kind of a touchy subject but I started to date Connor about 2 years ago.”

“Yea about him…”

“What?” Wendy asks so innocently. I almost blurt out what a douche he is and that he hooks up with Katrina behind her back and that he is an abusive asshole but I bite my tongue. I don’t want to hurt Wendy.

“Uh, nothing, I just, don’t think he likes me.” That’s the truth, just not what I wanted to say.

“I don’t think so either, but he doesn’t like any guy who comes near me really.” Wow. He’s one to talk.

“Well he isn’t getting rid of me.” I chuckle and try to lighten the mood. As she laughs a notice a necklace chain around her neck. Wanting to make conversation, I gesture to her necklace and ask, “What’s that?”

“Oh this?” she takes off her necklace and hands it to me. “It’s my 'first kiss.'” She laughs but seems sort of embarrassed. “I don’t know if you remember but,”

“Of course I do. I can’t believe you still have it.” I say as I look at the little acorn I gave to her when we were kids.

“Um, yea.” She says looking embarrassed.

“Oh no! I didn’t mean it as a bad thing. I still have mine.” I say as I pull out my keychain. Her eyes light up when I show her and I feel accomplished when I make her show her beautiful smile. We talk for a while longer until we both finish our ice cream. Then we get in the car to go home.

“You should let your mom know that you’re coming home.” I offer.

“Ok.” She says. When she turns her phone on the looks slightly upset.

“What’s the matter Wendy?”

“Oh nothing, I have a couple missed calls.”

Wendy’s P.O.V.

“Oh, from who?”

“3 from Conner and 1 from my mom.”

“Oh.” The rest of the ride is silent and awkward. I am stressing over those missed calls. It can’t be too bad though. It’s only 9 o’ clock and I’m sure they will understand. When we pull up to my house Peter gets out with me and opens my door.

                                “Thank you Peter, I had a lot of fun tonight.”

“No problem Wendy.” He looks so cute. His face glows in the moonlight and I want to kiss him. Wait kiss him? I shouldn’t be thinking that – I have a boyfriend. I shake his hand and thank him again.

“It was really no problem Wendy.” He flashes his adorable smile, gets into his car and drives away. I have a huge dorky grin on my face when on walk in. I am immediately greeted my mother.

“Hello Wendy. Conner is here.”

Woah guys! Crappy cliffhanger haha. Thoughts on the book so far? Pendy or Wonner? Those are really bad ship names lol. I'll try and update soon! Bye :)

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