-Chapter 21-

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Hello lovely readers. I know, I know. I haven't written in forever, and honestly, there's not a great excuse for it. I just felt like no one was really liking the story, so I logged out and kind of lost inspiration.
But now I'm back, and I promise I won't do this again. I'm so lucky that people still actually read and enjoy my book. I'm so grateful for every single one of my readers. Anyway, I'm sure you're sick of me rambling, so I'm just gonna get to the story. Ily all :)

About a year later.

It's Winter break during Peter and Wendy's first year of college. They are living together in a small apartment and the edge of London.


Wendy's P.O.V.

"I miss you too mum." I say into the phone.

"It's just going to be weird spending Christmas without you." She says, and sniffles a bit.

"It is weird, but you'll still have fun. What's it like in France?" I ask, stepping out into the street. I start to head toward the underground station as she tells me all about Paris. I wish I could be with them, but I couldn't take off work for very long. I've gotten an a new job at a high end clothes shop in the middle of the city.

"Hey mum," I interrupt her sentence. "sorry, it's just that I'm about to go catch a train and they don't have good reception."

"That's okay my love. Your father doesn't want us to use our phones too much on this trip anyways. I'll call you again when we're heading back home. I love you honey."

"Love you too mum." I say as I step into the station.


I step into our flat and see that Peter isn't home yet. I set my stuff down and head to the kitchen to make dinner. I decide on chicken and rice and start cooking. 10 minutes or so later I hear the door open.

"Hello hello." I hear Peter call out.

"Hi." I say back brightly. I hear Peter set his stuff down and he starts making his way to the kitchen.

"Smell great. I'm starving." He says. He kisses my cheek and starts to set out plates.

"How was everything today?" I ask him.

"Let's just say I'm happy it's Friday. Finally the end of my hellish internship." He says.

"Finally." I say with a smile.

Peter's P.O.V.

After dinner is over, we sit on the couch and watch a movie. I hold her in my arms and I feel at home. More at home then I've ever felt. She falls asleep in my arms and I smile. She can never make it through a whole movie. She looks peaceful, so I decided to let her be until the movie is over. My phone, however, doesn't feel the same way. It's rings, startling Wendy. She sits up, wide eyed as I answer the call.

"Who is it?" She mouthes to me.

"My boss." I whisper back, confused.

I finish the conversation quickly. Wendy looks at me confused, as I hang up the phone.

"What does he want at 11 o'clock on a Friday night?" She asks in a cute groggy voice.

"He wants me to come in and pick up my stuff. I guess I left a few things there." Wendy tilts her head and hugs my torso.

"Can't it waaait?" She asks, pouting like a child. I smile.

"It'll only take a minute." I say and kiss the top of her head.

"Fine." She says, dragging out the word. "I love you." She says, releasing from her embrace. She stands on her tiptoes and kisses me.

"Love you too." I say. Then I slip on my shoes and head out the door.


The trip is quick, as expected, and soon I'm back at our flat. I enter quietly, not wanting to wake Wendy up.
Our flat is small. The kitchen and the living room are connected, like one room. Then in the middle of the two there's a hallway that leads to our bedroom.
I walk to the bedroom, practically tiptoeing, but something catches me by surprise; Wendy isn't there. My heart starts to beat quickly.

"Wendy?" I call out. No answer. I run back to the living room and see that she isn't there either. "Wendy?" I call out this time, a bit louder.

Where is she? Before I can make another move, I hear a chuckle behind me, then I feel a sharp pain hit my head, and everything goes black.

oOoOOoo, who do you all think it is? What's gonna happen?
Please leave predictions in the comments!
Thanks for reading! :)

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