-Chapter 22-

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Wow I updated quickly, haha. Whale, here we go.

Peter's P.O.V.

Flashes. Everything comes in flashes. Flashes of consciousness. When I am conscious I can't see anything, as there is a bag placed over my head. I hear flashes of sound, but I can't make any sense of it. Finally all consciousness leaves me, and I must sleep for hours.


I wake up on a wooden floor. The bag has been taken off, so I can see. I start to sit up and feel a horrible pounding in my head. I move my hand to the back of my head, and I can feel that it's bruised. Luckily though, it didn't open up my old concussion scar.

I stand up slowly and examine my surroundings. I'm in a small room made out of wood. There's 2 buckets in the corner. One filled with water and an empty one. There's also 2 ratty blankets near them. That's all.

I see there's a door at the front of the room. Dumbly, I try to open it; of course, it's locked.

What the hell is going on? Where is Wendy? Shit, where the hell is Wendy? I hadn't even thought about where she was until now. My brain goes into panic mode. I kick and knock on the door. Yelling for Wendy and yelling to be let out.

I hear commotion on the other side of the door:
"He's up."
"Go tell 'em."
And other things that I can't really make out.

I step back from the door, taking a breath. Then I realize: these people knocked me out a took me. They most likely have Wendy too. They're dangerous. I quickly grab the empty bucket. It's a weak tin bucket, but it's the only thing I have in here to defend myself. I stand with my back to the wall, right next to the door. Head hurting. Heart beating out of my chest.

I hear the door starting to unlock. I grip the bucket tightly, by the handle. The door only opens for half a second, and a person gets thrown into the room. Then, just like that, the door is closed and locked again.

I move slowly toward the person, and quickly I recognize her features.

"Wendy." I exclaim, relieved. I drop the bucket and run to her. I pull her into my arms. "Are you okay?" That's the only thing on my mind.

"I'm fine, but" She says, her voice cracking. She's been crying. She clutches to my shirt.
"They... I... They're trying to, well, they're going to," she rambles. She's gripping to my shirt and crying hysterically. I cup her cheek and she leans into my hand. "We've got to get out of here." She whispers, gasping for air.

"I know. I... I'll keep you safe." We sit as Wendy tries to calm herself, so she can talk. I don't want to push her for questions, even though it's killing me. I examine the room closely, looking for a way out.

What the hell do these people want with us? So far, they haven't tried to seriously hurt us, other than taking us. They must want something from us, because they haven't killed us already.

"I'll find us a way out of here." I state, standing up.

"It's not that simple." She says, taking deep breaths. "Peter, I - I'm scared. I'm scared for you, I - I" she starts to get hysterical again.

"Wendy, what is going on? What happened? What did you see? What did they do to you?" Questions start to pour out of me.

"I don't even know how to say this..." She says, biting her lip.

"Wendy, just say it. Is it Connor? I've had enough of the fucking ass-"

"No, Peter." She says sternly, interrupting me. Her voice has become more sturdy. She's stopped crying. "It... Oh God, this is going to sound weird as hell but... It...
It's Hook. We can't just escape Peter. We're back in Neverland."

Dun dun dun.. Haha. I hope you like the chapter. I know it's a bit far fetched, but just remember what it's based off of haha.
Also, some of you actually called it! I wish I could give you like, a prize or something haha.

Oh and I probably won't update until I feel like there's enough reads, votes, n comments, so please... Do that.. Haha :)

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