-Chapter 2-

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Five Years Later

                                                                                        Wendy’s P.O.V.

They say that once you get older you forget or stop believing in childish things, but I never forgot about Peter even though I haven’t seen him since I was 12 years old and decided to grow up. I think it was a good choice to grow up though. I’m 17 now, about to into senior year of high school. I’m in honors classes. I have a job at a clothing store in the mall that pays pretty well, I have amazing friends and not to mention a boyfriend of 2 years. His name is Connor. I have a great life now but I still wonder what it would have been like if I had decided not to grow up.


Peter’s P.O.V. (first day of senior year)

Today was finally the day, the day I would see Wendy. I planned to see her on the first day of high school but that didn’t work out to well. My adoptive parents wanted me to go to the boarding-school by our house, but I finally convinced my parents to let me go to Wendy’s school after I told them about their amazing orchestra program. They don’t know about Wendy, they don’t know about my past. They think I was left on the street at age 12 so they took me in when no one claimed me as their child. I’m not sure if my real parents are still alive, I don’t remember anything before Neverland. I guess I just forgot about them. It doesn’t bother me too much. I have a new life as Peter Ryland.


Homeroom, 1st period English, 2nd period history, 3rd period P.E., and 4th period math all pass by like a blur. Wendy isn’t in any of my classes and I’m losing hope. It’s lunch time so I rush to get an empty table. I yank out my lunch, which happened to be a cold slice of left over pizza no matter how many times my mom insisted on making me a turkey sandwich. Right when I was almost done, a few girls from my history class sat down across from me.

“Hey aren’t you that new guy? Peter something?” the brunette with wavy hair asked.

“Um, yes. And you are?”

“Amanda Price, and these are my friends, Nicky” she said pointing to her blonde friend who gave a small wave “and Hannah, who begged me to come over here with her. She said, and I quote, ‘he is soooo hot’”

“Did not!” Amanda said turning a bright shade of red smacking her friend on the arm.

“Haha, well it was nice to meet you girls. Hey by any chance do you guys know a Wendy Darling?” I asked.

“Oh her, she-” Amanda was cut off by the bell. “Sorry Peter I absolutely can NOT be late for my next class, and um yes I do kinda know Wendy. We aren’t exactly friends. Wait how do you know her, I thought you were new? Never mind, I have to go. Talk to you later!” Before I could say anything Amanda and her friends dashed off to who knows where. I pulled out my schedule and saw I had orchestra next. When I got there I took a seat in the back, we wouldn’t be doing any playing today since it was the first day of school. Just then Nicky entered the room and took a seat next to me. She was rather shy so we just exchanged little hellos. After she came in a group of people came bursting into the room and took a seat in the front right as the bell rang. The orchestra class was quite small, only around 15 kids.

“Alright everyone, I’m Ms. Dutchfeld, your 12th grade orchestra teacher. I’m going to start off by calling role and then we can go over the syllabus and class rules. Okay, let’s see, Connor Albany,”

“Here” said Connor, he had short brown hair, he was about my height.

“Jane Bay?”


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