-Chapter 15-

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Hi guys! So I was just going through my notifications when I realized I got the most amazing comments on my last chapter! Words can not describe how happy your comments make me! Getting feedback is just the best :D I dedicate this chapter to all of my amazing readers! Enjoy c:


Wendy's P.O.V.
I barely got any sleep last night. I kept tossing and turning and thinking and thinking. What would I say? How is he going to react? Am I even ready to talk to him?
I only managed to get three or four hours of sleep before my alarm clock went off. The second I got up thoughts started pounding in my head again. I felt like puking. How was I supposed to do this? I decide to skip breakfast and head straight to school. Instead of driving, I decide to walk to school to clear my head. As I walk I get a text from Peter.
"Hey, I'll be at school today. Meet in the orchestra room?"
"Yea. No problem. Be there in 15." I respond. I turn my phone off to make sure I have no distractions. Just a nice walk in the crisp London air.
As I walk into the orchestra room, the warmth of the atmosphere covers me. I didn't even realize how cold I was. My eyes scan the room for Peter and I see him standing by the lockers. I walk over quickly and tap him on the shoulder.
"Wendy." He says, his face lighting up.
"Hey." I say, feeling instant relief once I see him. "How are you feeling?"
"Pretty good; the meds got rid of most of the pain."
"Oh that's good. Is there anything I can do?"
"No, just seeing you is enough." He says with a grin on his face.
"Dork." I say, as I put my instrument into my locker. "Oh, can I ask you a huge favor?" I ask after a minute of silence.
"Sure, what's up?"
"Well I kind of walked here and I was wondering if you could give me a ride?" I ask, feeling embarrassed.
"No problem Wendy, where do you wanna meet?"
"Umm I have something to do real quick after school, but I'll meet you by the office?" I decide not to tell him I'm meeting up with Connor, I don't want to worry him.
"Yeah, sure." He replies as the bell rings.
"I have a Student Council meeting during lunch, see you after school?" I ask.
"Of course." He responds and gives me a quick hug. I close my eyes and take everything for just a few seconds. His sweater feels soft and smells like a mix of light cologne and vanilla; like Peter. For those few seconds I felt completely safe.
As I walk to homeroom, the bad feeling hits me again. My stomach feels like it's knotting itself up. I walk in the door and I see Connor talking to one of his friends by the book shelves. I walk up to him and clear my throat a little to get his attention. He slowly spins towards me. When he looks at me he raises his eyebrow and acts as if I've interrupted a really important conversation. My cheeks flush with embarrassment.
"Hey, umm can we talk after school?" I ask in a small voice.
"I guess." He replies. He turns again and continues talking to his friend. I feel a bit disappointed. He doesn't seem to care. I tap him on the shoulder and ask, "Where do you wanna meet?"
"I dunno, in front of the school I guess." He says, void of emotion. He turns around and walks away without waiting for a reply. Well I guess that was easier then I expected.
The rest of the day drags by slowly. Each agonizing second ticks by with a painful reminder that I'm another second closer to facing him. The only good part of my day was science. Peter sat by me in that class, which was a relief, but we were taking a test and I didn't get to talk to him.
Soon the end of the day comes around and the bell rings, signaling the end of school. Everyone rushes out of the room, exited that the bell rang, but I feel quite the opposite. I walk out of the room and make my way to the front of the school, like it's some kind of death sentence. Everyone is mostly gone once I get outside and it's easy to spot Connor. I make my way to the bench he's sitting on and sit by him.
"Hey." I say, staring at my lap.
"Did you make your decision, is that what this is about?" He asks quickly.
"Yeah." I say softly, watching the fog cloud that is formed by my breath. It's really cold out here.
"So..." He says, sounding both annoyed and nervous.
"I think... That umm..." My voice starts to waver. "I don't think this is working." I choke out.
"What?" He spits after an agonizing minute of silence.
"After everything that happened the other day-"
"What, you mean after I accidentally hit you? I said I was sorry!" He cuts me off.
"It's not just that. You were drunk and you hurt Peter pre-"
"Why do you care about him so much?" He cuts me off again.
"He's just nice." I say in a small, yet defensive, voice.
"You were cheating on me weren't you?" He says, standing up.
"What? No, I would never do that." I say, standing up with him.
"Oh yeah right. There were probably lots before him too. I bet you brought all of them to bed didn't you?"
"Are you serious? I would never do that." I say angrily.
"Don't fucking lie!" He shouts, taking me back. "You're a whore." He spits. It feels as if I've taken a major blow to the chest. It feels hard to breathe. Why is he accusing me of all of this?
"I never-" I manage to choke out before he cuts me off again.
"But guess what? I cheated on you too! So we're fucking even!" He shouts. I look around to make sure we aren't drawing a crowd, and I find that it's only us.
"You, you what?" I ask, barely audible. I may have made up my mind about breaking up with him, but I still did love him before.
"Yeah that's right Wendy, I did. I slept with lots of other girls. Mostly Katrina. Man it sure was great!" He says, almost manic. I can't reply, the words are caught in my throat, choking me. This news is like taking blow after blow.
"And one last thing before I go. I never fucking loved you. That was all a lie. Dating you was just to prove to my friends I could get with the goody-two-shoes and so we could laugh at all your stupid little hopes and dreams. Don't you see Wendy? You're just one big joke." He remarks. He glares at me for a second, waiting for a reply, and when he doesn't get one, he spins around and heads for his car.
I'm just left there, standing in the cold, speechless.


What'ya think? I have major plans for this story so get exited haha. Or maybe you should get really scared...

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