-Chapter 13-

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Hey guys! I'm finally back and I already have the next few updates prepared :D At the moment it is kind of hard to get these updates up because my laptop isn't working. I will still update frequently though :) anyways, enjoy!

Wendy’s P.O.V

Oh shit I really don’t want to talk to him. He looks nervous and has a swollen purple-ish bump on his cheek. What in the world could he possibly want?

“I… uh…” I fumble for words as he approaches me.

“Listen, I’m all sobered up now, and I realize what an idiot I’ve been.”

“You hit me and you kicked me and you beat up Peter enough to land him in the hospital.” I say in a low voice, tears welling up in my eyes.

“I know it was awful of me. I’m sorry.”

“That’s it? You fucking hit me and landed Peter in the hospital!” I shout.

“What do you want me to do Wendy? It was a stupid drunken mistake!” I don’t respond and he decides to add more. “Listen Wendy, it was the worst mistake I have ever made. I feel so bad; I just don’t know what to do.”

“I just,” I pause, looking for the right words. “I need some time to think this over.”

“Fuck.” He whispers as he lights a cigarette. “Okay, I guess that’s fine.” As he says this I see my mom’s car pull up and park a few yards away.

“I’ll see you around Connor.” I say as I walk toward my mom’s car.

“Wait!” he says franticly. “When are you gonna talk to me again?” he asks.

“When I’m ready.” I tell him.

The drive home with my mom is awkward. I tell her a chopped up version of what happened. I tell her that Connor started a fight with Peter because Conner was drunk. I did not tell her how he hurt me and tried to stick his hand up my skirt. She was already mad enough with what I told her.

 When I get home I am too exhausted to do much beyond putting on my pajamas and brush my teeth.  As soon as I hit the bed and pull up my blanket, I am dragged into a deep sleep.


The next day of school was terrible. I wore jeans and a sweater and flinched whenever someone brushed against me in the halls. I avoided Connor, as I was not yet ready to talk to him. The day dragged on slowly and I was just counting down the minutes until I got to see Peter. He was released from the hospital but took the day off of school and stayed home by doctors’ orders. My mom said it would be fine if I went over as long as I was back by 7:00 for dinner. School ended at 3:30 and I would get there around 4:00, which meant we would have a little less than 3 hours together. Peter’s parents were perfectly fine having me over; in fact, they pretty much invited me themselves.

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