-Chapter 11-

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Hi guys! I wanted to have this ready earlier, but i was having a bit of writers block. I did a bunch of re-writing, but now I'm pretty happy with how it came out :) lots of drama, so enjoy! haha.

Oh and the chapter dedication is gonna be at the end :)

Peter’s P.O.V.

Everything seems to be a moving so fast. When Connor slapped Wendy my vision blurred and within a second I had him pinned against the wall.

“You asshole!” I shout into his face.

“You guys need to stop! This is all my fault.” Wendy cries. The most random piece of common sense comes to me as I realize that we are going to get kicked out of this place if we keep this up. Not that anyone has noticed due to this place being packed, but still. I’m not done with this guy, but we need to get out of here. Conveniently the back exit is a few feet away and I make a break for the door, pulling Connor along with me. He fights me on it, but I know he wants to beat the hell out of me too, so he just lets me pull him. I wait until we get out to the back to say anything.

“How dare you!” I shout at him, letting my voice be as loud as it pleases.  “You can’t talk to her that way and you shouldn’t have laid a fucking finger on her!” Before I realize it, I let my anger take over me and I punch Connor right on his face. Big. Mistake.

“Well you’re one to talk you son of a bitch!” he yells and pushes me to the ground. I think I blank out for a second because my head hits the gravel really hard. He has me pinned to the floor, but I feel way too weak to fight back. Just now I realize how hard Wendy is trying to stop us, but no matter what I don’t think she can. Connor is shouting at me, but my head feels too fuzzy to comprehend most of it.  “You think you can just fucking waltz in here and be with my girlfriend.” Wendy is just standing back hopelessly, looking so confused. Connor looks pleased with himself, thinking he won. Not for long.

“You’re just jealous because deep down you know that she might actually have feelings for me.” I whisper so only he can hear. He looks at me with burning rage and hatred as I shove him off of me. I quickly stand up, but that doesn’t stop him from punching me and splitting my lip. I would punch him back but before I know it, he pushes me to the floor again. It was so unexpected so I end up hitting my head again. Damn that hurts. I don’t black out this time though, but the world is blurry for a while as Connor kicks me. Wendy is tugging at Connor and begging him to stop. She has a spark in her eye like she has a plan. I’m about to stop her but all too quick she jumps in front of me; taking a kick from Connor in my place. She shrieks a little, but refrains from crying. Oh fuck.

Connor realizes what he had just done and starts to open his mouth to form an apology but before he can say anything Wendy speaks up.

“Just don’t, okay? Please just stop.” We are both on our feet now and she starts to walk toward a bench.

“You shouldn’t have done that man.” I tell him as soon as Wendy walks away.

“Whatever, I’m done with this shit.” Connor spits at me and walks back to his car.

I walk over to pick my phone up from the road where it fell out of my pocket. When I pick it up, I see that I have a text from Hannah.

Got a ride. We can talk later :)

Oh thank god. I quickly send her a “sorry. I’ll call u later.” and start jogging toward Wendy. I feel really dizzy, so I’m thankful she’s sitting on a bench.

“Are you okay?” is the first thing I say, concerned about Connor kicking her.

“Peter, my god! Look at you, all busted and bruised. Don’t worry about me right now.” She says with utmost sympathy.

“I’ll always worry about you before me. I - ” I was about to say “I love you” but I stop myself; scared about how she might react. 


“Oh Peter.” She gasps as she jumps to hug me. She buries her head into my neck and hugs me tight. I pull her onto my lap and hug her back. I love this girl so much; more than life itself. She starts to stroke my hair as a comforting gesture. This only lasts for a few seconds, though, because as soon as she softly runs her hand across the spot I landed on, I wince. She pulls her head back and looks at me worriedly. She quickly pulls her hand away as well and her eyes widen as soon as she looks at it. I’m confused until I see her hand is covered in blood.

I feel like I end too many of my chapters in cliffhangers haha. sorry. anyways, this chapter's new dedication goes to @DanielleChristine for commenting and voting :) thanks to everyone who does that, it means so much to me!

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