-Chapter 20-

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Long time, no update. I just was to say that I am so sorry about that, I've just had major writers block and a total lack of time to write. And most important, I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who continues to read and support my story, it means the whole entire world to me.
(p.s. I included a sons that you should listen to with the chapter [you'll know when haha])
ily so so much!

Wendy's P.O.V
I can't go home covered in beer. Peter says that I can spend the night at his house, if that's alright with me. I agree, of course. I text my mom and tell her I'm going to an after party at my friend's house and staying the night there. She says that it's fine, as long as I stay safe. My parents have always been loose with curfew, as long as I let them know what's going on. They trust me, and I feel a bit bad lying to them, but I'd rather lie then have to explain everything that went down with Connor.
The lights are all turned off once we pull up to Peter's house. I check the clock and see that it's about 11 pm.
"My parents go to bed pretty early." Peter says, locking the car behind us.

Once we get into the house we quietly make our way up the stairs to his room. He clicks the door shut behind him and flicks his light on. I try to comb out my hair with my fingers, but to no avail. I feel disgusting.
"Is there any way I could take a shower?" I ask.
"Yeah, of course. Ah, there's a bathroom to the right of my room. Hold on, I'll get you some towels in a second." Peter says, setting down his jacket and keys.
"I, umm, have nothing to wear." I say, embarrassed.
"Oh, right..." Peter says as he starts to open some of his drawers. "Would you mind borrowing some of mine for tonight?" He asks. My cheeks feel warm.
"No." I say. "That's fine." Peter smiles and starts rummaging through his drawers. He hands me a tee shirt and some sweat pants.
"These'll probably be a bit big on you. Sorry about that."
"It's fine." I say.
Peter walks me out into the hallway and shows me where the bathroom is. He opens a cupboard and hands me a towel.
"So... The shower is right there and uh, there are a couple of extra hairbrushes and toothbrushes under the sink. My mom always likes to keep some extra, just in case. Umm... I'll be here if you need anything." Peter says, and he turns to walk away.
"Peter." I call out, just in a whisper.
"Yeah." He spins around.
"I just, you know, wanted to say thank you. For everything." I say, looking at my feet. He's done so much for me.
Peter takes a step forward and pulls me into a hug.
"Of course Wendy." He says, kissing my cheek. "Always." He whispers. I'm not sure if he meant for me to hear that, or if he was just saying that to reassure himself. I look up into his eyes and give him one last kiss. He walks away and I click the door shut behind him.
I shower quickly. Once I'm out I slip on the shirt and sweatpants Peter gave me. They're soft and a few sizes too big for me, not that I mind. They're cozy. I find a toothbrush and a comb under the sink, like Peter told me. I comb and towel dry my hair once I'm finished getting dressed. Then I brush my teeth and put my towel in the hamper by the sink.
I slowly open the door, hoping that the creaking of the old hinges doesn't wake up his parents. I tiptoe my way to Peter's room and softly knock on his door. After a few seconds he opens the door. He's changed into a tee shirt and sweatpants as well, but they actually fit on him. He looks so soft and cuddly. He smiles at me and let's me into his room, softly shutting the door behind me.
"So," he begins. "I believe you still owe me something." He has a cheeky little smirk on his face.
"What?" I giggle.
"A slow dance of course." He says, picking up his phone.
"Oh," I say with a laugh "now?"
"Yeah now, don't try and skip out on it again." He says sarcastically, smiling at me. "I, uh, heard this song on the radio the other day, and I thought of you." He says, turning slightly pink.
I quickly recognize the song; Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran. It's a beautiful song.
Peter sets his phone down and turns to me, smiling. He rests his hands on my waist. My breath hitches. I hesitantly move my hands up and rest them on his shoulders. We're standing about half a foot apart. We start to sway, ever so slightly.
"I've, uh, never actually done this before." I say nervously.
"Neither have I." Peter says. "But I think it goes something like this." He pulls me closer. We're chest to chest now. My breathing becomes shallow. We start to sway more, making larger movements.
I lay my head on Peter's shoulder and wrap my arms more comfortably on his neck. We stand in silence for a while. It's nice; peaceful. Peter kisses the top of my head.
The lyrics are beautiful.

"Take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Place your head on my beating heart
I'm thinking out loud
That maybe we found love right where we are"

The dance is broken up once the songs ends. We stand there, holding each other, until Peter pulls back. He looks into my eyes.
"You're so beautiful." He says. He seems serious. His brows are furrowed, yet, in a soft way.
I look down, embarrassed. "Peter, you don't have to sa-"
"I mean it." He says, cutting me off. I won't meet his eyes.
We stand in silence; his looking at me and me looking at the floor. "Wendy, what happened? Please." He says desperately.
I'm so tired of being weak and helpless, always looking to Peter to comfort me. But, there's also no use in avoiding his question; he won't give up, and he has the right to know anyway. I let out a huge sigh and sit on Peter's bed. He takes a seat next to me, giving me his full attention.
"Well, I went to the bathroom and I was touching up my makeup, and..." Uh oh. Here's where it gets hard. "and Katrina came in."
Peter lets out a sigh.
"She was, uh, drunk, shouting all kinds of things at me. And then," my voice cracks. "then she called Connor in."
I hear Peter stop breathing for a second.
"He was drunk too. They trapped me in there. They were saying I was worthless and ugly and how I didn't deserve you. And then Connor poured beer on me." I say quickly; rushed and breathless. I made it through all of that without crying, somehow.
I look Peter in the eyes. He looks angry and concerned. He's staring into space and I can tell exactly what he's thinking.
"Hey," I say softly. I move myself so that I'm sitting on his lap, facing him. I rest my hands on his face."I'm okay now, please don't go and do anything to Connor. He isn't worth our time." He's still silent. "I can't stand the thought of you getting into a fight with him again. I -" my voice is getting scratchy. "I don't want to see you get hurt again." That seems to get to him. He looks at me and pulls me so that we're laying down together. Most of me is on top of him.
"I just want to protect you." He says sadly.
"Peter, I know you do, but there will be times where it's impossible. I'll have to handle myself, and that's okay. You'll still be there in the end, like you are now." I tell him. He looks at me, considering what he should say.
"Okay, but I'm always here. I'll protect you at all costs, I won't let you get hurt." He says, his eyes watery.
"Peter." I whisper. I lean in closer to him and kiss him. It's a reassuring kiss, for the both of us.
We lay together in silence for a while, but I can tell we're both tired.
"Goodnight Peter." I say with a yawn.
"Goodnight Wendy." He says. "I love you." He adds with a whisper.
"I love you too." I say, before I drift off to sleep.

I know this was kind of a lame/ filler chapter, but super big things are going to happen. (Important question to follow soon)

Also this is important : I am going to reply to every single comment and question I get on this chapter, because I really do love and appreciate your comments and support!

(Oh and also there was some foreshadowing in this chapterrr)

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