Chapter 10

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After that strange talk with Stress I needed to get up. And by up I mean in the air. The wind flowing through my hair, my jumper billowing and swallowing me, the adrenaline rush I get that overcomes the fear. But the fun can't last forever. Eventually I was bound to look down at the house and notice how the trees seemed a lot closer than they once were. How there was little yellow spots that looked like people in hard hats. How there was big vehicles loaded with freshly cut trees and were driving away.

How they were going to find us.

Just as I thought I was safe. Of course it was to good to be true. I immediately brought my wings in and felt myself begin to fall towards the ground. Despite how much I wanted to squeeze my eyes closed and let myself smash into the ground I made my wings open at the last minute to pull me up. As soon as I felt my feet touch the floor I brought my wings to their neutral position and stumbled to the house.

"They found us! They know we are here! We have to leave!" Everyone was confused at first but as the realisation set in there was an eruption of panic and fear. My body was shaking as I ran upstairs and banged on all the doors. Stress was telling from downstairs telling everyone to get outside. Mumbo came out of his room in a hurried mess and ran down the stairs, jumping down in threes. I opened all of the doors to allow people to get out as quickly as possible once they had grabbed what we needed. But there was one that stayed closed. The second on the left. Xisuma.

I threw myself into the door multiple times in a desperate attempt to open it. There was banging coming from the other side. He was still in there.
Damn it. He's stuck in there. I had to get to the window from the outside.
He couldn't really go anywhere but it was in a moment of fear and neither of us commented on it.

As I ran downstairs and out through the front door I saw a glimpse of yellow and grey through what was left of the trees. I could feel something running down the side of my face. Tears. X was stuck in his room and it was up to me to save him. From the side of the building I counted in three windows, remembering to include the bathroom window as I pulled my wings to their fullest and flapped to propel myself upwards. I was to forceful and went to high though, as I went above the house I saw the men in hard-hats and big vehicles get closer to the house, they had gotten through the tree line and were coming for us.

I floated back down and positioned myself in front of the window. I backed myself up and then kicked the window full force. X cowered behind his bed and screamed at the noise, which would have been amplified by his hearing. I winced at seeing my friend in pain but didn't waste time in putting my arm around his shoulder and guiding him to the window.
"Grian they're in the house. In the kitchen. I can hear them whispering to each other."
I started moving faster towards the window. X's voice was merely a whisper but it was enough to scare the living daylights out of me.
"They're coming up the stairs. We need to hurry."
I flapped my wings and floated us at the right height so we could both fit out the window. X's feet would drag on the glass left in the window but it was better than being dead. I tried to readjust my grip so he would be higher none the less.

In that brief moment I looked at X and his eyes were wide. I realised my mistake and propelled us forwards through the window. The door behind us was smashed open and there was a gunshot. I screamed in pain and dropped X. He started falling towards the ground. I pulled my wings in to fall and catch him. There was another gunshot. And another. I couldn't fly away. I started falling. I landed on something soft. X. I lifted my arm to hold him. I tried to open my wings. I screamed again. All I could feel was pain. Surging through my body. My wings had been shot. I could hear voices. I looked up to see who it was. The men with hard hats. Out of my peripherals vision I saw figures running to the trees. Two green people. A dog. A man in a black suit trying to run up to us. He was pulled back by someone else. I think. My vision was foggy. The voices were fuzzy. I couldn't see properly. The men in hard hats surrounded me. My body was limp. I couldn't do anything. I was stuck there.

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