One off

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Mumbo's POV

I don't know why but in the light of the TV he looked so perfect. His golden locks falling perfectly, framing his face. His bright blue eyes that sparkle even in the dimmest of lights. But something was up. He was fiddling with his hands.

I leaned over to him and took him into a hug. He held his breath for a minute before releasing it. God, I was in love with this man. He was everything I needed and more. The way he acted around me was a sure sign he loved me too.

I hadn't looked away from Grian and I wasn't paying attention to the TV, unlike him. So I decided to surprise him by planting a small kiss on his head. He whipped his head around to look at me. His lips were a little open but then rounded up into a smile.

How much I wanted to kiss him was almost overwhelming but I knew I couldn't. Not yet anyway. I wanted it to be special. I sighed and lay my head on top of his. His hair was soft and I started fiddling with it, my hand working down his face until it landed below his chin.

I lifted my head off of his and he took his eyes away from the screen. He looked so cute the more I followed his features with my eyes. I couldn't help myself in the moment. I lifted his chin to my level and pressed my lips against his. He gasped and I closed my eyes. It felt so right.

He ripped his lips away and backed as far away from me as he could without falling off the sofa. The rush of love I felt almost immediately died and it felt like my heart had been stabbed. Grian clutched his stomach and stood up to leave. I started to stand and reach out to him before he turned and ran but it was to late. He was up and out the room before I could say anything.

I sunk back on the sofa. I couldn't process what just happened. It was going so well, what changed? Did he not like me? Did I read the situation wrong.

I whacked my hand off the sofa and stood up to kick it. My foot throbbed with pain but it was nothing compared to my heart. I truly loved Grian and nothing was going to change that. Without him I was nothing.

I stepped over the the wall beside the TV and pressed my back against it. My eyes flooded with tears and before I knew it the dams broke. There was nothing holding the water back. I broke down and sobbed.

The jealousy in his eyes when I spoke to Stress.

The blush on his face when anyone mentioned 'us'.

I mean I only went to Stress to ask what I should do about it. I would talk to her about Grian and end up rambling on. Then I would look to him and see jealousy.

I sat on the floor in misery. What was I doing? I hadn't know Grian for that long and it was obvious he wasn't the romantic type. The man had just come out of a torture hospital for goodness sake.

I'm the madman for thinking I could be anything with him.

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