Chapter 11

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My hands weren't tied. My legs were free. I could move my wings. This wasn't the AHA. Where am I?

I opened my eyes to see I was in a nice room. It had a long white sofa and a big TV. There was a song playing in the background, I didn't know what it was but it was a good song. There was a big door on the wall behind me.

I was sitting on the couch and there was a sleeping X lying next to me. I opened my wings and winced at the pain. The bullet holes were patched up and had bandages on them. I heard the door open and whipped my head around in fear that it was someone come to hurt me or X.

It was a man in a wheelchair. He had a big scar going along his face from the top left, through his left eye, along his nose and mouth and stopped at the bottom right of his face, and what looked like a breathing tube that went from under his nose and into a canister that sat underneath the seat of the wheelchair. He wore a very smart white suit and tie. He wheeled himself into the room and around the sofa. His face was smiling but his eyes said something more. I couldn't tell what though. It seemed good though. I might trust this man.

"Hello there. Scar here. I just came to check in on you and your friend here. You took a nasty shot to your wings. Do you mind if I look at them for second?"
He didn't seem to be hostile but after years of practice I knew better than to just hand my wings over to strangers. He chuckled.
"So your not as dumb as Cub said. I told him you wouldn't be. Could you just extend them for me then?"
I did as he said but made sure to angle them so that I could bring them back in very quickly.
"No fluffy feathers. Your getting better. How is your friend now?"

Scar reached over and put his hands on X's helmet. I visibly flinched when he did so. He noticed this and slowed down his movements, steadily taking the helmet off and setting to the side. He ran a finger over the short horns on X's head and then his hand through his hair. Scar's eyes went crystal blue and his pupils shrunk to half their original size. I scooted back on the couch in fear. This mans eyes just changed colour. That wasn't normal.

I didn't even realise I had backed up so much they I was on the verge of falling off the sofa until Scar's eyes went back to dark green. He gasped and wheeled himself forwards to stabilise me. I jumped at his touch but let him help me.

Once I was properly seated again he wheeled himself back to where he was before and looked at X.
"He'll be awake in a few minutes. But for now I guess it's just us."
He took a deep breath and we fell into silence. The only noise was a faint humming coming from the canister and the same song playing quietly.

"Where am I?" My voice threw him off. Despite being in an unfamiliar place and scared out of my wits I managed to make my words clear and strong.

"Well your in Concorp, and I am one of the head leaders of our organisation. You may have heard of us from some of your friends." As Scar said the last word he gestured to X who, as if waiting for a queue, stirred in his sleeping state. "I, myself, am a Vex. Along with the co-leader Cub. But he is busy dealing with what we will do with you two."

X started to move and babble a little signifying he was waking up. Scar simply smiled as the warden lifted his head and held it in his hand.
"Hello?" I assumed he was trying to figure out who he was with, since he couldn't see where he was or what had happened to him.
"Hey,it's ok. We're safe." He seemed to relax at that and his muscles relaxed. Until he realised his helmet was off.

Scar leaned over to the helmet and gave it to Xisuma. He became more panicked.
"You heartbeat is over there. Who is the other person?" He pointed at me and then started to climb up the back of the sofa to get away from Scar. I stood up and jumped over the back of the sofa. Xisuma heard me and his head snapped to follow me.
"It's ok. He can't hurt us. Your ok. It's safe."
I put my hands on his shoulders and sat him back down.

"Im Scar, don't worry I'm not here to hurt you. I just wanted to see what kind of hybrid you were. A warden if I'm not mistaken." X was still on edge but less than before and he seemed ok being around Scar.

"Can we turn the music off please? It's messing with my head and I can't hear you properly."
Scar looked intrigued as he rolled over and hit stop on the stereo in the corner of the room. He wheeled himself back and started talking to X. I zoned out and started thinking about the others.

I hoped Mumbo was ok more than the others. I missed him. He would know what to do in this situation. He's so much more clever than me and would work out a clever plan, like he did to get me out of the AHA. Or maybe he would leave me here. Maybe I'm to reliant on him.

"Well thank you for allowing me to meet you two. I need to go and find out where you two will be staying until we can get you back out to the world."

Maybe Concorp isn't as bad as Stress made it out to be.

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