Chapter 17

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I slumped myself onto the old bed and lay back staring at the ceiling. There wasn't much in the room, a small TV with a tattered sofa looking at it, a double bed almost right behind the sofa against the wall, two bedside tables and a section of the room had been cut out with a bathroom in it.

The walls had been painted a light yellow that had turned into a horrible mix of the original colour and sun-bleached batches. The carpet at the door was spotted and full of holes from high heels, but only at the door. The rest of the carpet was scruffy and felt like a metal brush if you walked on it barefoot.

I frowned to myself. So much had gone wrong and gone right at the same time. The only person who had been with me the whole time was Mumbo. He had been with me when we escaped the AHA. He was there when I was meeting everyone and helped me not feel so nervous. He was ready to fight the men in hard hats at the house. He had come to rescue me from Concorp. He was paying for our staying at this scruffy hotel.

All of this happened so soon and I don't know what I feel for him. Back when I first came to the house I wondered if I had feelings for Mumbo.

My wings started to get sore so I rolled onto my side and they layout behind me.

Every time I'm with him I feel like I can be who I want to be with him. Everything we talk about just makes sense to each other. Am I really in love with him? I think I am...

I felt a tap on my leg and looked down to see Mumbo hanging over the edge of the sofa holding the TV remote. I clambered over the back of the sofa and plopped down onto the seat. Mumbo flicked through the channels and eventually settled on some soap opera. I wasn't watching though, I had zoned out and was thinking about X.

He must be so scared and alone. My mind started wandering to all the bad things that might be happening to him and I started fiddling with my fingers. Clicking them over and over again and clenching my hands over and over again until my knuckles went white.

Mumbo noticed and pulled me into a hug. I moved a little so I could fit comfortably and stopped thinking about X. The soap opera was boring but there was just enough drama to stop me from thinking about anything else.

Until Mumbo leaned down and placed a kiss on my head. My stomach felt weird and I turned my head to look at him. He was smiling at me so I smiled back.

He lay his head on top of mine and started playing with my hair. I turned my head back to the TV and ignored what he was doing. His hand walked down my face and landed underneath my chin. Mumbo turned my head back to his and lifted my chin so I was looking him in the eyes. His mouth was slightly open and my stomach felt weird again. But it was different.

Suddenly I felt lips being pushed against my own. My eyes went wide as Mumbo's closed. He pulled away and looked me in the eyes again. It felt...


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