Chapter 19

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My hair stuck to my face from the rain. I had been sitting with my back against the tree for so long. The sun had set long ago and the stars and moon were slowly crawling along the sky. My head was leant back against the tree looking up and my wings were dangling by side, drenched.

The sound of water hitting the ground had filled my ears I don't know how long ago. My hands were numb and I couldn't feel my toes. The cold had seeped its way into my body and it felt like I was part of the ground now.

I knew I had to move eventually but I didn't want to. I wanted to stay where I was forever. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I was so tired but I couldn't sleep. I wasn't thinking about either of them. Any of them. I doubt they'd be thinking of me.

"Hello?" The 'o' was dragged out and the person sounded lost. I ignored it and didn't think about it.

"I know someone is there." My body had stuck to the ground. I heard footsteps and felt a hand on my left-wing. I winced and instinctively whacked the hand to get it away. Doing so I opened my eyes to see where to hit and saw the person. It was X.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't see you." I stumbled to stand after hours of sitting and my legs were full of pins and needles. I grabbed hold of X for stability and he stepped backwards and shrugged my hands off. I fell against the tree and spluttered to talk in surprise.

"Y... you're alive? B... but you ran off. How are you here?" X's deep black eyes showed no emotion but his body language did. As soon as I started speaking he pulled me into a tight hug.

"Oh, Grian thank goodness. I thought I lost you." He let go and smiled at me before talking again, "Where's Mumbo?" My mood shifted completely and I rubbed my arm.

"He's uh... he's not here." Being unable to see how I reacted, X continued asking questions.

"Oh, so where is he?"

"I... Let's not talk about Mumbo. Please?"

He sighed and nodded his head. I didn't want to tell X what had happened. It was better if it stayed between me and Mumbo.

"So where are we going?" I hadn't thought of that. My idea was to sit in the forest and sulk.
"I'm not sure." I reached out to hold his arm and started walking. I wasn't sure where I was going but I didn't need a place.

"Why are you out here?" It was my turn to sigh. I didn't answer but kept walking with my head held lower than before.

"What happened? Grian you need to tell me. You won't answer any of my questions. You're oddly silent. Please tell me what's wrong." I couldn't argue with him. So I started talking.

X listened as we walked and didn't speak once. He let me vent and didn't judge me once. I could feel tears forming in my eyes and my words started to get more choked.

"...So I'm just not sure of anything anymore."

He nodded his head and stopped walking. This made me turn around and when I did he pulled me into a hug. My breath hitched and I squeezed him back. I needed that.

We stayed like that for a minute until I eventually let go. I didn't realise how much I needed to share my feelings until now. Not just to do with Mumbo, but everything. I rambled on about when I was younger and the torture we went through, the first move from the Home to another, how when I and Ren were ripped apart. I had been hiding my feelings for years and X didn't judge me for any of it.

I was so grateful to have him as a friend. I don't know what I would have done if he didn't show up.

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